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  1. Jun 17, 2019
    Probably the best album she's done in the last decade ... amazing, crazy, and experimental.... diverse and cohesive at the same time
  2. Jun 17, 2019
    This is one of the most interesting, attractive, organic and futuristic albums I have ever heard. Remind me of the jump that supposed Björk's first album. This is pop translated into another dimension where all audiences and all styles can be part of the same album if music is good and cohesive. Madame X will be considered the precursor of a new conception of albums, just the same thatThis is one of the most interesting, attractive, organic and futuristic albums I have ever heard. Remind me of the jump that supposed Björk's first album. This is pop translated into another dimension where all audiences and all styles can be part of the same album if music is good and cohesive. Madame X will be considered the precursor of a new conception of albums, just the same that Madonna's Blond Ambition Tour in 1990 was the template for future tours. Congratulations, Madonna, this is real art pop. Expand
  3. Jun 17, 2019
    Revolucionary, corageous, mature. Just can has been come from a QUEEN, and she's Madonna.
  4. Jun 17, 2019
    Um álbum revolucionário e inovador, Madonna sempre mostrando que é a única rainha do pop
  5. Jun 17, 2019
    Great success. I cannot stop listening it! Different styles but the same idea - making this world the better place. Love it!
  6. Jun 18, 2019
    Madonna at her best since the Confessions. With songs to dance, reflect and encourage
  7. Jun 19, 2019
    She has absorbed all kinds of music throughout her career and she is giving us her best moments on this album unpredictable songs...absolutely brilliant production and wise words.Super super album a must buy
  8. Jun 20, 2019
    This is one of her most honest and well done albums, consistent music and lyrics. Hope she can work in the future with this kind of vision.
  9. Jun 20, 2019
    My favorite Madonna's album of this decade. I love all the cultural elements in the album. It's defenitely a 10000!
  10. Jun 20, 2019
    Album sem musicalidade, Madonna atirou pra todos os lados mas nao acertou nenhum, a versao com a Anitta consegue ser de longe a pior do album. Faltou muita inspiração. Muitas músicas chiclete pra nenhuma de qualidade.
  11. Jun 22, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Uno de los mejores álbumes del año, Madonna sale de su zona de confort una vez más, no diré que es esta al nivel de sus mejores obras, pero le sentó muy bien salir de USA Expand
  12. Jun 25, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Com certeza uma das mais altas expressões da arte na carreira da Madonna. As singularidades do álbum se conversam e cada nota, verso se conectam com emoções do ouvinte. Belissimo trabalho. Expand
  13. Jun 25, 2019
    What an adventure!!! This album is fire. Will probably go down as the most underrated album of all time!
  14. Jun 25, 2019
    The album is a futuristic world musical masterpiece!!
    Best album since "Confessions on a dance floor" and her most experimental since "Ray of light".
  15. Jun 26, 2019
    A true masterpiece,an album full of meaning and courage that put the pop music in another level of relevance
  16. Jun 28, 2019
    Her best body of work since Confessions. Every song has a message and the production is stellar.
  17. Jun 28, 2019
    Eclectic album with a unified message. Madonna created what I thought would be difficult at this stage of her career, a new sound meaningful to the world. Madame X Is joy, pain, inteligent and an excellent musical production.
  18. Jun 29, 2019
    The best albun ever, after of years, the queen sound like fresh! Track by track i just think about the woman behind the track, because i just feel so much feelins in your lyrics, that things make me loved by madame x
  19. Jun 30, 2019
    A work of art and a musical trip. Very ambitious, experimental, political and catchy album. It makes you dance and cry. Top5 Madonna albums, hands down.
  20. Jul 5, 2019
    Masterpiece, reinvention, innovation......this is no background music, no plain pop like most of the tunes on radio, this is experimentation, open-mindedness and artistry! Thanks M.
  21. Jul 20, 2019
    madonna as always showing that she can evolve and innovate with each album bringing always new things to her fans, wonderful and cohesive album
  22. Aug 11, 2019
    A really beautiful and well done work. God Control is one of the best songs I’ve ever heard from Madonna in years.
  23. Aug 31, 2019
    i only love the collaboration with Maluma..... IT'S art.. anything else is hard to sorry to Madonna
  24. May 30, 2020
    Álbum péssimo. Apenas 2 músicas se salvam! Não sou hater, porém esse álbum não há inovação e nem coerência, totalmente genérico. Por isso dou nota 3!
  25. Jun 1, 2020
    ¿Es enserio que Maluma entra en escena en esta ecuación?, pensaba que esta mujer luchaba por el empoderamiento femenino y chuparle el dedo a este personaje con las letras no es alguien para el calibre de Madonna, me imagino que es un grito desesperado por poder figurar en la actualidad.
  26. May 29, 2020
    Álbum sem coesão, músicas genéricas feito para tentar alcançar os charts mundiais.
  27. Jun 2, 2020
    Pésimo esperaba mas de la antigua reina del pop, la música nada que ver con la música pop, no tiene buenas letras, Madonna me gusto mas rebelt heart
  28. Aug 28, 2020
    Cómo reina del pop siempre se espera algo bueno de ella, pero desde el 2008 su música se ha convertido en algo forzado, no se sabe si la reina del pop necesita más dinero o ama de verdad a la música, pero este álbum no representa ningún amor por ella.
  29. Aug 27, 2021
    Entiéndanlo Little Mierdas este es el comeback del siglo y del milenio , mejores canciones que en la discografía entera de Lady Gargajo , GARRAPATAGA!!!!
  30. Nov 24, 2021
    The one and only Queen of Pop. One of her most ambitious and different albums in recent years. LOVE!
  31. Jun 14, 2019
    Always innovative, relentlessly creative, a true artist.
    Reflective, ironic, loving songs. Ahead of times. Great album by a great artist!
  32. Jun 18, 2019
    A great album for a great comeback. Energy and world rhythms mixed to some good old vibes directly from 70s and 90s, Madonna always knows how to tell stories and make us dance and think.
  33. Jun 17, 2019
    Easily one of her best albums, if not the best, and God Control alone...words can do it no justice. It's an such an epic song! There are so many great songs. Never count Madonna out!
  34. Jul 1, 2019
    This album is at once everything I thought it would be and nothing like I thought it would be. I found myself surprised at every turn, never able to anticipate her next move. She did a wonderful job here. I find most of the criticism she has received unfair, though. Most seem to criticize her rather than the album, as if most critiques were meant to break her down. It makes sense becauseThis album is at once everything I thought it would be and nothing like I thought it would be. I found myself surprised at every turn, never able to anticipate her next move. She did a wonderful job here. I find most of the criticism she has received unfair, though. Most seem to criticize her rather than the album, as if most critiques were meant to break her down. It makes sense because this album is unapologetically her, with all the things we love, and the things we hate about her. She gives us a lot to hate, honestly, but in the end, you have to admire her boldness to make these songs, most of which are an "f you" to the haters. Expand
  35. Jun 17, 2019
    I never thought i could be really surprised with pop music again. It's refreshing to know there's still new ways to explore.
  36. Jun 17, 2019
    Bold and authentic. Madonna embracing these cultures is natural and never forced. Wish Killers Who Are Partying had better lyrics, but the production makes up for it. God Control and the latin tracks are personal favorites.
  37. Jun 16, 2019
    "Madame X" is Madonna's most cohesive album since "Confessions..." (2005), and her most adventurous effort since "Ray of Light" (1998). It's full of bold tunes with mostly mature and political-aware lyrics, spanning a range of very diverse musical styles: reggaeton, jazz, classical, disco, Jamaican dancehall, African beats, morna and fado, Brazilian funk, house, trap and hip hop. It was"Madame X" is Madonna's most cohesive album since "Confessions..." (2005), and her most adventurous effort since "Ray of Light" (1998). It's full of bold tunes with mostly mature and political-aware lyrics, spanning a range of very diverse musical styles: reggaeton, jazz, classical, disco, Jamaican dancehall, African beats, morna and fado, Brazilian funk, house, trap and hip hop. It was defined by Mirwais, one of the main co-producers, as a futuristic world music album, and no other definition could fit this work better. Get ready for a real musical trip, with standouts such as "Dark Ballet", "God Control", "Batuka", "Crazy", "Faz Gostoso" and "I Rise". Expand
  38. Jun 17, 2019
    Brilhant. These is the Best work by Madonna in years. Congratulations for produtions and Madonna.
    God Control, and Faz Gostoso, Looking for Mercy is The best Track in album.
  39. Apr 27, 2020
    Madonna comes back as inspired as she was in the early 2000s, working with polarising producer Mirwais.
  40. Jun 16, 2019
    one of madonna's greatest albums there are so many masterpiece songs and she deserves all the awards for this art
  41. Jun 14, 2019
    We need to talk about the pink elephant in the room: Madonna's selection of singles to represent this new era of "Madame X" have been rather disappointing, let alone, kind of unnecessary (with the exception of 'Dark Ballet' and 'I Rise'), so I believe in order to enjoy the album properly is wise to skip these tracks (unless on the contrary, you happen to like it). Nevertheless, it is goodWe need to talk about the pink elephant in the room: Madonna's selection of singles to represent this new era of "Madame X" have been rather disappointing, let alone, kind of unnecessary (with the exception of 'Dark Ballet' and 'I Rise'), so I believe in order to enjoy the album properly is wise to skip these tracks (unless on the contrary, you happen to like it). Nevertheless, it is good to say that the aforementioned album cuts are GLADLY not a representation of the brilliance of "Madame X", which is by far the Queen of Pop most experimental record in this decade (She sings in Portuguese for God's sake!). My expectation, to be honest, were not high after listening to the first cuts, but I'm happy to see that Madonna made again a great album and ashamed for doubting her.

    "Madame X" delivered what was promised by the diva in several interviews: a mixture of pop and Hip Hop elements with Fado and Portuguese music which make the results rather delicious and interesting. Another great thing about the record is that there is a bit of nostalgia in the album as we can find traces of Madonna previous works such as "Erotica" or "Hard Candy" with the political commentary made in "American Life" or her previous "Rebel Heart" in some of the songs, and by these I'm not entailing Madonna is repeating herself but rather the opposite: In "Madame X" there is exploration of uncharted terrain while preserving the essence and identity that made Madonna who she is today. Definitely, one of the best pop releases in 2019.
  42. Jun 18, 2019
    It's taken me almost a week to digest this rich body of work. It's a dark masterpiece. Odd, thoughtful, mesmerising. It needs to be appreciated as a complete body of work and listened in it's entirety from beginning to end to fully absorb and appreciate the message.

    There's really nothing quite like this out there at the moment. It's not an album designed to top the charts; it's a
    It's taken me almost a week to digest this rich body of work. It's a dark masterpiece. Odd, thoughtful, mesmerising. It needs to be appreciated as a complete body of work and listened in it's entirety from beginning to end to fully absorb and appreciate the message.

    There's really nothing quite like this out there at the moment. It's not an album designed to top the charts; it's a statement. A fantastic, mind boggling, thought provoking statement. True art.
  43. Jun 16, 2019
    Is easily one of the best albums in 20 years, one of the now essential Madonna albums, proving how she can shut crittics and society’s mouths again, That cold frida Madame X cover is staring at your empty lives, defying and embracing us at the same time, Are you Madame X?
  44. Jun 16, 2019
    What an amazing and diverse album. Like some of her previous albums (e.g. I'm Breathless, Erotica, American Life) this one might be misunderstood or overlooked by some critics, because it's ahead of its time. But the value is right there for everybody to appreciate right now!
  45. Aug 24, 2019
    Better than the last tree albums, but not her best, the worst songs are the featurings but the
    duets with maluma are the worst song ever made by Madonna, the best are GOD CONTROL, KILLERS WHO ARE PARTYING, CRAZY, EXTREME OCCIDENT, I DONT SEARCH I FIND, I RISE and CIAO BELLA
  46. Jun 15, 2019
    Madonna’s greatest album of the decade and one of her greatest in her discography. Mastered to perfection, Madame X takes you on a world trip. Fresh, creative, ground breaking sounds that have nothing to do with current trends. The wait was worth it, Madonna once again has shown who dominates the music world and why there’s only one queen.
    A solid 10!
  47. Jun 15, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best album since COAD!!! In the same level this. Too much proud to be a fan! Expand
  48. Jun 14, 2019
    Best album since confessions! A masterpiece, brilliant! Queen of Pop forever!
  49. Jun 15, 2019
    Her best studio album since Music. "Everybody knows the damn truth
    Our nation lied, and lost respect
    When we wake up, what can we do? Get the kids ready Take them to school Everybody knows they don't have a chance To get a decent job To have a normal life When they talk reforms, it makes me laugh They pretend to help, it makes me laugh I think I understand why people get a gun I think I
    Her best studio album since Music. "Everybody knows the damn truth
    Our nation lied, and lost respect
    When we wake up, what can we do?
    Get the kids ready
    Take them to school
    Everybody knows they don't have a chance
    To get a decent job
    To have a normal life
    When they talk reforms, it makes me laugh
    They pretend to help, it makes me laugh
    I think I understand why people get a gun
    I think I understand why we all give up
    Every day they have a kind of victory
    Loving ourselves, spread everywhere
    They say that we need love
    But we need more than this
    We lost god control"
  50. Jun 14, 2019
    Best album from Madonna in a decade. Some cringe inducing lyrics are made up for bold musical choices and for the strangeness of the concept. Love it.
  51. Jun 17, 2019
    After 36 years, this women still surprising us, love this álbum and how she make’s all being together
  52. Jun 14, 2019
    In all seriousness, it's a bit bonkers. But I'll absolutely have what she's having.
  53. Jun 14, 2019
    Muy tesa con razón sigue siendo la reina del pop. La idiotis tiene que hacer un world tour muy tesa i love her
  54. Jun 24, 2019
    At first listen I was not overly impressed but like all Madonna masterpieces it's the albums that don't click instantly which end up being her best. God Control, Crave, Crazy and I Rise should catch on quick.
  55. Jun 16, 2019
    Un álbum brillante y una clara evolución, lo mejor que Madonna ha lanzado en años, con gran cantidad de ritmos y fusiones, además de cantar en inglés, canta en español y portugués. Tiene un sonido muy familiar, pero al mismo tiempo diferente al resto. // A brilliant album and a clear evolution, the best that Madonna has released in years, with a lot of rhythms and fusions, besides singingUn álbum brillante y una clara evolución, lo mejor que Madonna ha lanzado en años, con gran cantidad de ritmos y fusiones, además de cantar en inglés, canta en español y portugués. Tiene un sonido muy familiar, pero al mismo tiempo diferente al resto. // A brilliant album and a clear evolution, the best that Madonna has released in years, with a lot of rhythms and fusions, besides singing in English, she sings in Spanish and Portuguese. It has a very familiar sound, but at the same time different from the rest. Expand
  56. Jun 19, 2019
    Madame X it's an adventurous and triumphal trip around the globe where
    multicultural sounds combine under the magic of Mirwais electronic touch.
    One of Madonna's best albums, can sit confortably next to Confessions or Ray of Light.
    Unspected blast!
  57. Jun 14, 2019
    For the first time in more than a decade, Madonna sounds relaxed and comfortable in her skin. She's not chasing hits. She's not necessarily chasing trends or famous guests. That alone makes this album worth a listen. "Madame X" is certainly her most bizarre, most personal, and boldest album since at least "Confessions on a Dancefloor." Even when it's not stellar, it's at least interesting,For the first time in more than a decade, Madonna sounds relaxed and comfortable in her skin. She's not chasing hits. She's not necessarily chasing trends or famous guests. That alone makes this album worth a listen. "Madame X" is certainly her most bizarre, most personal, and boldest album since at least "Confessions on a Dancefloor." Even when it's not stellar, it's at least interesting, and it rewards repeated listens. What some might consider dull or light on hits sounds like maturity and artistic statement to these ears. It's earned, and I'm relieved she's not chasing trends, but following her own muse again. Expand
  58. Jun 14, 2019
    Madame x is an layered amazing album start to finish in a long career of amazong albums. Every song builds to next. The music is global, inspiring., uplifting, and extremely danceable. I love it
  59. Jun 15, 2019
    Her best album in years. Refreshing sound and vibe, that's what i wanted from Madonna, to re-invent herself again. We stan.
  60. Jun 14, 2019
    Madame X is bold and multicultural!

    When Madonna told us that Madame X "is a secret agent traveling the world" that sounded too vague. But with the album in our hands, we can better understand what she meant. Madame X takes us on a journey through the world through several rhythms and dances, makes us think with her political lyrics and sings very well in Portuguese. With this new album,
    Madame X is bold and multicultural!

    When Madonna told us that Madame X "is a secret agent traveling the world" that sounded too vague. But with the album in our hands, we can better understand what she meant. Madame X takes us on a journey through the world through several rhythms and dances, makes us think with her political lyrics and sings very well in Portuguese. With this new album, Madonna delivers her best work since Confessions On a Dance Floor (2006).

    YOU MUST LISTEN: God Control; I Don't Search I Find; Dark Ballet.
  61. Jun 17, 2019
    Madonna is back to form. Well she was already with her Rebel Heart - but a lot of things went wrong - leaks and so on.
    I was afraid after the announcements that the Album would sound again more like a collection (Mdna, Hard Candy) but it does not.
    MadameX shows Madonna more theatrical and political. With a multicultural language mix (portugues/brasil, spanish, english) HipHop Beats
    Madonna is back to form. Well she was already with her Rebel Heart - but a lot of things went wrong - leaks and so on.
    I was afraid after the announcements that the Album would sound again more like a collection (Mdna, Hard Candy) but it does not.
    MadameX shows Madonna more theatrical and political.
    With a multicultural language mix (portugues/brasil, spanish, english) HipHop Beats meeting Ethno, Classic and DeepHouse sounds.
    Colourful, thoughtful but including fun songs like the portuguese Faz Gostose together with Anita.
    Other collaborators are Maluma on the first Reggaetone Medellin or the wonder- and Soulful Vocals of Swae Lee on "Crave". Incl. an LGBT Tribute with the great "I rise", tribal Africa Chant Rytms like the great Batuka.

    The Deluxe Edition (recommended) got three extra tracks - all great.

    What an Album! Well - we all know: NOBODY does deliver litke Madonna.
    Favorites are
    I dont search I find * Batuka * Crazy * Medellin * Crave

    The only negative thing is the heavy use of Autotune/Vocoder on the Vocals.
    They are not everywhere but too much and often used.
  62. Jun 16, 2019
    This album is pure art from the beginning to the end it takes you a journey
  63. Jun 14, 2021
    I love Madonna. But this is not an album. This is pure garbage. If Madonna wanted to make her fans hate her new music, this was the way to do it. Don't listen to it. You will be majorly disappointed.
  64. Jan 28, 2021
    A weird, raw, wild, viceral & overproduced album. A classic. Madonna presents Madame X as an extention of her different personas, each one reflected on each song. We can hear Madonna, the human, exposing her rarest thoughts and her weird vision of justice from her rich position.
  65. Sep 5, 2019
    It's multiculturalism, it's experimentalism, it's art. Deserves all the best things. Best pop album of 2019.
  66. Sep 14, 2019
    The most exciting trip on her world in years. Very emotionally deep and musically complex.
  67. Jan 10, 2020
    The most experimental album of her entire career, maybe it's the next Ray of Light, all the sounds are unique in every way, but the collabs with Maluma it's just not my cup of tea, but everything else is a pure masterpiece.
  68. Jun 19, 2019
    The best album since Confessions on a dancefloor, really something amazing and political. The Brazil and Portugal references makes all the difference! So good! Crazy, Faz Gostoso, God Control and I don’t search I find are amazing
  69. Jun 15, 2019
    It is difficult to describe this album. The songs are amazing, different from the records released in the past years, Madonna is a five-star artist and Madame X is a mixture of POP, Latin music, Brazilian funk, disco and so on. It's not a messy record, it is awesome and brilliant.
  70. Jun 18, 2019
    As, after a vary flat and low phase, Rebel Heart was a return to form, in terms of melodic solidity and catchy hooks (worsen by the heaviest production possible), Madame X is a statement of musical freedom, curiosity, maturity and boldness; as Rebel Heart was at the continuous reasearch of impact effects and emotional picks, Madame X is anticlimatic and rarefied, deconstructed and full ofAs, after a vary flat and low phase, Rebel Heart was a return to form, in terms of melodic solidity and catchy hooks (worsen by the heaviest production possible), Madame X is a statement of musical freedom, curiosity, maturity and boldness; as Rebel Heart was at the continuous reasearch of impact effects and emotional picks, Madame X is anticlimatic and rarefied, deconstructed and full of unpredictable turns; as Rebel Heart was discontinuous and chaotic, Madame X is a full run, a coherent and flowing experience. I'm surprised by how all the genres presented in the album seem to integrate each other in such a smooth and graceful way. Here and then some lyrics are cringy, it's got to be said, but the whole thing breaths life in and out: courage, commitment, sharing, solidity,
    experimentation, sensuality, hope, strenght.

    Best tracks: God Control, I don't search I find, Dark Ballet, Crave, Killers, Extreme Occident, Batuka, Future, Come Alive and Faz Gostoso ... welcome back M, where have you been?!
  71. Jun 25, 2019
    Meu deus, o melhor álbum da rainha desde o American Life. 0 defeitos porra! conceito 10, videoclipes 10, featuring 10, caps 10. Madame X conte coming para ABSOLUTAMENTE TUDO.
  72. Aug 28, 2020
    Madonna's album reflects this chapter in her life. She did a very interesting and well-done body of work with the musical and cultural influences of world music: Brazilian funk, reggaeton, African, and many other styles. One of her bests albums.
  73. Jun 14, 2019
    The greatness of this album was a pleasant surprise, judging for the songs they released to promote it. When you listen to the album as a whole, you realize this is one of Madonna's BEST albums so far. It doesn't sound like anything else out there, it is authentic and innovative. No fillers, musically original, lyrically beautiful and emotional. It literally takes you on a trip around theThe greatness of this album was a pleasant surprise, judging for the songs they released to promote it. When you listen to the album as a whole, you realize this is one of Madonna's BEST albums so far. It doesn't sound like anything else out there, it is authentic and innovative. No fillers, musically original, lyrically beautiful and emotional. It literally takes you on a trip around the world with a unique mix of genres and languages (she sings in english, portuguese and spanish). Madonna just released a bold and brilliant album that we can enjoy from start to finish. Best tracks: God Control, Batuka, I Rise, Faz Gostoso, Looking for Mercy, I Don't Search I Find. Expand
  74. Jun 16, 2019
    I’ve been in love with this album since it came out It’s a cultural trip Killers who are partying, batuka and faz gostoso are currently my favorites
  75. Jun 16, 2019
    Just an amazing album. The best since Confessions on a Dance Floor from 2005.
  76. Jun 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Madonna reinventing herself one more time. Madame X is brilliant, I am so proud of being a fan. Memorable masterpiece, bravo! Expand
  77. May 28, 2020
    songs have more meaning and power when the singer believes in it, and that's what madonna has delivered in her madame x record. the very best of madonna
  78. Jun 17, 2019
    This is a total Re-Invention, Madame X is very experimental and unique, and I love how it is a mix of emotion, from anger to love and desire of party.
  79. May 29, 2020
    Very cool! Every single song it's charming in it's own way. ALBUM OF THE YEAR!!
  80. Jun 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Madame X is the best album from 2019. Is fresh, savage, experimental, classic and breath taking. Since Confessions on a Dance Floor, we did not hear legendary disco anthems like God Control, wich is, in the opinion of many fans, the best track from the album. Expand
  81. Jun 16, 2019
    Is amazing. I Hope "Faz Gostoso" and "Crazy" like next singles. Thank You Madonna!
  82. Sep 1, 2019
    "Madame X" is a multicultural, musical, social and political manifesto that allows Madonna to deliver her messages expressing them in different sounds, with different languages and different heritages, all linked by the same strong purpose: to scream to the world that we are all linked by the same history. We have different skin colors different cultures, different histories, and yet we"Madame X" is a multicultural, musical, social and political manifesto that allows Madonna to deliver her messages expressing them in different sounds, with different languages and different heritages, all linked by the same strong purpose: to scream to the world that we are all linked by the same history. We have different skin colors different cultures, different histories, and yet we are all alike, because our music, history, literature, culture inspired and influenced other cultures and vice versa. Immense masterpiece, whatever the "critics" want to say. Madonna expresses herself with no fear, Madonna is still Madonna. Expand
  83. Jun 14, 2019
    Fresh new music by an old acquaintance. Madonna immerses herself in the Latin spirit and gives us a reinvention in her career.
  84. Jun 14, 2019
    Her best album in years!

    It's diverse and in a bizarre way is coherent!

    Highlights: God Control, Batuka, I Don't Search i Find and **** I'm Loca
  85. Jun 14, 2019
    It's a diverse and brill musical trip. She takes us to a world where she is the commander.
  86. Jun 16, 2019
    amei, melhor álbum da madonna desde confessions! político, romântico e bizarro, uma madonna totalmente nova, indo afundo em coisas não óbvias.
  87. Jul 27, 2019
    I don't like these latino vibes however, Madonna is still queen of pop and I'm glad she's searching for new things. God control is perfect.
  88. Jun 15, 2019
    Creativo, lleno de sonidos nuevos y buenas letras, Madonna sigue demostrando, a pesar de su edad lo versatil y creativa que es. Sin duda su mejor disco desde Confessions.
  89. Sep 1, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Awesome! An advance in her career. She definitely is the Queen of Pop of all the time! Expand
  90. Mar 27, 2020
    From the beggining to the end!
    The last perfection of 2010's, a perfect way to end a decade and to have a new bible in pop music.

  91. Jun 16, 2019
    On her 14th album, she's restore her own glory. Probably, that's the bravest and the most important longplay in her career.
  92. Jun 16, 2019
    Madonna returned to her prime times and made a completely experimental album and surprised everyone. The album is not easy to handle but it induces you to think. Well written lyrics that reflect our current world reality, original melodies, in Madame x you find songs that you have never heard anything like it before.
  93. Jun 16, 2019
    Is this the Madonna of Like a Prayer and True Blue? What a revolution. I loved
  94. Jun 15, 2019
    Her most experimental and innovative album since Ray Of Light I dare say. It's even hard to explain, you have to experience. No other popstar is the world is doing anything like this. Madonna once again proving to be a real artist. Long live the queen!
  95. Jun 15, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ótimo álbum, Madonna se reinventando novamente após quase 40 anos de carreira. Expand
  96. Jun 17, 2019
    Uma viagem experimental e incrível. Madame x traz a Madonna visionária que há muito tempo não víamos!
  97. Jun 19, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's a different job. Madonna returns to the album concept. It's not just commercial music. The album is a deep journey. To each song we reflect. Emotion, culture, dream, freedom and politics. It is an experience similar to reading a book. It's not just fun. Intense and pleasurable. Expand
  98. Jun 15, 2019
    maravilhoso, com Madame X, Madonna prova que mesmo depois de quase 40 anos de carreira, ela ainda consegue se reinventar, nos surpreender e entregar um trabalho totalmente original e único
  99. Jun 21, 2019
    An excellent album!!! I recognize that I was surprised to hear, few artists have the courage to risk like Madonna, she knows how to reinvent herself and not only live in the glories of past successes and thus being able to be recognized for her innovations, the album has a mix of sounds. It's like a trip around the world, in my opinion Extreme Occident and God Control are my favorite andAn excellent album!!! I recognize that I was surprised to hear, few artists have the courage to risk like Madonna, she knows how to reinvent herself and not only live in the glories of past successes and thus being able to be recognized for her innovations, the album has a mix of sounds. It's like a trip around the world, in my opinion Extreme Occident and God Control are my favorite and obviously I loved listening to her singing in Portuguese... indeed a masterpiece! Expand
  100. Jun 15, 2019
    Madame X es nuestra nueva salvadora, ha traído algo nuevo a la música y muestra a Madonna la reinvención. Maravillosa

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Mojo
    Jun 25, 2019
    The pace plods on some mid-tempo tracks, but overall this is a personal, politically-charged mix of dark thoughts and good vibes. [Aug 2019, p.88]
  2. Jun 21, 2019
    Overall, Madonna’s fourteenth album Madame X feels as if Mirwais had mostly completed a decent run-of-the-mill modern pop record, albeit with a cool hotch-potch global feel; hip nods in place to fado, dub and other micro-genres dunked amongst the trap and retro disco. But then just before sign-off, Herself went through the top-lines with a sharpie. ... None of these carefully curated flourishes feel as if they truly live inside the ‘whole’ of this music. Instead it all feels plonked on top of a template.
  3. Jun 19, 2019
    Madonna has created this music for an audience of one: Herself. Often it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.