
Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Like The Coup's strangely simpatico latest album, Lif's frisky, humane Mo'Mega redefines what a political rap album can be.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    As usual, it's his more outraged political rhymes... that you'll replay. [30 Jun 2006, p.161]
  3. Uncut
    [El-P's] sinister, scarified industrial noise and beats bring a grimly thrilling dimension. [Jul 2006, p.102]
  4. The album's great achievement is that it melds the civic with the personal. Mo' Mega spans a bigger range in its eleven tracks than most albums twice its length.
  5. Spin
    His furious, frantic monotone dramatically collides with producer El-P's postindustrial beats. [Jul 2006, p.86]
  6. Alternative Press
    Pundits say there's too much hype for Def Junkies, but with records like this, there's good reason for it. [Aug 2006, p.224]
  7. Paste Magazine
    From its beats to its rhymes, Mo' Mega is a wholly solid release. [Aug 2006, p.96]
  8. None of these are musical or artistic epiphanies, but it's Lif's realization that his problems are commonplace that makes Mo' Mega more interesting than his other stuff.
  9. Despite it’s pitfalls, Mo' Mega has great entertainment value.
  10. El-P doesn’t ruin Mo’ Mega -- the title track’s beat is a colossus -- but those moments free of his fingerprints are also the album’s strongest.
  11. Urb
    Better than his debut. [Jun 2006, p.105]
  12. Mo' Mega keeps the bar set pretty high.
  13. He makes his tracks entertaining, but he occasionally falls prey to a common trap -- educating the listeners but not enlightening them.
  14. The Wire
    Probably his most accessible work to date. [#269, p.45]
  15. Q Magazine
    Luckily, Lif's mental agility and provocative rhymes are matched by the production skills of... El-P. [Jul 2006, p.115]
  16. Lif’s greatest strength remains his pissy paranoia.
  17. Blender
    A dazzlingly rhythmic junkyard. [Jun 2006, p.142]
  18. Far too often on Mo’ Mega he seems unsure of quite where he’s heading and, altogether, the LP fails to reach any sort of feeling of transcendence.
  19. The production bangs, and there are many references that'll appeal to readers of liberal non-fiction (Fast Food Nation, Chomsky, Al Gore), but some of the good Mr.'s thoughts on this future we live in are unconvincing.
  20. Lif's flow... sounds more detached and ambivalent than ever.
  21. Mo’ Mega starts off strong... But from [the middle] on out the songs lose focus.
  22. Seem[s] like a missed opportunity.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. HardcastleMcCormick
    Aug 25, 2006
    This is very underrated album. Many songs just rock very hard in that underground hip hop way. Could be longer...
  2. LouisP.
    Aug 1, 2006
    Mr. Lif may not be reaching for the political stars and inspiration of his previous album but "Mo' Mega" is my favorite kind of LP. This Mr. Lif may not be reaching for the political stars and inspiration of his previous album but "Mo' Mega" is my favorite kind of LP. This is a album that has been conceived not track-by- track but as a complete effort. EL-P shapes his production around Lif's insanely clever B-boy rhymes making "Mo' Mega" a joy for old school fans like myself. Full Review »
  3. JohnD
    Jul 24, 2006
    If this album didn't have the lyrics in the liner notes, I probably would have played this album once and then forgotten about it; If this album didn't have the lyrics in the liner notes, I probably would have played this album once and then forgotten about it; El-P's beats are that ill-fitting (not bad, but Lif doesn't sound comfortable on them). Full Review »