
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Mar 22, 2019
    he 10 tracks that make up My Finest Work Yet feel even more present, more in the moment, while never sacrificing any musicianship. Paul Butler’s production makes a gorgeous chorus out of the potential cacophony of a roomful of instruments and voices. The arrangements are as precise as ever, the track order gradually revealing a narrative that includes wrongdoings, incitement, and action.
  2. Mar 25, 2019
    It may not garner the same kind of fond appreciation that fans have for The Mysterious Production of Eggs, or Break It Yourself, but this album is less a niche corner of the folk genre and more an illustrious banner for all to appreciate. In Bird’s vast canon of genre experimentation, there’s room for at least one big time indie-rock record--and this fills those shoes quite well.
  3. Apr 3, 2019
    These 10 songs are some of his most musically straightforward and accessible.
  4. Mar 29, 2019
    My Finest Work Yet an album that will immediately appeal to Andrew Bird’s long-term fans, and may well attract a few new ones as well.
  5. Mar 29, 2019
    It’s a piece of masterful craftsmanship tucked snugly into the singer-songwriter tradition, filled with country-soul ballads and grungy laments driven by jangly guitars, family band harmonies, rumbling pianos and cinematic string passages that should appeal broadly to fans of the genre without alienating his own die-hards.
  6. Mar 25, 2019
    Rather than issuing directives, Bird, like most of us, is struggling to figure out what to make of trying times without reducing himself to the level of the worst among us, and the process has helped him create an album that is likely to stay relevant and satisfying for a long time to come.
  7. Mar 25, 2019
    My Finest Work Yet is an elegant musical piece, enriched by stimulating messaging.
  8. Q Magazine
    Mar 20, 2019
    My Finest Work is definitely a high watermark, and one that deserves to reach a bigger audience. [May 2019, p.117]
  9. Mar 20, 2019
    Blending themes of politics and modern science into his fashion of storytelling, My Finest Work Yet is a true tour de force.
  10. Mar 25, 2019
    A pleasantly surprising return on My Finest Work Yet, his most plainly and darkly funny album in a long time.
  11. Apr 1, 2019
    My Finest Work Yet is a strong collection of music buoyed by Bird’s mastery as a musician, recognizable whistling melodies, and , thoughtful lyrics. He does get political and inevitably opens himself up to criticism for it, but he does so with a light touch that doesn’t overpower the songs. Even if listeners disagree with Bird’s views, they’ll still enjoy the music.
  12. Uncut
    Mar 21, 2019
    "Bellevue Bridge Club" lands somewhere between Van Morrison, Richie Havens and--if only thanks to his violin's drones--The Velvet Underground, while "Manifest" is like a sober Townes Van Zandt. [May 2019, p.24]
  13. 70
    Recorded live without headphones or separate tracks, the sound is intimate and conspiratorial. The perfect polish of a meticulously assembled recording is set aside in favour of a sense of the room and the musicians in it, united in their organic performances.
  14. Mojo
    Mar 20, 2019
    Rufus Wainwright-goes-to-grad-school lushness dominates, though, and despite Bird's Death Of Marat pose on the cover, My Finest Work is not quite revolutionary. [May 2019, p.93]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 31 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 31
  2. Negative: 1 out of 31
  1. Mar 22, 2019
    This album has all the earmarks of an Andrew Bird album. It has plenty of whistling, soaring melodies, both bowed and pizzicato violin. ItThis album has all the earmarks of an Andrew Bird album. It has plenty of whistling, soaring melodies, both bowed and pizzicato violin. It has words like weather, recalcitrant, abomination, taciturn, disaster, tendril. That being said, it has plenty of other textures that really make for an enjoyable listen.

    The piano seems to be much more present in this album than in recent albums. In some songs it is just as accents, but in others it really drives the songs forward.

    Andrew really had some fun sonically with “Fallorun” which leads to one of the catchiest songs on the album.

    Archipelago borrowed a melody off Down under the Hyperion Bridge off of his instrumental album “Echolocations: River”, but it is still definitely its own song.

    The beginning of Proxy War starts with piano and a violin though some kind of distortion pedal that sounds like a brass section and invokes a 70’s soul groove. It soon pivots into a song more recognizable as an upbeat Bird song.

    I know that Bird uses intentional distortion in many of his songs, but there were a few places on the album where I heard what sounds like unintentional clipping which distracted me, but it was only obvious when I was listening with headphones.

    I have heard interviews where Bird has said that this is not a political album, but more of a reflection of the political environment in which it was written. That being said some, people may be turned off if they consider it too much of a commentary. I personally am usually too caught up in the melodies to pay too much the word play.

    Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this album.
    Full Review »
  2. May 7, 2019
    This new record "My Finest Work Yet" finds Andrew Bird channeling his inner Father John Misty with catchy yet bitter songs about life andThis new record "My Finest Work Yet" finds Andrew Bird channeling his inner Father John Misty with catchy yet bitter songs about life and love. Fittingly, it is his finest work yet. Full Review »
  3. Apr 3, 2019
    My Finest Work Here, it was Andrew Bird's first album that I listened to, if it's his finest work here, I don't know. But this is one of theMy Finest Work Here, it was Andrew Bird's first album that I listened to, if it's his finest work here, I don't know. But this is one of the best albums released this year so far, I'm sure! Full Review »