
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Mar 20, 2017
    WHY?’s brand of excess ought to be not abandoned, but embraced.
  2. Mar 8, 2017
    This is not an artist probing some existentialist crisis, but an artist who has reconciled mortality with the act of living and getting on with it.
  3. Mar 2, 2017
    Moh Lhean sounds a little more mature, but only relatively speaking. The project remains a creative burst of sounds, grooves, and stylized observation that's uniquely refreshing to those open to its quirky complexity.
  4. Mar 1, 2017
    Moh Lhean is a stellar album that serves as a portrait of the artist as a not-quite-so-young man who's still finding weird new ways to pose age-old questions.
  5. 80
    It’s a thought-out piece of work; a collection of collaborating and competing daubs of colour across a blank canvas; a flock of sounds moving together as one, for one simple reason alone: to bring you joy.
  6. Mar 1, 2017
    Keys and pianos prove especially important as seen on John Lennon-esque finale The Barely Blur making WHY?'s latest a dreamier affair, easy and pleasurable enough to get lost in.
  7. Mar 7, 2017
    Artistic restraint is a new concept for WHY? and it’s understandable if Moh Lhean as a whole feels slightly tentative at points.
  8. Mar 3, 2017
    Moh Lhean sounds just as complete as any other WHY? record. This album is the mark of a man who knows where he is in life.
  9. Mar 6, 2017
    For not being as sly or humorous as his past work, Moh Lhean recalls the confident one-two punch of Alopecia and Eskimo Snow, and is just as likely to impact the listeners who felt a special connection to his writing then, nearly a decade ago.
  10. 70
    WHY? remains an ever-changing experiment. Moh Lhean pays off for the patient listener.
  11. Uncut
    Mar 1, 2017
    Recording at home, [lends] Moh Llean its rougher edge. [Apr 2017, p.40]
  12. Mar 1, 2017
    Why?'s fifth record seems more of a sure-footing; a reminder that this band that at one point was so exciting, is still able to surprise and move you even a decade on from their crowning achievement.
  13. Mojo
    Mar 21, 2017
    Occasionally infuriating when great ideas are cast aside indiscriminately, Wolf's vision remains undimmed. [May 2017, p.92]
  14. Mar 3, 2017
    For better or for worse though, Moh Lhean mostly moves to the beat of its own, strangely laid-back drums. It just would have been nice to have a little more variation buried within those meditative vibes.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 2 out of 11
  1. Mar 3, 2017
    'Moh Lhean' is WHY?'s latest album and its very good. After a long hiatus this new album is a welcome addition to the impressive catalog they'Moh Lhean' is WHY?'s latest album and its very good. After a long hiatus this new album is a welcome addition to the impressive catalog they have cultivated over the years. Full Review »