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  1. Jun 14, 2019
    Madonna's music wasn't the same since "Music", Madonna made some BAD MISTAKES in many of her most recent albums(American Life, MDNA, Rebel Heart and Hard Candy), when she announced "Madame X", I was expecting some concept album, like her best albums, when I ended listening to the album, I was REALLY surprised with the work as a whole!!! "Madame X" is her best album since "Confessions OnMadonna's music wasn't the same since "Music", Madonna made some BAD MISTAKES in many of her most recent albums(American Life, MDNA, Rebel Heart and Hard Candy), when she announced "Madame X", I was expecting some concept album, like her best albums, when I ended listening to the album, I was REALLY surprised with the work as a whole!!! "Madame X" is her best album since "Confessions On The Dance Floor"(not counting American Life), Madonna made it with her most original concept in MANY DECADES!!, The Latin America/African music/concept helps not just her career, but MANY artist careers, if the album peak in the #1 position in the Billboard 200, it could start a HUGE REVOLUTION in pop music!! Madonna made the right movement at the right time!! Expand
  2. Jun 17, 2019
    Her best album in twenty years. The production and vocals are richly layered, and the album’s vision—a world-music polemic that imagines a freer, fairer world—is her most compelling since Like a Prayer. Standout tracks: “God Control,” “Crave,” “Come Alive,” “I Don’t Search, I Find.”
  3. Jun 14, 2019
    It is very interesting to see an artist who has been in the music scene for a long time to be able to reinvent herself. The album is full of strange and thought-provoking tracks and usually delivers a new Madonna face that we have not seen yet.
  4. Jun 17, 2019
    Amazing how Madonna continues to push the boundaries of pop. In a time when every song on the radio sounds the same, Madonna manages to bring something new and fresh and innovative. This album deserves absolute recognition for its creative approach and fresh sound.
  5. Sep 9, 2020
    Madame X not only amply rewards such close listening, but its daring embrace of the world outside the U.S. underscores how Madonna has been an advocate and ally for left-of-mainstream sounds and ideas throughout her career.
  6. Jun 18, 2019
    Amazing. Crazy is my favourite. I love the Portuguese influences all over this album. Funana shouldn't have been relegated to bonus track status!
  7. Jun 18, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is the kind of album I've been expected from Madonna. So different from everything has been done. Highlight for: 'Dark Ballet', so weird and interesting at the same time; 'God Control', whose lyrics and the 70's vibes sounds so fresh; 'Future', one of the best dancing track and with a powerful message; 'Batuka', the most experimental song from Madonna so far; 'Crave'; 'Crazy', perfect ballads; 'Faz Gostoso', one of the best track in this masterpiece with brazillian rhythm; 'I Don't Search I Find', so retro and still so fresh and; 'Looking For Mercy', so beauiful and deep; 'I Rise', a necessary anthem nowadays. Madonna is back and she still relevant after all this time and she still has some to say and to give, in this case: f**king good music. Expand
  8. Jun 17, 2019
    Her best album since Confessions on a Dancefloor. in Madame X, Madonna keeps not being afraid of trying the new.
  9. Jan 27, 2020
    Madonna has brought a pop that is of the past, but it fit the current pop. That's a surprising detail, she took every inch of the world and saw something amazing she got along with all the parts. The album is certainly one of her best.
  10. Jun 21, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is so fantastic and magic. Maybe this is the best of the century Expand
  11. Jul 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is a magic album where Madonna combines tropical sounds, for me her best album since Confession on the Dance Floor (2005) Expand
  12. Jun 14, 2019
    Madonna se reinventa de nuevo y nos muestra toda esa musica unica que solo ella puede hacer.
  13. Jun 18, 2019
    Madonna está especialmente em seu 14° álbum. Ela trás novamente uma inovação e sem medo (oque já é de se esperar da Queen of Pop). Feats. bons, ótima qualidade, porém em alguns aspectos deixa a desejar se tratando de Madonna.
  14. Jun 15, 2019
  15. Jun 14, 2019
    Tal vez no sea su mejor trabajo, pero si si el mejor de sus últimas producciones
  16. Jun 15, 2019
    Madonna once again unleashes the roaring phoenix in her with "Madame X." She subliminally shades each and everyone of us while at the same time, reminds us to unite, love and live out the best life. As she is the queen of reinvention, she somehow finds herself mixing in international vibes and influences perfectly in a modern day production. Heavy messages in songs like "God Control,"Madonna once again unleashes the roaring phoenix in her with "Madame X." She subliminally shades each and everyone of us while at the same time, reminds us to unite, love and live out the best life. As she is the queen of reinvention, she somehow finds herself mixing in international vibes and influences perfectly in a modern day production. Heavy messages in songs like "God Control," "Future," and "Killers Who Are Partying" are balanced with fun, upbeat and thumping songs like "Medillin," "Faz Gostoso," and **** I'm Loca." Madonna has once again proved to us that at 60, she can still be the ultimate creamy smooth pop icon goddess she is known to be, constantly relaying a message to make this world a better place for the new generation to settle in without danger, harm or fear.

    God save the queen.
  17. Jun 3, 2020
    This album is a wreck. Latino collaborations, disco, Portuguese fados... not cohesive at all. There are some good songs but this album should have been shorter.
  18. BGV
    Jun 24, 2019
    The most experimental yet underrated Madonna album since “Music” and “American Life”.
  19. Jun 24, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. So many fillers mg...this has to be her worst album in centuries....what in God's name is this Expand
  20. Aug 31, 2019
    This is the most brilliant album of 2019. Experimental, multicultural and personal.
    And one of the best albums by Madonna
  21. Jun 16, 2019
    Madame X is one of her best albums of all time... she has such a variation of types of songs in this album and continues to make unique music. The songs are catchy and infectious. She incorporates strong messages at the same time as not allowing it to distract from the song in God Control and the controversial Killers Who Are Partying. A great album. PERIODT!
  22. Jun 20, 2019
    Its okay! I like the fact that she is not following current trends to a t. But this album seems sonically all over the place, not cohesive and her voice does not sound good with all the effects...
  23. Jun 14, 2019
    I'm a madonna fan but i should confess i wasn't expecting a masterpiece. Madame X is a brand new Madonna that rejoin all of her lovers again. She's the most powerful artist ever ❤️
  24. Aug 24, 2022
    Tired,cringe and pointlessly overblown. Madame X is a beyond terrible pop latin record that in repect to Madonna's legacy,should've been shelved.
  25. Jun 18, 2019
    É praticamente um hino atrás do outro. As músicas celebram a vida e o recomeço, onde Madonna consegue dar a volta por cima e mostrar que seu título de percussora ainda está vivo e nunca morrerá. E podem anotar: EXISTIRÃO MUITOS OUTROS ÁLBUNS COMO “MADAME X”!
    Blog Saga Das Músicas
    Os únicos pontos onde eu notei que precisavam de uma melhoria são o tratamento da voz, pois seus vocais, em
    É praticamente um hino atrás do outro. As músicas celebram a vida e o recomeço, onde Madonna consegue dar a volta por cima e mostrar que seu título de percussora ainda está vivo e nunca morrerá. E podem anotar: EXISTIRÃO MUITOS OUTROS ÁLBUNS COMO “MADAME X”!
    Blog Saga Das Músicas
    Os únicos pontos onde eu notei que precisavam de uma melhoria são o tratamento da voz, pois seus vocais, em grande maioria, soam muito robóticos. Os refrões também são muito repetitivos, e isso aumenta o tempo das músicas, que poderiam ter em média uns 3 minutos cada, mas há faixas com 6 minutos só de refrão.
  26. Aug 3, 2019
    While not vocally the best, the album does indeed make several statements and is effective in fusing global sounds with Madonna's baseline sound.

    Top tracks: "Dark Ballet" is a definite highlight with its invocation of Joan of Arc, the fact that life can be painful, the culture's obsession with fame and the wrong things, and that the storm is within us, and we have to do something
    While not vocally the best, the album does indeed make several statements and is effective in fusing global sounds with Madonna's baseline sound.

    Top tracks:

    "Dark Ballet" is a definite highlight with its invocation of Joan of Arc, the fact that life can be painful, the culture's obsession with fame and the wrong things, and that the storm is within us, and we have to do something about it.

    "God Control" points out the loss of respect for our nation, the lack of opportunities, the fact that we need more that what we have been given in terms of reform.

    "Crave" is about the addiction to love and the dangers that can happen because of it.

    Other good songs: "Crazy," "Come Alive," and "Extreme Occident."
  27. Jun 16, 2019
    After two disastrous attempts in this decade, the queen of pop seems to be able to rebuild and make a cohesive album full of identity artifices that made her reach the peak that today is
  28. Sep 4, 2019
    Mistura ritmos legais e traz uma sonoridade diferente pra Madonna. “God Control” e “Faz Gostoso” donas do álbum!!!
  29. Jun 15, 2019
    So fresh, so good, so **** Madonna. Crazy, Come Alive, God Control, I Don't Search I Find are just masterpieces.
  30. Jun 17, 2019
    Amazing album! Certamente é um dos melhores álbuns pop desta década! Está altura de um grammy!
  31. Jun 14, 2019
    I am going to say my honest opinion on the album Madame x . First before i say my opinion on the album i just listen many times and also i got to be in the mood too . AT first i was hating the album i thought omg terrible but after listing few times i must say i do like it a lot , It's different from the others album . Brilliant album , very interesting sound different .
  32. Jun 17, 2019
    Uns dos melhores álbuns de Madonna. Irreverente, moderno. Bem diferente do cenários pop atual.
  33. Jun 18, 2019
    I love this album, i love the mix of sounds and experiences that it has. It's freak, bizarre and its the best thing of the album. Also: the intelligence of this woman pointed on the lines beetwen the lyrics, its a plus to be considered. Only she can do this and made it perfectly!
  34. Jun 16, 2019
    This is a masterpiece. Art, reinvention, fresh, power lyrics, political, queen of pop
  35. Jun 15, 2019
    It's been a long time since Madonna really did show us an exquisite and interesting album. Madame X came to prove once again why she is the queen of pop and how age is not a issue for creativy. By the way, it sounds great Madonna speaking Portuguese, very sexy!
  36. Jun 17, 2019
    A great experimental album, unlike anything you've heard before. She challenged herself singing in Portuguese and Spanish.
  37. Jun 14, 2019
    Madame X é o álbum mais experimental de Madonna em anos. Embora haja momentos em que a artista se perde em seu experimentalismo, quando acerta, ela entrega aqueles que estão entre os momentos mais interessantes de sua carreira.
  38. Jun 16, 2019
    Thoughtful, edgy and bold. Very international album. Really impressed with the amount of work put in this album. A+ for lyrics and production.
  39. Jul 25, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this Album is a Masterpiece , very sensorial and experimental . Madonna show one more time why she is a queen of pop , 61 years old and push it the music to another level , Madame x is one of the Albums of the year , no doubt Expand
  40. Jun 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is madonna to the best, love to hear the whole no skip songs, top songs God control and i dont search i find Expand
  41. Jun 22, 2019
    THAT'S ART!!!! **** ART!!!! QUEEN BLESSED US AGAIN!!!!!!!! EVERY **** SONG IS A DIFFERENT STORY!!!! Y'all have to listen.
  42. Jun 16, 2019
    Madame X is not Madonna playing it safe after four years away. Instead, she takes risks, some of which pay off brilliantly. While it may baffle some and not be so commercially-friendly as some predecessors, Madonna has been here before. Hands up, those who remember American Life in 2003 which mixed the mainstream, even her Bond theme “Die Another Day,” with daring concepts that wereMadame X is not Madonna playing it safe after four years away. Instead, she takes risks, some of which pay off brilliantly. While it may baffle some and not be so commercially-friendly as some predecessors, Madonna has been here before. Hands up, those who remember American Life in 2003 which mixed the mainstream, even her Bond theme “Die Another Day,” with daring concepts that were perplexing to some and misunderstood by others. Expand
  43. Jun 16, 2019
    Madame x é incrível, é bom sentir que ela continua dando o melhor de si sempre para seus fãs. Extreme Occident e Looking for Mercy que músicas maravilhosas
  44. Jun 14, 2019
    Mesmo com muita expectativa sobre mais um álbum da Rainha do Pop, nunca imaginaria que conseguiria ser ainda melhor do que qualquer previsão mais otimista. God Control, Crazy, Looking for Mercy, **** I'm Loca, Faz Gostoso e I Don't Search I Find estão entre minhas favoritas além dos singles, todos cumprindo seu papel, cada um diferente ao seu modo. E isso tudo formando uma unidade, umMesmo com muita expectativa sobre mais um álbum da Rainha do Pop, nunca imaginaria que conseguiria ser ainda melhor do que qualquer previsão mais otimista. God Control, Crazy, Looking for Mercy, **** I'm Loca, Faz Gostoso e I Don't Search I Find estão entre minhas favoritas além dos singles, todos cumprindo seu papel, cada um diferente ao seu modo. E isso tudo formando uma unidade, um álbum com um mix enorme de possibilidades. É brilhante, vibrante e emocionante em diversos momentos. Dessa vez, irrepreensível álbum, audível do início ao fim! Expand
  45. Jun 17, 2019
    the best album of the year and since her confessions album. it's an amazing journey of eclectic assorted music. the queen of pop has come through!
  46. Jun 14, 2019
    It's a beautiful and particular album. its sounds, the bases and the instruments used make it a perfect album.
  47. Jun 14, 2019
    simplemente espectacular, Madonna demostrando a sus 60 años que aun puede ser exitosa, me sorprende lo experimental y los nuevos ritmos que a implementado, es innovador e podría ser transcendental, su mejor álbum en años.
  48. Jun 14, 2019
    Simplesmente Maravilhoso , Madonna sendo artista como sempre Rainha do pop te amo.
  49. Jun 14, 2019
    Madame X é uma nova obra prima da Madonna. O disco traz mistura de culturas e uma produção incrivelmente bem feita. É notável as varias nuances nas músicas, cada ouvida há uma percepção diferente. Um dos pontos altos do álbum é quando ela canta em português, mostrando mais uma vez o poder de reinvenção que ela possui.
  50. Jun 14, 2019
    Most people say: Madonna is shooting everywhere! Hey, she just made an album for her fans, if she's looking for new markets? Surely, what entrepreneur does not have clear goals of expanding business? The album sounds strange and engaging, reminding us of their ages as Ray of Light, Music and Confessions on dance floor. God Control is the strangest and most frantic dance track we'll hearMost people say: Madonna is shooting everywhere! Hey, she just made an album for her fans, if she's looking for new markets? Surely, what entrepreneur does not have clear goals of expanding business? The album sounds strange and engaging, reminding us of their ages as Ray of Light, Music and Confessions on dance floor. God Control is the strangest and most frantic dance track we'll hear this decade. Expand
  51. Jun 14, 2019
    Album corajoso de Madonna, desde Ray of Light , ele tem farofas como as com maluma, mas tem otimas musicas como good control e faz gostosos e i rise, e batuka e maravilhosa
  52. Jun 14, 2019
    Her most creative and experimental album since Confessions. Not sure if it is ridiculous or genius...I'm thinking it's genius!
  53. Jun 14, 2019
    Critics are very true when they say that Madame X is her best album since Confessions! You can definitely tell she was heavily influenced with Latin culture, in which adds that extra spice to the record as a whole! From the drums in Batuka to the 90’s groovy tone in I Don’t Search I Find, this album has quite a diverse range for whatever mood you’re in. Minus minor lackluster moments, youCritics are very true when they say that Madame X is her best album since Confessions! You can definitely tell she was heavily influenced with Latin culture, in which adds that extra spice to the record as a whole! From the drums in Batuka to the 90’s groovy tone in I Don’t Search I Find, this album has quite a diverse range for whatever mood you’re in. Minus minor lackluster moments, you can definitely tell Madonna put her whole heart into making this masterpiece! Expand
  54. Jun 14, 2019
    One of the best albums that Madonna has managed to do since Confessions On A Dance Floor, each song is perfect from beginning to end.
  55. Jun 14, 2019
    Feels unique, risky and fresh! Madame X is a work of art, one of her best albuns
  56. Jun 14, 2019
    Best album from the confessions on a dancefloor
    Authentic and vibrant! Madonna proves once again her talent (not that she needs it) as a singer and songwriter!
  57. Jun 14, 2019
    The whole album was amazing the variety of the songs and the lyrics are so beautiful Easy one of her bests
  58. Jun 14, 2019
    Madonna respira mais uma vez , diferente dos ultimos anos ela consegui se reinventar comp ninguem. Desta vez entrega um trabalho de produção, composição e inspiração impecavel. No auge de sua vida, Madonna não se acomoda e prioriza entregar um trabalho inovador. E quando ja pensávamos que nada mais pudesse ser inovado por ela, a mesma nos entrega o Madame x e faixas como Dark Ballet,Madonna respira mais uma vez , diferente dos ultimos anos ela consegui se reinventar comp ninguem. Desta vez entrega um trabalho de produção, composição e inspiração impecavel. No auge de sua vida, Madonna não se acomoda e prioriza entregar um trabalho inovador. E quando ja pensávamos que nada mais pudesse ser inovado por ela, a mesma nos entrega o Madame x e faixas como Dark Ballet, Crazy e God control. Madonna nunca é a mesma, nunca foi. Nunca sera! Esse é o diferencial Expand
  59. Jun 14, 2019
    What a journey! this is The Album, Madonna shows creativity and powerfull sounds. Brilliant album.
  60. Jun 14, 2019
    Pure art. Queen of reinvention. The mix of diferents cultures is a masterpiece.
  61. Jun 14, 2019
    Experimental pop meets world music. Madame X is BRILLIANT. God Control, Crazy, I don't search I find and Looking For Mercy the best tracks. Her best album since Confessions.
  62. Jun 14, 2019
    Amazing effort from Madonna. It is weird, bizarre, innovative, experimental. A mix of pop and world music. The lyrics are sometimes a bit forced but otherwise they are in phase with today's society. They're political, they're poetic. Brilliant Madonna album. Her best in years, perhaps since Confessions, maybe since Music. It feels new from her. It's something she's never done before.
  63. Jun 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um albúm maravilhoso um presente para os fãs e pessoas que gostam de uma boa música e qualidade Expand
  64. Jun 14, 2019
    Once again the UNDISPUTED QUEEN OF POP MUSIC AND MEDIA RELATIONS has absolutely delivered an album that’s fresh, interesting, at moments bizarre, cohesive, powerful, and plain out ridiculous FUN. I’ve never been more proud to stand behind her and side my side other True Blue fans supporting her and elevating her and showing everyone that tries to denounce her or down play her recordOnce again the UNDISPUTED QUEEN OF POP MUSIC AND MEDIA RELATIONS has absolutely delivered an album that’s fresh, interesting, at moments bizarre, cohesive, powerful, and plain out ridiculous FUN. I’ve never been more proud to stand behind her and side my side other True Blue fans supporting her and elevating her and showing everyone that tries to denounce her or down play her record breaking importance to history that #MadameX is BRILLIANT and will stand alongside some of her most important works as EPIC and RELEVANT. Love her or hate her the fact remains that YOU CANNOT DISMISS HER BECAUSE SHE WONT ALLOW IT. Also take note EVERYONE OVERLY CONCERNED with the number 60 ... seriously seek mental help. Men are NEVER blasted over age you’ll not see “George Clooney 55” or however old he is but EVERY FEMALE over 40 that’s the whole focus. Take heed and be aware 60 years old NUMBER 1 in 58 countries #facts #MadameXHasNoTimeForIgnorance Expand
  65. Jun 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Her best since "Confessions"!!!!!!. Absolutely great! Love it!!!!!!!! The Queen is back! Expand
  66. Jun 14, 2019
    Hands down my favorite album of Madonna since Confessions On A Dancefloor. Madame X brings matureness and a brand new atmosphere. The album is a masterpiece. It is definitely a gift that she is giving to those who enjoy good music. Tens across the board. It is a pleasant trip through history and culture.
  67. Jun 14, 2019
    It´s impressive how Madonna have the pop touch... she is bold to create this album, so unique and rich on melodies and lyrics. Dance tracks, latin-oriented songs, Brazilian funk, african beats... but most of all.. great pop songs. A masterpiece of Pop.
  68. Jun 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the best madonna's album in years, pure global art. madonna did madame x perfectly since confessions on a dance floor. Expand
  69. Jun 14, 2019
    Increíble. Innovador. Fresco.
    Después de varios discos donde nos dejó con muchas ganas, por fin saca uno en donde nos tiene ansiosos por escuchar que tiene la canción que sigue.
  70. Jun 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I say without any difficulty that this album fits the definition of masterpiece, from beginning to end it causes shivers and emotions, not only for its sonority, but also for its strong and liberating lyrics, Madonna being Madonna, I am a proud fan. Expand
  71. Jun 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. She did it again. Went through new sounds and mixed them with pure pop, more than anybody could do and better than we all thought. Madame X goes from voguing songs to Brazilian funk, Latin beats and cultural sounds, taking you to a new experience. It's good to see good music being released, these days. Expand
  72. Jun 14, 2019
    I loved MADAMEX, lyrics and melodies, very strong and supermoderno.Há long time I do not hear a carnival of sounds and feel what I felt.There are sweet moments also that comfort my soul.I adored by the courage and surprises.Amei !!!
  73. Jun 14, 2019
    Madonna's new work is flawless! Her best album since "Confessions on a dance floor". A risky and innovative record that only a singer who does not depend on market approval can produce. Causal and assertive lyrics that make an X-ray of the present world. A crazy musicality and unlike anything! Album difficult to digest at first audition and that turns into instant passion.

    O novo
    Madonna's new work is flawless! Her best album since "Confessions on a dance floor". A risky and innovative record that only a singer who does not depend on market approval can produce. Causal and assertive lyrics that make an X-ray of the present world. A crazy musicality and unlike anything! Album difficult to digest at first audition and that turns into instant passion.

    O novo trabalho de Madonna é impecável! Seu melhor álbum desde “Confessions on a dance floor”. Um registro arriscado e inovador que só uma cantora que não depende da aprovação do mercado pode produzir. Letras causticas e assertivas que fazem um raio X do mundo atual. Uma musicalidade louca e diferente de tudo! Álbum difícil de digerir na primeira audição e que se transforma em paixão instantânea.
  74. Jun 14, 2019
    Undoubtedly the best album of the year. Simply one of her best in her long career. We have everything we were in need in the world of music: we have dancing moments, we have moments to be aware of problems that are never being solved, we have solutions to them, we have LOVe in all possible forms being shared, we have happiness, we have sadness, we have culture miscellaneous, we have strongUndoubtedly the best album of the year. Simply one of her best in her long career. We have everything we were in need in the world of music: we have dancing moments, we have moments to be aware of problems that are never being solved, we have solutions to them, we have LOVe in all possible forms being shared, we have happiness, we have sadness, we have culture miscellaneous, we have strong features, one of them is the Brazilian Anitta... What else could we expect from her? Madonna has reached redemption once again with this masterpiece!!! Expand
  75. Jun 14, 2019
    I Love This, um álbum bem diferente cheio de conceito com ótimas participações
  76. Jun 14, 2019
    Awesome álbum, the Best since Confessions on a dancefloor, bravo Madonna.

    All people is dancing with Madame X, you did it again, the whole World is a dancefloor.
  77. Jun 14, 2019
    Madame X shows, undoubtedly, that Madonna isn’t afraid of re-inventing herself. Despite the ageism cast upon her from haters, she is bold enough to release an album filled with new sounds and beats from Latin America as well as Portuguese-speaking countries. Let us all take her pill and dive into Madame X’s Multi-personae-musical world.
  78. Jun 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Madonna delivers her best album since Confessions. A personal and political record, uniting the faces of Madonna with new sounds. Madge shows us once again what reinvention is. Expand
  79. Jun 15, 2019
    Álbum perfeito, experiência multicultural e experimental, colocando Madonna de volta a posição de ditadora de tendências.
  80. Jun 14, 2019
    Um álbum completamente diferente de tudo que ela já fez. Obrigada Madonna por essa obra de arte!
  81. Jun 14, 2019
    While everybody is doing something ephemeral madonna is working again on sending a message to the world, showing musical characteristics so little known until now. The album has it all, emotional songs like Killers Who Are Partying also catchy songs like Crazy, the ultimate hymn God Control and I rise and of course the delicious beat of Faz Gostoso with Anitta.
  82. Jun 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Incrível! Deu pra entender tudo que Madonna vinha falando sobre o álbum, está tudo ali. Ela finalmente entregou um álbum de verdade para os fãs, quando digo isso, falo em coesão, qualidade e novidade. Mesmo as apostas mais comerciais, que assustaram inicialmente, se encaixam bem no álbum. Não há dúvidas, o melhor álbum desde o Confessions. Adorei a influência portuguesa, latina e eletrônica. Tudo se encaixou, sem se perder. Talvez o álbum mais multicultural da sua carreira. Ponto para Madonn eu que sou fã só agradeço. Expand
  83. Jun 14, 2019
    I had low expectations when I heard Medellín, Future and Crave but the reality is that this album is si cohesive and mature. It’s amazing how Madonna mixed sounds from her past works such as Erotica, Like a Prayer, Ray of Light or the self-titled album but at the same time has innovated with new portuguese/latin sounds. Once again, the Queen of Pop is back
  84. Jun 14, 2019
    Easily her best work since ‘Confessions On A Dance Floor’ and so different to anything else she has ever done and so different to everything else in the charts today. Every song is phenomenal and different whilst managing to remain cohesive throughout.
  85. Jun 14, 2019
    An excellent and wild ride through the mind of a world traveling Madonna who is concerned about the state of the world.
  86. Jun 17, 2019
    This album is good and iconic album,but this album have some "massy" track.

    My best track:
    Extreme Occident
    Faz Gostoso
    Looking For Mercy
    I Rise
  87. Jun 14, 2019
    The best album ever by the queen of pop. great piece of art, has any other artist used Indian instrument Tabela in pop song ? Excellent, long live the Queen
  88. Jun 14, 2019
    Madonna se arriscou, e fez um álbum impecável, fez jus ao conceito de Madame X, ela juntou vários generos músicas, estilos, culturas diferentes, as músicas ficaram maravilhosas, sem dúvidas é o álbum do ano sim, obrigado por tudo Madonna!
  89. Jun 14, 2019
    Madame X é um álbum ousado, um dos melhores materiais lançados esse ano. Um álbum completo e com mensagens ótimas, músicas dançantes e conceituadas. "God Control" não é uma música qualquer e sim uma experiência, até agora não sei como descrever o que senti escutando.
  90. Jun 19, 2019
    Definitely the best album by Madonna in a long time. Extremely cohesive, diverse, sensational. The songs go between the experimental and the pop, the bizarre and the normal, and yet everything fits creating a unique atmosphere to the listener. The lyrics are deep, well built! Even the songs that resemble sonorities that Madonna has experienced in the past do not sound like a mereDefinitely the best album by Madonna in a long time. Extremely cohesive, diverse, sensational. The songs go between the experimental and the pop, the bizarre and the normal, and yet everything fits creating a unique atmosphere to the listener. The lyrics are deep, well built! Even the songs that resemble sonorities that Madonna has experienced in the past do not sound like a mere repetition of what she has already done, but they bring a whole new and current sound. It's an album worth hearing and suitable for any lover of good music! Expand
  91. Jun 14, 2019
    The entire musical was so beautiful. Its experimental, exciting and emotional. The album is truly is a World Music album.
  92. Jun 14, 2019
    Madonna is well-known for her reinventions, and for most cases she has pulled it off quite successfully. When she began to take on her latest image a couple of months ago, I suspected that her latest persona, Madame X--"a secret agent who changes personalities"--was crafted to allow her to wade through the vast waters of the current soundscape and target the diverse tastes of theMadonna is well-known for her reinventions, and for most cases she has pulled it off quite successfully. When she began to take on her latest image a couple of months ago, I suspected that her latest persona, Madame X--"a secret agent who changes personalities"--was crafted to allow her to wade through the vast waters of the current soundscape and target the diverse tastes of the millennial generation. The impression I got is that of an artist who can't decide on a central theme for her next project, so why not do a little bit of everything? The result is the sonically interesting yet incoherent Madame X the album. There's no question that it's an eclectically inspired collection; but as with all new releases from musicians, we've all grown to look for that common thread (whether musical or thematic), the artist's heart and soul if I may, holding the collection together. To be honest, I'm having difficulty seeing past the socially, politically, ideologically bait-y Madame X persona and finding the essence of Madonna in this album. But then again, b*tch she's Madonna, and maybe her brand is all about change, not conformance to singular aesthetic or musical expectations of her fans. In that aspect, I appreciate her staying true to her image in this new album era. Having said that, Madame X the album--with its insane amounts of autotune and oft-random and bizaare musical construction-wins no first listen love from me. Perhaps a few more proverbial (at least until my vinyl preorder arrives) spins will win me over. Expand
  93. Jun 14, 2019
    This is a masterpiece in the pop music! Brilliant, experimental, bold! Her best album since confessions on a dance floor. God Control is 5 stars!
  94. Jun 14, 2019
    La leyenda, diosa reina y monarca del pop vuelve a hacerse enigma en toda la industria con semejante obra de arte. ARTAME X es el álbum del milenio. Gracias por tanto leyendonna
  95. Jun 14, 2019
    This album is an absolute work of art! All the waiting was SO worth it. She really put her heart into this... and every other album she's ever done.
  96. Jun 14, 2019
    It's magical! Beats are incredible. Fado, soul, African beat... Songs are flying. Long live the Queen.
  97. Apr 16, 2020
    After three consecutive failures with her past albums, Madame X is a new hope for Madonna's legacy with iconic songs like God Control and showing us a new skill with songs in portuguese like Faz Gostoso and Crazy.
  98. Jun 14, 2019
    Best one since Confessions on a Dance floor - Madonna just being Madonna - brilliant !
  99. Jun 14, 2019
    An intriguing, dark and fascinating journey through all these Madonna's Madame X personas. The most cohesive, experimental and deepest Madonna's album since Confessions on a Dance Floor.
  100. Jun 14, 2019
    This album it’s just amazing, different rhythms of the world in the same album! I love it!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Mojo
    Jun 25, 2019
    The pace plods on some mid-tempo tracks, but overall this is a personal, politically-charged mix of dark thoughts and good vibes. [Aug 2019, p.88]
  2. Jun 21, 2019
    Overall, Madonna’s fourteenth album Madame X feels as if Mirwais had mostly completed a decent run-of-the-mill modern pop record, albeit with a cool hotch-potch global feel; hip nods in place to fado, dub and other micro-genres dunked amongst the trap and retro disco. But then just before sign-off, Herself went through the top-lines with a sharpie. ... None of these carefully curated flourishes feel as if they truly live inside the ‘whole’ of this music. Instead it all feels plonked on top of a template.
  3. Jun 19, 2019
    Madonna has created this music for an audience of one: Herself. Often it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.