
Generally favorable reviews - based on 40 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 40
  2. Negative: 0 out of 40
  1. Made in the Dark is a great album, varied and surprisingly heartfelt.
  2. Hot Chip boldly expand and louden up their sound significantly here, while admirably retaining full command of the forms they've already mastered.
  3. This is evidence of a group that has really come into their own and while they were at it, refined their skills. It’s to the point that I feel this album is head and shoulders above any of their erstwhile releases.
  4. Alternative Press
    Dark is one of the first great records of 2008. [Mar 2008, p.146]
  5. But what makes Made In the Dark their best album to date is how great the ballads are, a trick no mere techno act was supposed to master.
  6. Filter
    Dark isn't a huge departure from the previous record, and it doesn't mark some major step in Hot Chip's evolution either. But there's something to be said for holding your liquor, keeping momentum, and showing the world that this whole ride is as wicked-fun as you thought it would be. [Winter 2008, p.92]
  7. 80
    As a listener, it’s equally hard not to feel the love. With Hot Chip, it now feels like the right time to commit.
  8. In almost every respect, Made In The Dark is an immaculately poised record, the poptronica super geeks at last striking the perfect balance between head and heart.
  9. Made is at once more adventurous and more accessible, with a greater respect for straightforward(ish) pop.
  10. Perhaps Made in the Dark's greatest achievement is to keep back a bit of mystery for itself above and beyond the enveloping sense of destiny fulfilled.
  11. 'Wrestlers' epitomizes what makes this quintet the sharpest dance rockers this side of their pals LCD Soundsystem: catchy tunes, monster grooves, and lyrics resolving the heartfelt and the smartass.
  12. Urb
    Hot Chip hasve always guaranteed a certain degree of respect for the listener's intelligence, even on their most fance floor ready album yet. [Jan/Feb 2008, p.102]
  13. On Made in the Dark, Hot Chip has stopped trying so hard to integrate the dance and bedroom sounds it loves, instead segregating them to eliminate the compromises of the ?rst two albums.
  14. This is the same pop-wise Hot Chip, only wilier and with a more dastardly sonic arsenal.
  15. 80
    This is some serious whimsy. [Feb 2008, p.92]
  16. They're still a quirky band, no doubt, but now they're using those quirks to make their most accomplished album to date.
  17. Made in the Dark announces its intent early: it's straight electro, with a naked disdain for the minor key.
  18. 80
    Even as they cherry-pick from seemingly incongruous sources (deep house, hard rock, smooth R&B), there’s a newfound decisiveness, a move toward heavier beats, meatier grooves and warmer sentiments.
  19. Vibe
    They grab hold of genres long stuck in straitjackets and, if only for a few minutes a pop, let them run amok. [Mar 2008, p.99]
  20. This album stands out because of its stadium-worthy aspirations.
  21. Q Magazine
    For the most part, Made In The Dark pulses with an unusual intelligence and creative bravery. [Mar 2008, p.101]
  22. On its third album, the Londoners struggle a bit to escape the cold climate of the digital domain, but the band does manage to get the molecules agitated.
  23. From the unguarded yelps and wiggling drums that mark its first track, Made In The Dark sounds more forceful and lithe than anything in Hot Chip's past.
  24. At their best--during the disc’s torch-lit forays inward, the piano-ballad title track and the forlorn 'We’re Looking for a Lot of Love'--Hot Chip get serious, delving into the up-late tangles and riddles of the 21st-century heart.
  25. Made In The Dark must rank as something of a missed opportunity, but as a bigger, bolder (if overlong) follow-up to a deservedly popular second album, they’ve succeeded admirably.
  26. Whilst this isn't the album many may have expected, it should match their hopes in a different and, ultimately, fulfilling way.
  27. Though it may hardly win over detractors, there's not much of Made in the Dark that can be lambasted as puckish or precious.
  28. Good record but not a great one.
  29. They're very much of their time--friendly indie kids from the Go! Team to Hot Hot Heat are cheerily dabbling in dance music nowadays--and much better than most of those peers.
  30. Amid such hi-octane dancefloor tracks such as this, current single 'Ready For The Floor' is, in context, pedestrian--its uncomfortable resemblance to Russ Abbot's 'Atmosphere' becoming more apparent with every listen.
  31. Hot Chip sound like such a broad swath of pop music on this album that you can’t quite call them out for biting any single obnoxious influence too much, even when they do get so hyperactive it’s annoying.
  32. So Hot Chip have built a very admirable sound. What confuses the issue with Made in the Dark is that it presents so many glaring kinks that still need working out.
  33. Entertainment Weekly
    Hot Chip's signature balmy synths and daydream-dizzy vocals are still body-moving, but less heart-stirring. [8 Feb 2008, p.68]
  34. Under The Radar
    At times, the sheer busyness of the album’s songs prevents the listener from becoming fully immersed. [Winter 2008, p.82]
  35. Mojo
    They wear their ideas on their sleeves, certainly, but under all the layers, a heartbeat is sometimes hard to find. [Feb 2008, p.104]
  36. There is merely a niggling sense that certain songs could be better.
  37. Discombobulated and downright clunky, Made In The Dark is a bit of a step back for Hot Chip.
  38. There’re a lot of fumbles here unfortunately, a couple tepid ballads, a lot of irritating goon-hop, and a couple songs that go on for far too long (though most of those fall under one of the former categories.) However, the band impress again on ‘Touch too Much’, possibly the album’s best track.
  39. The Wire
    Their focused, cleverly crafted pop fiffs are impressive, for a time.... But by the fifth track, things start to go wrong. [Mar 2008, p.48]
  40. There is nothing here but a band very awkwardly trying to have a good time, and that’s the kind of party you always leave early.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 41
  2. Negative: 1 out of 41
  1. NeilL
    Mar 16, 2009
    It is interesting to me that one reviewer below calls "Wrestlers" the weakest, most self-conscious song on the album while the very next It is interesting to me that one reviewer below calls "Wrestlers" the weakest, most self-conscious song on the album while the very next review proclaims that it is one of the best on the album. Just goes to show that one should mainly ignore critics, or find one who has views close to one's own, and thus articulate one's own reasons for liking or disliking an album or artist. Full Review »
  2. AidanK
    May 10, 2008
    Overall a good record, 'ready for the floor' and 'one pure thought' are the definatley the stand out trackls which is Overall a good record, 'ready for the floor' and 'one pure thought' are the definatley the stand out trackls which is irritating because they are both singles. The more mellow tracks are boring quite frankly and spoil the album. Full Review »
  3. JasonW
    Apr 19, 2008
    While this record is not as good as Warning, there is still plenty to be pleased about. Songs like Wrestlers for example, the lyrics could While this record is not as good as Warning, there is still plenty to be pleased about. Songs like Wrestlers for example, the lyrics could have been written by a 10 year old wrestling fanatic but at the same time it fits and when the piano comes in it changes everything. It's a perfect mesh of beauty and adolescence. Of course there are stand out tracks that hit you right away like ready for the floor, shake a fist, wrestlers, and looking for alot of love but then there are others that grow on you the more you listen like hold on, dont dance, and one pure thought. Made in the Dark is no Warning but then again Hot Chip may never top that. If your are a fan of Hot Chip and there style you will have no problem with this album. Full Review »