• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Jan 19, 2018
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 185 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 49 out of 185
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  1. Jan 30, 2018
    While Fall Out Boy's latest record boasts a couple solid songs (Wilson in particular, in my opinion), it does not even come close to standing up to its previous release. While it's to be expected to have at least a few mediocre songs in every album you come across, it gets tiresome to find that the majority of this bite-sized album is just that. None of the singles really seem to have anyWhile Fall Out Boy's latest record boasts a couple solid songs (Wilson in particular, in my opinion), it does not even come close to standing up to its previous release. While it's to be expected to have at least a few mediocre songs in every album you come across, it gets tiresome to find that the majority of this bite-sized album is just that. None of the singles really seem to have any set direction, and the electro-tinged pop that they flirt with do not mesh well with FOB's staple pop-punk sound. Panic! At The Disco's latest record also includes a much more refined EDM-pop sound when compared to what they produced in their earlier days. However, P!ATD says true to frontman Brendon Urie's charismatic style and tone, whereas Fall Out Boy seems to have sacrificed the band's heart and soul to experiment in musical styles, and ended up producing an album that is certainly bold, but that is of sub-par quality. As someone who genuinely loves a lot of FOB's work, I am very disappointed that they've produced this cheap imitation of themselves. Expand
  2. Jan 26, 2018
    It's mindblowing how time can show us how there will always be people (or 12 year old girls in this case, I guess) who can defend the indefensible. It's OKAY to dislike something from your favourite band, I swear it's not a sin, girls.
  3. Mar 1, 2018
    mania by fall out boy is very good. i have been a fan of fall out boy for about 2 years and have been waiting for a new album by them. i was very happy by this album. quite a few of the songs were like the original fall out boy (ex. stay frosty royal milk tea). but some song were very different (ex. sunshine riptide) (i didn't really like that one). i love fall out boy and i hope theymania by fall out boy is very good. i have been a fan of fall out boy for about 2 years and have been waiting for a new album by them. i was very happy by this album. quite a few of the songs were like the original fall out boy (ex. stay frosty royal milk tea). but some song were very different (ex. sunshine riptide) (i didn't really like that one). i love fall out boy and i hope they come out with more new music soon. Expand
  4. Jan 22, 2018
    boring & the same as the last 3 records. They show no signs of evolution. It´s sad for a band with such a potential.
  5. Feb 16, 2018
    Fall Out Boy is fighting to stay relevant while at the same time never stepping beyond their own predictability. The opening track is garbage and it sets the tone for the record. The remainder of the album sees the artist hunting violently for a song and a genre that works while never settling on anything. Jumping genres and stepping outside of them is certainly an admirable thing, andFall Out Boy is fighting to stay relevant while at the same time never stepping beyond their own predictability. The opening track is garbage and it sets the tone for the record. The remainder of the album sees the artist hunting violently for a song and a genre that works while never settling on anything. Jumping genres and stepping outside of them is certainly an admirable thing, and artists like the Gorillaz have done it wonderfully. Fall Out Boy does not create a coherent product, however, and the greatest crime of this record is its inconsistency. Their time is done, this album and any future ones will likely see the band flailing into obscurity. Expand
  6. Feb 23, 2018
    From the cringeworthy lyrical content to the weak hooks and over the top production this is really nothing to waste your time on. Genuinely, some of these songs sound like a glorified theme song from the pokemon anime, and not in a good way (see "Champion".)
  7. Feb 27, 2018
    i'm not the biggest fan of Fall out boy. Not at all. I get the appeal, but the music is just bland emo. However a goal of mine in 2018 was, to listen to some new music and thought: 'Hey, why not give Fall out Boys new album a try?' I found out why. Before i'm gonna talk about the negatives, I gotta give Fall out Boy credit. They did try something new and it felt like they gave it theiri'm not the biggest fan of Fall out boy. Not at all. I get the appeal, but the music is just bland emo. However a goal of mine in 2018 was, to listen to some new music and thought: 'Hey, why not give Fall out Boys new album a try?' I found out why. Before i'm gonna talk about the negatives, I gotta give Fall out Boy credit. They did try something new and it felt like they gave it their all. There are some decent songs on here. Stay Frosty Royal Milk tea and Hold me tight or don't are fine pop songs. Unfortenately it didn't work out. The songs don't feel like a connected whole and just feel like some sort of weird mash of dumb lyrics and overproduced instrument. A good chunk of the album has some questionable lyrics. Young and Menace starts out fine, but then shifts into the chorus. It tries to say a lot, but says nothing at all. Riptide Sunside is attempting to say something deep, but takes this hippy and happy aproach. Church is this overly cheesy song about love and just feels dumb. If the lyrics aren't awful, they just transform into bland forgetable pop mixes with trap. Ironically this album is like a mania to listen to. It takes and leaves you at random places through the album. It tries electro disco and then trap and goes to rock again. It's just an uneasy and unlikable mix genres.

    Overall consensus: At it's best, Mania delivers some emo-ready dance-pop songs. At it's worst, the unlikable mixes of genres just make it an uneasy experience
  8. May 3, 2018
    This made me shed an emo tear, fall out boy was one of the the bands that made me love rock music and now they are making radio-ready pop music that is over produced(especially on young and menace) and you can barely hear Andy Hurley's drums or any real instruments for that matter.I just wish they would go back to the way they were before they went on a hiatus, going back to makingThis made me shed an emo tear, fall out boy was one of the the bands that made me love rock music and now they are making radio-ready pop music that is over produced(especially on young and menace) and you can barely hear Andy Hurley's drums or any real instruments for that matter.I just wish they would go back to the way they were before they went on a hiatus, going back to making nostalgic pop punk songs that defined a generation.Maybe they will realize the mistakes with mania and make the next album a rock album. Expand
  9. Jul 14, 2018
    Album is corny and just a mess. Cheesy lyrics and it feels like the band is trying way too hard to fit in with today's pop music (which is filled with trap and hip hop so why even try to bring a sound like they brought in the album). Feels way too commercial which takes away from the enjoyment of this LP. It's bad.
  10. Nov 17, 2018
    Fall Out Boy, ¿te puedo hacer una pregunta?.
    ¿Que diablos es esta aberración?.
    ¿Donde puedo empezar?
    Me puedes explicar porque diablos usaste estos generos de EDM y Rock electrónico. Esta bueno para que te sangre los oidos con este aborto.
    Espero que la proxima no saques algo así de nuevo.
  11. Aug 25, 2022
    Fall Out Boy is fighting to stay relevant while at the same time never stepping beyond their own predictability.
  12. Jun 27, 2020
    This album is far from the "fresh start" that Pete Wentz claimed the album to be. Most of the lyrics are cheap echos of Infinity on High paired with overstuffed, over produced, pop music. And when they aren't they are the most simplified, unoriginal, and uninspiring lyrics paired with music that that is literally just a bastardized version of American Beauty/American Psycho. The onlyThis album is far from the "fresh start" that Pete Wentz claimed the album to be. Most of the lyrics are cheap echos of Infinity on High paired with overstuffed, over produced, pop music. And when they aren't they are the most simplified, unoriginal, and uninspiring lyrics paired with music that that is literally just a bastardized version of American Beauty/American Psycho. The only sufferable songs are Church, Sunshine Riptide, and Heavens Gate, but just barely. There are maybe like three themes that reoccur in almost every song and the rest is formulaic dribble. As a lifelong fall out boy fan I am thoroughly disappointed the direction the band seems to be taking. I yearn for the days when Fall Out Boy's poetic lyrics would grab you by the throat and not let go, paired with the epitome of pop punk grunge rock n roll. They were truly the voice of a generation at one point, but now that that era is fading will the world still have a place for Fall Out Boy? Expand
  13. Sep 7, 2020
    Me lo escuche en 2018 y me gustó mucho, pero me lo volví a escuchar y parece una fusión de las peores canciones de chainsmokers y ed sheeran.
  14. Aug 6, 2023
    This album is an absolute modern pop atrocity, that's all I can say...........

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Mar 30, 2018
    Any mania in MANIA is limited to the lyrics, while the band’s music is even-tempered and hardly given to extremes.
  2. Feb 15, 2018
    All this feverish digital desperation makes the already clamorous M A N I A feel positively cacophonic: it may only be 39 minutes but it's one long ride.
  3. Kerrang!
    Jan 24, 2018
    They're strutting along a tightrope without a downward glance here. [27 Jan 2018, p.50]