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Mandatory Enjoyment Image

Universal acclaim - based on 5 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Record Label: Trouble in Mind
  • Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Dream Pop, Experimental Rock, Noise Pop, Shoegaze
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Nov 18, 2021
    Despite the songs’ substantial vigor, they don’t build to obvious climaxes, and their intros and outros are often abrupt. The twists and turns that occur within the thick of things are where songs really take off, as elements elegantly alternate between the foreground and background. The album features some of their most endearing and memorable vocal moments yet.
  2. Nov 18, 2021
    Mandatory Enjoyment is much more than a dusty museum piece, and while Dummy may be proudly retro, like their heroes Stereolab they make their love of the past sound brand new and exciting.
  3. Nov 18, 2021
    It’s full of sharp edges and rough noises, but it’s also kind of like a pillow. How do they do both things at once? That’s a mystery, one that makes for one of the best rock records of 2021.
  4. Nov 29, 2021
    Mandatory Enjoyment may not break new ground, but if someone doesn’t continue to traverse this ground, there’s a danger of it sealing over. And that would be an unconscionable loss for avant-garde and pop music alike, especially when acts such as Dummy unify the two with such adroitness.
  5. Nov 18, 2021
    In less capable hands, music so meticulously researched and constructed could sound like pure mimicry. Instead, Dummy have transcended their influences and crafted their own record collector gem.