• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Jun 16, 2017
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Universal acclaim- based on 4504 Ratings

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  1. Jul 21, 2017
    This album is pure art. Lorde did an amazing job in Melodrama. Everything in it is very different and unique. One of my favourites albums from this year so far.
  2. Jun 24, 2017
    Lorde's sophomore album showcases her magnificent lyricism, artistic development, and idiosyncratic production. Every track is astounding and not a total disappointment. Melodrama is surely going to be included in the 2017 accolades.
  3. Jun 16, 2017
    inanilmaz bir albüm
    dort yil boyunca beklememize degen bir album oldu gelecek album icin cok heyecanliyim. pure heroine esintileri var demisti fakat ben o hissi almadim, cok sira dişi bir album bravo.
  4. Jun 19, 2017
    Com apenas 20 anos, Lorde conseguiu magistralmente depois de longos 4 anos entregar um álbum coeso e sem erros, talvez posso arriscar dizer que é um álbum "perfeito". Com certeza, o melhor lançamento do ano até agora.
  5. Jul 15, 2017
    This is an album that the Lorde knew how to dare easily, some songs have the facility to have a perfect finish, but others lack a finish that is very important, as is the case of Sober. Intelligent music that deserves more quality.
  6. Jul 16, 2017
    Masterful Album, didn't expect anything less from this true artisit, an artist that stands out from other generic pop artist out today. Well done Ella.
  7. Jul 18, 2017
    great album........................................................................................................................................................................
  8. Jul 21, 2017
    This is one of the best albums I have heard this year. Lorde has a very good ability to showcase emotions, and this is a very personal and sad album. It does have its low moments, like on Perfect Places, but its a great album nevertheless.
  9. Jul 21, 2017
    Such an amazing album it is. I love how she creates such artistic songs in the album. This album is definitely 10-worthy. I love it so much. Totally would recommend it.
  10. Jul 21, 2017
    An amazing work, with great sounds and a nice atmosphere only Lorde can create. After 4 years she came back and it was worth he wait. I really recommend it.
  11. Jul 24, 2017
    A truly masterpiece, everything on the right place and all the songs tells a story, full of deep feelings put on a way that everyone can identify themselves. Melodrama is a proof that release records every year is not necessary, the best way is take a breath and let the inspiration happen.
  12. Jul 25, 2017
    Can lust for life fans stop attacking the melodrama score and melodrama fans stop attacking lust for life? This is a complete waste of time and it's very petty. If you're going to cheat, at least use it to build up an album you like, not destroy one just because it supposed to be your competition.

    Please stop making multiple accounts and rating zero on these albums, and this goes both
    Can lust for life fans stop attacking the melodrama score and melodrama fans stop attacking lust for life? This is a complete waste of time and it's very petty. If you're going to cheat, at least use it to build up an album you like, not destroy one just because it supposed to be your competition.

    Please stop making multiple accounts and rating zero on these albums, and this goes both ways. If anything, at least use your cheating to build the albums up. Stop this stupid war/feud thing, it's just music.
  13. Jul 25, 2017
    de lo mejor que escuche este año! sos joven, talentosa, no hagas caso a comentarios negativos! aca estamos para hacerte el aguante siempre. te amamos!!
  14. Jul 25, 2017
    perfect album i like it perfect album i like it perfect album i like it perfect album i like it perfect album i like it perfect album i like it perfect album i like it
  15. Jul 25, 2017
    This in an excellent album. Its different from every generic album out there. If you want to listen to a meaningful album, listen to this. Oh, and you might start crying too.
  16. Jul 25, 2017
    Our Lorde & Saviour is back to grace humanity once again with the release of her sophomore effort, Melodrama. On Pure Heroine, it's about teenage experiences and moments. This time, Melodrama is about what's next and more about HER. While in 2016, our girl went through a breakup which she truly expresses on here with songs like Green Light. the first single. This song is quite theOur Lorde & Saviour is back to grace humanity once again with the release of her sophomore effort, Melodrama. On Pure Heroine, it's about teenage experiences and moments. This time, Melodrama is about what's next and more about HER. While in 2016, our girl went through a breakup which she truly expresses on here with songs like Green Light. the first single. This song is quite the departure from her debut, but it's exquisitely amazing, lyrics are incredible. Expand
  17. Jul 25, 2017
    At first I didn´t like Lorde, but I gave an opportunity to 'Melodrama', and boy did I take the right decision! Marvelous instrumental, beautiful voice, lyrics, concept... Is there anything this album doesn´t have?
  18. Jul 25, 2017
    The most well arranged and meaningful album this year, possibly only second to DAMN. I love Lorde and her work. Hope she wins all the accolades she deserves this year.
  19. Jul 26, 2017
    I'm obsessed with this album exactly.Everyone should listen Melodrama! Lorde is the future of music. Such an incredible work. Every title, every tune and every song is magical and too meaningful for me.
  20. Apr 9, 2021
    One of the best albums I have ever listened too can’t wait to see what she might do in L3
  21. Jun 16, 2017
    The album is so overrated. But I can still see the album winning several Grammys in the next year's Academy Awards - the judges just love these types of music.
  22. Jun 19, 2017
    I'm honestly baffled at the acclaim this album is getting. Now, I certainly don't dislike it, but I also don't really like it either. It's just meh, pretty much. One thing I will say is that even though I think Pure Heroine was a superior album, I'm glad that Lorde went in a different direction with Melodrama. She took some risks and it shows a more mature side of her, which I guess is aI'm honestly baffled at the acclaim this album is getting. Now, I certainly don't dislike it, but I also don't really like it either. It's just meh, pretty much. One thing I will say is that even though I think Pure Heroine was a superior album, I'm glad that Lorde went in a different direction with Melodrama. She took some risks and it shows a more mature side of her, which I guess is a good thing. Now here's my track-by-track breakdown:

    1. Green Light - One of the better songs on the album. My only issue is that it starts the album on such an upbeat note, and none of the other songs really match its energy.
    2. Sober - A pretty understated and actually good song. It's got a nice beat and laid-back quality about it.
    3. Homemade Dynamite - Also a pretty decent song.
    4. The Louvre - Probably my favorite song on the album. The hook is very memorable and the chorus is almost like an anti-chorus. I like it.
    5. Liability - Alright, so everything up until this point has been fine, so why the lukewarm review? Well, here's where it starts going downhill. I know people love this song because the lyrics are actually quite good, but the music is just so basic and boring to me. Skip.
    6. Hard Feelings/Loveless - Two songs in one, and both sound like super generic pop songs.
    7. Sober II (Melodrama) - A nice enough melody. This song is alright.
    8. Writer In The Dark - Probably my least favorite song on the album. It sounds very Kate Bush-esque, which normally would be a good thing, but not in this case. It sounds old-fashioned, the melody isn’t interesting, and it’s just annoying to listen to.
    9. Supercut - There are some nice touches to this song, but just like track 6, it sounds like any other pop song. Not my cup of tea.
    10. Liability (Reprise) - Why an 11 track album needs a reprise is beyond me. This is just too boring and slow for my taste.
    11. Perfect Places - Finally we end on a good note. I actually think this is a fun, sort of bittersweet song.

    So there you have it. There are some good songs and some not-so-good songs. I’m glad Lorde decided to take a risk, but there are some interesting choices and my overall impression is that this is a sort of unsatisfying album. If there were some truly standout songs like on Pure Heroine I probably would have bumped this up to a 6 or 7.
  23. Jul 25, 2017
    Lorde безусловно легенда и богиня музыкальной индустрии, в свои 20 лет эта потрясающая девушка добилась больше, чем некоторые сомнительные лица за всю карьеру, а свой первый хит она написала в 13 лет. Никто не делает музыку качественнее, чем Lorde. Этот супер-талант заслуживает ещё большего признания в мире музыки. Мелодрама - это произведение искусства, в котором каждая песня - шедевр.Lorde безусловно легенда и богиня музыкальной индустрии, в свои 20 лет эта потрясающая девушка добилась больше, чем некоторые сомнительные лица за всю карьеру, а свой первый хит она написала в 13 лет. Никто не делает музыку качественнее, чем Lorde. Этот супер-талант заслуживает ещё большего признания в мире музыки. Мелодрама - это произведение искусства, в котором каждая песня - шедевр.
    10 из 10
  24. Jun 16, 2017
    A phenomenal album that perfectly frames the life of the average young adult. Melodrama tells a tale of love, loss and self-care in such a refreshing and contemporary way that undoubtedly resonate for years to come.
  25. Jul 8, 2017
    Green Light: 10/10
    Sober 7/10
    Homemade Dynamite 8/10
    The Louvre 6/10
    Liability 9/10
    Hard Feelings/Loveless 5/10
    Sober II (Melodrama) 6/10
    Write In the Dark 8/10
    Supercut 7/10
    Perfect Places 7/10

    Nota Geral: 6,5
  26. Jun 17, 2017
    Lorde is bak and stronger than ever with such masterpiece. This kind of Pop is pure, new and fresh to everyone. She putted a lot of effort on the song writing and the production for this album.
  27. Jul 25, 2017
  28. Jul 24, 2017
    Incredible album from start to finish. I've been loving Pure Heroine since it came out in 2013 but I actually love this album even more. Outstanding lyrics, vocals and production. I feel that just like Pure Heroine I'll be listening to this album for years to come and still enjoying it just as much.
  29. Jul 24, 2017
    La transición de supercut a liability reprise es una de los momentos mas maravillosos de este album. Tiene canciones para bailar, y otras para relajarte, por lo que podes escucharlo en cualquier momento! las letras tan personales lo hacen magnifico. ninguna otra persona que no fuera ella podria cantarlo. sin duda mejoro muchisimo, y para bien!
  30. Jul 25, 2017
    A very good album, Lord surprised me as much as the other critics love the new sounds, their lyrics and above all their voice that shows that it has improved a lot with the passage of the years, the wait for a new album and the Wait for this one had a great success.

Universal acclaim - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 32
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 32
  3. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. 80
    There are no gimmicks. There’s nothing screaming for acceptance. Melodrama is a raw, real album under its sparkly clean production. One written for the masses but able to resonate with each individual listener.
  2. Q Magazine
    Jul 6, 2017
    Lorde's biggest achievement is retaining her emotional insight into herself and her generation despite her utterly transformed life. [Aug 2017, p.100]
  3. Jul 6, 2017
    Still only 20 years old, Lorde could have been forgiven for floundering under the weight of expectation. Instead she’s reasserted her status as today’s ultimate alt-pop artist with a record that balances the contemporary with the classic in typically immaculate style.