• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Mar 27, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. He can focus on the serious, the sentimental, or the fun side of life when he needs to, but he does it all without seeming like he's forcing out a persona.
  2. The disc contains more than a few moments where Mims' quick, confident style recalls Jay-Z's mid-'90s blinged-out phase.
  3. These may be simple tales, but Mims' flow is a smooth Manhattan flow clearly influenced by the likes of New York greats like Jay-Z while still vocally unique enough to entice a listener to pay attention.
  4. Mims can’t carry a whole album, and Savior is long on quasi-Southern junk rhymes about Mims’ general excellence and panty-melting suaveness.
  5. Generic, yes, but that is no cause for complaint when the genre is so good.
  6. Vibe
    A tepid debut. [May 2007, p.121]
  7. Peel away the accessibility of his fluffy debut and there's nothing but major-label album fodder.
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 18 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 18
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 18
  3. Negative: 13 out of 18
  1. SimonB
    May 13, 2008
    I don't like Edwin C's cock-eyed argument that ressembles something like "God moves in mysterious ways". It seems everybody makes I don't like Edwin C's cock-eyed argument that ressembles something like "God moves in mysterious ways". It seems everybody makes that kind of argument when they realize they like something no one else does. MIMS makes nothing revolutionary. He recycles a tried technic which involves self-boasting and repeating DUMB catch-phrases during the chorus. Oh don't forget the slap samples, of course. Can't do a rap or hip hop album without those anymore. They're trendy. Avoid this album, unless you like to convince yourself what you listen to isn't trash because YOU like it and no one else does. If an album is trash, don't try to blame it on the trends, blame it on the artist that makes no effort to move away from a crowd of braindead poseurs who call themselves artists just because they can squeeze in words in a 4/4 track. Full Review »
  2. KB
    Nov 15, 2007
    Good cd that shows how versatile MIMS can be. A breath of fresh air in the stale rap game.
  3. EdwinC.
    May 20, 2007
    i love how the average rating for users is 1.2 and the critics is 6. something.. i think that tells you something about you idiots.. you guys i love how the average rating for users is 1.2 and the critics is 6. something.. i think that tells you something about you idiots.. you guys are HATING and probably NEVER EVEN LISTENED TO THE DISC.. yes, his rapping in "this is why i'm hot" was pointless, but it was meant to be a catchy, radio-friendly song that got people's attention.. sorry if it didn't go deep into your soul or make you cry... but the users who gave low ratings are probably ignorant, close-minded people who can't handle the fact that the rap genre has indeed taken over music anyways, for those of you who are considering actually LISTENING to the CD, it's not bad at all.. there are a few others radio-friendly songs, along with some deep songs... ofcourse there are some garbage songs too, but that is to be expected as hardly anybody out today can make an album with 12+ tracks with all of them being great. Full Review »