
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Mar 19, 2018
    It’s thoughtful, intelligent and considered music that’s not afraid of having a sense of humour.
  2. Mar 16, 2018
    Mr Dynamite combines something genuinely sinister with a sense of fun, and far from being a whimsical side project for its members, it can be regarded as a landmark release for all of them.
  3. 80
    The album asserts the great variety and malleability of electronic music, from the electro breakbeat of “Lime Ricky” and the languid offbeat groove of “Pink Squirrel” to the synthesised collage of “K Mart Johnny”.
  4. Q Magazine
    Mar 13, 2018
    Music as tense as Pink Squirrel and as Kraftwerky as Tokyo Metro comes together quite happily in the snarling Creep Show sound. [May 2018, p.107]
  5. Mar 2, 2018
    The dark, incendiary electronica of Mr Dynamite harking back to the anything-goes post-punk aesthetic of the late 70s. The work of Benge, Tuung’s Phil Winter, Cabaret Voltaire frontman Stephen Mallinder and everyone’s favourite mellifluous alt-crooner, John Grant, they ensure the record never stands still.
  6. Mar 2, 2018
    It’s in the contrasts between the overtly camp, the most extreme squelch, and the space afforded to the smoother jams that Mr Dynamite really excels. It’s a success because the vocals, possibly the most blatant things here, are not what remain buzzing in your head after repeated listens. More indelible is the mood, the ambience even.
  7. 70
    Mr. Dynamite's expansive instrumental interludes sometimes disrupt the pacing and punch of the record, defying coherence, but this never seems like anything less than deliberate mischief. It’s merely a performance of the group’s own self-discovery, proudly extending and flexing their new cyborg limbs.
  8. Mar 16, 2018
    Given its experimental origins, Mr. Dynamite is a little scattered, but Creep Show's sophisticated mischief is so entertaining that it's a pleasure to hear each unexpected turn they take.
  9. Uncut
    Mar 2, 2018
    Even if Mr. Dynamite sometimes feels like a light-hearted sideshow to more established musical careers, these moments of transcendence make the detour well worth while. [Apr 2018, p.32]
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 2
  2. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. May 15, 2018
    ____ "Mr. Dynamite" - is beautiful in its originality. Four musicians with deep knowledge in electronic music and experiencing a great love____ "Mr. Dynamite" - is beautiful in its originality. Four musicians with deep knowledge in electronic music and experiencing a great love for analog machines created an electronic spirit, ominously smiling and dancing to the rhythms of synthetic beats. A small theater of the absurd, consisting of 9 experimental compositions, in which such styles as: electropop, techno, funk and industrial were mixed with John Grant vocalizations or indistinguishable voices processed by the vocoder. All this conjures surreal images, balancing on the verge of fear and pleasure.
    ___ "Seductive Evil" are two words that fully characterize this musical debut from the Creep Show quartet.
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