• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Oct 23, 2001

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Q Magazine
    Even at their most acerbic or delicately downplayed extremes, Incubus are compelling. [#184, p.137]
  2. Their movement toward non-nooky maturity continues here with tunes like the melodic and soaring "Wish You Were Here" and the dramatic "Warning"--each showing a more reflective and poetic side than before.
  3. At times, these musical meanderings verge on self-indulgence and callowness.
  4. 70
    The group has begun to grow up a bit.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 92 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 85 out of 92
  2. Negative: 6 out of 92
  1. Feb 12, 2011
    definitely the best Incubus album to date, it has something for everyone every song on the album is a good one but Just a Phase is My favoritedefinitely the best Incubus album to date, it has something for everyone every song on the album is a good one but Just a Phase is My favorite song they've ever done Full Review »
  2. JeffM.
    Mar 10, 2008
    This CD comprises a little bit of every facet of rock from the hard rocking Under my Umbrella and Nice to Know You to the chill 11 am and Are This CD comprises a little bit of every facet of rock from the hard rocking Under my Umbrella and Nice to Know You to the chill 11 am and Are You In. Every song is good and this is by far their best overall album. Full Review »
  3. MaxN.
    Jun 22, 2007
    This is truly the peak of creativity for Incubus. It showcases the ability of each band member and the cohesive ability of the band as a This is truly the peak of creativity for Incubus. It showcases the ability of each band member and the cohesive ability of the band as a whole. From beginning to end this album is orchestrated flawlessly in a perfect crescendo of energy and thought. It finishes nicely with "Aqueous Transmission," bringing the overall energy of the album to a calm. This album follows the normal curve of listenability and sophistication. Full Review »