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Universal acclaim- based on 166 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 9 out of 166

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  1. Megallah
    Jan 25, 2005
    this is a shame, that all these new fans of doom are so impressed. surely this is a younger crowd. he is capable of so much more than this. i worked at subverse when doom was still there from the doomsday re-release and if you had any idea what level of talent you were dealing with you would see what a sad showing this project is for doom, and how it reveals that he's just making this is a shame, that all these new fans of doom are so impressed. surely this is a younger crowd. he is capable of so much more than this. i worked at subverse when doom was still there from the doomsday re-release and if you had any idea what level of talent you were dealing with you would see what a sad showing this project is for doom, and how it reveals that he's just making money off the kiddies. recycled beats, only almost top notch rhymes, too much filler. in my humble opinion, his best work was the original viktor. that project was the true essence of doom. not shouldering weak guests (vv2), trying to have friends shine who don't deserve a mic (geedorah), putting together lackluster beats bordering on hysterically bad (food, many of the herbs series). doomsday was a beautiful foray into his mind, and vaudeville took it to the next level. this is a lazy, half ass effort with good timing for the college crowd who needs to feel down with the 'underground', a phenomenon that died back in the late 90's. Expand
  2. HugoM
    Apr 17, 2005
    Mecha Godzilla is partly right, there's mopre to doom then hard 2 follow beats. Thoug i feel dumile's right. Lots of microwaveable leftovers on this album. Im only 15, im a pretty new MF DOOM fan, i heard both VV2 and madvillain, and I feel MF DOOM could have done a lot better. One of the problems I think, is MF DOOMS vocals not blending in with the beat. It looked like two Mecha Godzilla is partly right, there's mopre to doom then hard 2 follow beats. Thoug i feel dumile's right. Lots of microwaveable leftovers on this album. Im only 15, im a pretty new MF DOOM fan, i heard both VV2 and madvillain, and I feel MF DOOM could have done a lot better. One of the problems I think, is MF DOOMS vocals not blending in with the beat. It looked like two records were playing at the same time, especially for mr fantastiks flow. Anyway, i hope MF will notice his fans beahavior regarding the album. Untill then, remember all caps when you spell the mans name. PS, i hope hes gonna release a non istrumental version of the album. Expand
  3. ToddS
    Nov 17, 2004
    Unfortunately this album just didn't live up to my expectations. I was disappointed to hear that some of the beats were recycled from his special herbs projects. There were also too many instrumentals. I bought the album to hear Doom flow, if I wanted to hear instrumentals, I would have bought his special herbs cds. MM...Food is not a bad album, I just think Doom is capable of bigger Unfortunately this album just didn't live up to my expectations. I was disappointed to hear that some of the beats were recycled from his special herbs projects. There were also too many instrumentals. I bought the album to hear Doom flow, if I wanted to hear instrumentals, I would have bought his special herbs cds. MM...Food is not a bad album, I just think Doom is capable of bigger and better things. Expand

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 22
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 22
  3. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. If Mm..Food? feels merely good or somewhat inconsequential, it's because it is that way by design.
  2. In the end, most of the songs on MM..Food? are of typical Doom quality (for the uninitiated, that means â??excellentâ?), but the album is severely bogged down both by a few duds and by a trio of interludes in the middle of the album.
  3. Half of the fun with Dumile has always been the unexpected, ridiculous sampling and the storyline he develops around it. MMâ?¦Food seems unable to capture this element. Doom manages to drop a few great songs, but as an album, MMâ?¦Food falls flat.