
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Nov 21, 2017
    Depending on where you fall on a scale from one to hardcore fan, this creates either a masterful, cohesive soundscape--or a monotonous departure from the frenzied, fuzzed-out energy of Dwyer’s most well-known songs.
  2. Nov 17, 2017
    Delicate, enchanting, and altogether intangible, Memory Of A Cut Off Head is a venture into the unexpected.
  3. Nov 16, 2017
    This album is a trippy, spooky delight.
  4. Mojo
    Nov 13, 2017
    Te brushed drums, vintage electronics and hushed vocals on Memory Of a Cut Off Head play like they were recorded in a bunker under siege. [Dec 2017, p.94]
  5. Uncut
    Nov 13, 2017
    A surprising mutation, for anyone familiar with Dwyer at full-tilt, but Memory Of A Cut Off Head proves his magic straddles genres. [Dec 2017, p.30]
  6. Magnet
    Dec 22, 2017
    It's a mesmerizing and haunting labyrinth filled with morbid storytelling, hurdling tempos and rhythms that would perfectly soundtrack a meaningful coastal or cross-country road trip. [No. 149, p.61]
  7. Nov 17, 2017
    Few albums in the Oh Sees catalogue are as emotionally intimate as Memory Of A Cut Off Head.
  8. Nov 17, 2017
    Although Memory Of A Cut Off Head might benefit from some more garage-rock grit and aggression here and there, its manicured tranquility leaves a lasting impression.
  9. 70
    As a stand-alone album, it’s a trip. Where it fits in Dwyer’s canon is another kettle of bananas entirely.
  10. 70
    For the most part, a palpable sense of uncertainty permeates the lower-key proceedings, with the eerie strings of the title track proving a winsome kick down the rabbit hole into a place populated by unease and confusion.
  11. Nov 27, 2017
    His signature restlessness tends to enhance the Oh Sees’ concussion-inducing material; for the past 10+ years, it’s sometimes seemed like the faster Thee Oh Sees produce, the harder they hit. The approach doesn’t work such wonders here.
  12. Nov 14, 2017
    While an intriguing return to Dwyer's roots and to Dawson's charming voice, Memory of a Cut Off Head is a typically strange experience from OCS and one which might not translate to newer fans of the band looking for their trademark psyche-punk sound.
  13. Nov 13, 2017
    Way more folk-ridden than Orc’s hysterical prog racket, this one’s soaked in acoustic guitars, lush strings, early-Bowie eccentricity and singing saws.
  14. Q Magazine
    Nov 13, 2017
    Memory reverts to his early-noughties down-tempo incarnation as OCS, which only illuminates his frailties as a singer/lyricist. [Dec 2017, p.109]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Nov 22, 2017
    OCS The Oh Sees Thee Oh Sees Oh Sees call it what you want ...... This band is truly amazing
    ................ John Dwyer is
    OCS The Oh Sees Thee Oh Sees Oh Sees call it what you want ...... This band is truly amazing
    ................ John Dwyer is the real deal ..... A true RockStar
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