• Record Label: Bighit
  • Release Date: May 18, 2018
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  1. Oct 4, 2018
    Love Yourself: Tear is a versatile album with many different genres, going from ballad to hip hop to edm, rock, pop and more. Each song has complex messages in the lyrics.

    #1 on BB 200 chart
  2. Oct 4, 2018
    The album's lyrics & music is so beautiful & meaningful and that's why make things album a Masterpiece
  3. Oct 4, 2018
    In short, I loved this album. The catching and complex beats, the genre diversity throughout the album, the lyrics, the wordplay (understand it is a massive privilege that comes with knowing the language, for which I’m very grateful I learnt Korean), and the overall message of the album has me in awe everytime I listen to it. Easily a 10.
  4. Oct 4, 2018
    LY: Tear is an amazing & unique album! The storyline, the concept, the different genres, use of various sounds, the message... It is so rare to find an album that you can hear from beginning to end without skipping a single song. Truly a remarkable album!
  5. Oct 4, 2018
    In a nutshell, "Love Yourself: Tear" offers a diverse balance of songs that mix genres; it's fresh, exciting, and includes songs for every mood while still staying true to BTS's group message. The seven artists of BTS showcase their individual taste and vocal talents by meshing hard-hitting grunge rap with daring African beats, soft ballads with jarringly unique harmonies, upbeat anthemsIn a nutshell, "Love Yourself: Tear" offers a diverse balance of songs that mix genres; it's fresh, exciting, and includes songs for every mood while still staying true to BTS's group message. The seven artists of BTS showcase their individual taste and vocal talents by meshing hard-hitting grunge rap with daring African beats, soft ballads with jarringly unique harmonies, upbeat anthems with traditional Korean instrumentals, The lyrics (translations available online anywhere) assert that one must love oneself first and foremost--not in a narcissistic sense, but rather as a first step towards expanding beyond. How can you help others and bring good to the world if you haven't even learned to accept yourself? Even the tallest building start with solid foundations buried deep in the earth. Expand
  6. Oct 4, 2018
    A masterpiece. Meaningful lyrics. Just beautiful. Learning that they also took part in the writing and production process of their albums speaks a lot. This men are so talented- being able to produce, write, meaningful songs. People should try reading the lyrics, it's amazingly good.
  7. Oct 4, 2018
    This album is probably their best work so far. They managed to showcase their originality, talent and versitality creating an amazing album in which everyone can find something for themselves. Every song has its meaning and it perfectly fits the concept, nothing feels out of place. BTS really outdid themselves i highly recommend it
  8. Oct 4, 2018
    This album is one of BTS's best works yet, where they show beautiful lyrics and concepts along with it. The different music genres and concepts really show that they're not simply a "k-pop" group, but a new foreign artist on their road to history making and success. If you're looking for something different but honest (in their music), you only need to have an open mind to love this albumThis album is one of BTS's best works yet, where they show beautiful lyrics and concepts along with it. The different music genres and concepts really show that they're not simply a "k-pop" group, but a new foreign artist on their road to history making and success. If you're looking for something different but honest (in their music), you only need to have an open mind to love this album and BTS; it didn't reach #1 in Billboard 200 for no reason, so please give it a chance, you won't regret it. Expand
  9. Oct 4, 2018
    Love Yourself: Tear is BTS’s most mature work to date. You can see the growth of the group since their previous releases. The album is very like a story, the story of love and life, about its’ ups and downs. The lyrics are very well done. The lyrics of Fake Love and Singularity are very poetic, the lyrics of Paradise, So what & Anpanman are encouraging and hopeful and beautifulLove Yourself: Tear is BTS’s most mature work to date. You can see the growth of the group since their previous releases. The album is very like a story, the story of love and life, about its’ ups and downs. The lyrics are very well done. The lyrics of Fake Love and Singularity are very poetic, the lyrics of Paradise, So what & Anpanman are encouraging and hopeful and beautiful storytelling lyrics of Tear and 134340 show how sincere BTS are in their music. No matter if you are a fan or just an ordinary listener like me, in this album you will definitely find a song that suits you. Just give it a try. Expand
  10. Oct 4, 2018
    Their best album to date. Even though each song has its own unique style and BTS go from genre to genre including R&B, latin style, EDM, pop-rock and so more, the album as a whole is amazingly cohesive.
  11. Oct 4, 2018
    L'album "Tear" n'est pas une entité à part; il existe au sein d'une véritable saga musicale qui s'exécute en 4 temps, et s'étale sur 3 albums et un mini-film. La thématique représentée par Tear est la larme versée lorsqu'on se quitte, ou la déchirure lorsque l'amour n'est plus ce qu'il avait semblé être ("tear/tear"). BTS a réussi avec cet album à donner vie à une histoire d'amour nonL'album "Tear" n'est pas une entité à part; il existe au sein d'une véritable saga musicale qui s'exécute en 4 temps, et s'étale sur 3 albums et un mini-film. La thématique représentée par Tear est la larme versée lorsqu'on se quitte, ou la déchirure lorsque l'amour n'est plus ce qu'il avait semblé être ("tear/tear"). BTS a réussi avec cet album à donner vie à une histoire d'amour non seulement envers autrui mais également envers soi-même qui se termine mal, et délivre aux fans une tracklist à l'exact opposé de Love Yourself: Her. Une intro sombre et emplie de regrets qui n'a besoin d'aucune traduction pour se faire ressentir. Un title track plus énergique que jamais surtout de la part des vocalistes du groupe, mais aussi empli d'amertume pour ce "Fake Love". Et une série de chansons qui explorent par la suite la tendance latin pop avec brio, et le succès fulgurant mais toujours humble des Bangtan Boys. Enfin, l'album trouve sa conclusion dans l'outro "Tear" où les rappeurs du groupe racontent à cœur ouvert et la respiration haletante une histoire d'amour qui ne pouvait que se finir qu'en larmes, déchirures et peur ("tear/tear, fear").

    Leur meilleur album en date, sans aucun doute.
  12. Oct 4, 2018
    Album of the century! Really Love Yourself: Tear is such an amazing album. Songs are so so beautiful. Lyrics are even better! Incredible! Breathtaking! And the fact that every song has different genre is so great, you can see that they try to explore with music, try everything, make every song special. I love it. This album is something else.
  13. Oct 4, 2018
    The songs in this album are so diverse. From ballad like The Truth Untold to more upbeat songs like Airplane pt.2 or Anpanman. Paradise is probably my favorite song; and just like its name, I feel in paradise when I hear it. This album is so beautifully done. They always deliver excellent music along with important messages and that's what they are so different from other boy groups.
  14. Oct 5, 2018
    This album was beautifully done and I loved how they incorporated different musical genres into one album. I loved that Singularity for the Neo-soul vibes. I loved that Fake Love for the emo hip hop vibe. I loved The Truth Untold for its emotional lyrics. Also, I love how this is a ballad that really showcases the vocals of Taehyung, Jimin, Jin, and Jungkook. My fave, 134340, was a greatThis album was beautifully done and I loved how they incorporated different musical genres into one album. I loved that Singularity for the Neo-soul vibes. I loved that Fake Love for the emo hip hop vibe. I loved The Truth Untold for its emotional lyrics. Also, I love how this is a ballad that really showcases the vocals of Taehyung, Jimin, Jin, and Jungkook. My fave, 134340, was a great song that had a tropical sound to it. I loved Paradise for the R&B vibes. I loved all the tracks and Outro: Tear was a perfect way to end the album with a powerful rap track from our amazing rap line. I give this album a 10/10. Expand
  15. Oct 4, 2018
    The music of BTS is always so good, but Tear is so special for me, the lyrics help me so much and this album have so many colors. This is my favorite album of BTS. Your message is very important and i love them for make good and inspiring music.
  16. Oct 4, 2018
    Their best album! love how they included some genres on it. Paradise is the best song of this album, everyone should check it out.
  17. Oct 4, 2018
    The album was amazing, honestly wish I can rate it more, every song was really well written. I can tell that a lot of work and thought was put in it. I don’t think there is a current Artist with so much talent as this 7 men. Their lyrics are really amazing with powerful meanings. Everyone who has given them a bad review clearly doesn’t know much about good music, or they haven’t listen toThe album was amazing, honestly wish I can rate it more, every song was really well written. I can tell that a lot of work and thought was put in it. I don’t think there is a current Artist with so much talent as this 7 men. Their lyrics are really amazing with powerful meanings. Everyone who has given them a bad review clearly doesn’t know much about good music, or they haven’t listen to the album and are only writing bad things because they are jealous. Anyways I’ll definitely be buying more of their albums and supporting this group. Expand
  18. Oct 4, 2018
    It's their best album besides Wings and Dark & Wild. it's diverse and daring and more experimental than usual. The B tracks are amazing. The Truth Untold and Outro: Tear are amazing. They really used the vocal line's vocal colors amazingly. And the title track Fake Love is really beautiful. The album is cohesive and thoughtful and really deserves all the praises in the world.
  19. Oct 4, 2018
    this my favorite album from bts so versatile and thoughtful their lyrics are actual poems, my favorite song is Tear
  20. Oct 4, 2018
    These guys are really onto something! I could sense a raw, bittersweet yet at the same time quite soothing energy throughout the album with "Paradise", "Magic shop" and "Truth untold" being the tracks that hooked me the most. The outro of the album, "Tear" got me to the guts! I feel guilty for being surprised because I thought I didn't have any prejudice when in came to music... Turns out I did!
  21. Oct 4, 2018
    Couldn't believe they would ever top WINGS. This is their best album so far.
  22. Oct 4, 2018
    This album is their best work so far. I love how they explored so different genres and adapted them to their own style. I also want to mention the order of the track list and how much sense it has, the darker songs are at the beginning and then, after Magic Shop, they start to sound more light, fun and relaxing and it totally has sense because that song talks about going into a place whereThis album is their best work so far. I love how they explored so different genres and adapted them to their own style. I also want to mention the order of the track list and how much sense it has, the darker songs are at the beginning and then, after Magic Shop, they start to sound more light, fun and relaxing and it totally has sense because that song talks about going into a place where you can forget about bad and dark things and be happy, they really calculated everything Expand
  23. Oct 4, 2018
    The album is their most cohesive and captive album to date. The genres are diverse but the genre hopping is done surprisingly well. One of the best aspects of the album might be the storytelling. If you take the time to read the lyrics of the songs you will be surprised by how poetic and hard-hitting some of them are. In all this is a great album that can take you on an enjoyable journey.The album is their most cohesive and captive album to date. The genres are diverse but the genre hopping is done surprisingly well. One of the best aspects of the album might be the storytelling. If you take the time to read the lyrics of the songs you will be surprised by how poetic and hard-hitting some of them are. In all this is a great album that can take you on an enjoyable journey. Especially Outro: Tear is an amazing song and sth that separates BTS from the typical k-pop music. Expand
  24. Oct 4, 2018
    This album is very diverse when it comes to genre choices, you can never skip any song.. Each song has its own texture and emotions, not many artists creatds different melodies and rhythm. Applaud for BTS and their producers for creating such healthy amd healing music. Me as an individual can actually relate to each lyrics on how we should love ourselves and being confident about itThis album is very diverse when it comes to genre choices, you can never skip any song.. Each song has its own texture and emotions, not many artists creatds different melodies and rhythm. Applaud for BTS and their producers for creating such healthy amd healing music. Me as an individual can actually relate to each lyrics on how we should love ourselves and being confident about it despite our imperfections. It might be hard for some but it'll be okay soon... Expand
  25. Oct 4, 2018
    This album has beautiful lyrics that are deep and meaningful and it is one of the most unique albums that I have heard. I loved the variety of genres.
  26. Oct 4, 2018
    This is such a good album! I’m surprised about the different genres that were executed d in a unique, fun and melancholic way. Love Yourself: Tear really can can fulfill everyone’s taste and liking and I think it can captures every age range without any problem.
  27. Oct 4, 2018
    Absolutely amazing album, every single track on there is absolutely beautiful and every time I go back to listen to this album it always touches my heart. Their music just keeps improving every single time they release something new. This album deserves nothing but the best reviews because it's nothing but absolutely amazing.
  28. Oct 4, 2018
    One of BTS' best albums ever. Diverse in genre and the messages in the songs delivers really well. Its unique and different than the generic "kpop" sound. BTS has truly inspire me to become a better person and making me love myself even more.
  29. Oct 4, 2018
    Love Yourself: Tear is Bts’ best album yet. Both the melodical and the lyrical component of their tracks are of high quality. Genre-hopping while staying true to the concept of dark love is evidently a genius idea for this album.
  30. Oct 4, 2018
    I don’t knkw how they do this but they never disappoint their music always bring something new some new emotions and I feel like the world it’s finally beautiful just by listening to them THIS ALBUM I can’t even describe how good it is there’s not a single flaw in it
  31. Oct 4, 2018
    This album with tracks sounding different, with each song produced in a different genre, it sends out meaningful messages for all! I love it ans will never get tired of listening to these songs! 100% recommend!!
  32. Oct 4, 2018
    With a diverse range of genres, Love Yourself: Tear takes the listener on an auditory journey that moves, excites and soothes throughout. From the suave beats of Singularity to the cathartic rap of Outro: Tear, this album offers songs for every taste and liking.
  33. Oct 4, 2018
    This album has so many genres!! On top of that it includes wonderful lyrics that show how important it is to love yourself. The sound is original with a hip hop and R&B influence. Most of the songs have been written by members themselves.
  34. Oct 4, 2018
    This time, BTS brought an extremely cohesive and emotional album. Every track is soulful and has its own story, so when we listen to them in a sequence, it seems that we are transported to another dimension (where love can be interpreted in several ways — for others or yourself). Also, to add even more credibility to this masterpiece, all tracks from the album have the participation of theThis time, BTS brought an extremely cohesive and emotional album. Every track is soulful and has its own story, so when we listen to them in a sequence, it seems that we are transported to another dimension (where love can be interpreted in several ways — for others or yourself). Also, to add even more credibility to this masterpiece, all tracks from the album have the participation of the group's members, who write, produce and compose incredibly well. Expand
  35. Oct 4, 2018
    Realmente eh quedado impresionada con este trabajo de BTS cada cancion te abre la puerta a un mundo nuevo y te llena de emociones puedes encontrar la alegria plena o la tristeza mas profunda en sus letras
  36. Oct 4, 2018
    Do you like Hip-Hop? you got it! Do you like latin music? This album has that as well, even ballads. This album covers many genres and it does it well, I am never bored and always find myself swaying or jamming to the voices of Bangtan.
  37. Oct 4, 2018
    I love who the songs are so different in every song in this album, and i love how can you feel all of the lyrics even i don't talk Korean.
  38. Oct 4, 2018
    Realmente un buen album, no pensé que unos chicos tan jóvenes lograrían esta calidad musical, me explicaron que saben componer, producen, escriben y eso es algo muy valioso en u nartista de verdad.
  39. Oct 4, 2018
    Love Yourself: Tear truly is a production masterpiece. It is one of BTS' most cohesive and extensive collections of discography, combining musical genres of pop, jazz, R&B, rap rock, and even Latin pop, along with many others. For example, the album's intro, 'Singularity', is a smooth, soulful blend of jazz and R&B, 'Fake Love' - the album's single and title track - is a blend of rap rock,Love Yourself: Tear truly is a production masterpiece. It is one of BTS' most cohesive and extensive collections of discography, combining musical genres of pop, jazz, R&B, rap rock, and even Latin pop, along with many others. For example, the album's intro, 'Singularity', is a smooth, soulful blend of jazz and R&B, 'Fake Love' - the album's single and title track - is a blend of rap rock, hip hop, and grunge rock, and '134340' is a jazzy playful song, incorporating flute and lilting notes and, interestingly, critics cannot agree on what genre to classify it as.

    Tear carries a high level of maturity - message content-wise and sound-wise. The album tracks' lyrics explore grief and separation but also develops into an evolution of self-love and exploration, perhaps reflecting the diversification of the album. It's extremely high in composing and production quality.

    BTS aren't just a 'K-POP boy band'. Aren't just a 'phase' or 'hype' for teenage girls. BTS are highly-respected self-producing artists that are only going up, and should be viewed as such for the incredible and inspiring music they produce, perform, and project.
  40. Oct 4, 2018
    This is the best album in the world, the songs are wonderful and the message of loving themselves that they want to transmit is very good, I definitely love this album
  41. Oct 4, 2018
    Tear is explored bts' inner fears. Its so relatable & it showcased their growth musically.

    Personal favorites: outro tear, fake love, truth untold and airplane pt2.

    I am looking forward to what they release in the future.
  42. Oct 4, 2018
    This album is one of their BEST. There are so many diverse genres that they experimented in. it was very well developed and the production is amazing. The vocals and rapping blend beautifully together.
  43. Oct 4, 2018
    Love Yourself Tear it's one of the best albums i've ever listened in my life. every song on the album is amazing, the lyrics, the music itself transmits feelings with which one can identify. I just love it. It's unique and I think that regardless of the language you can enjoy the music with the heart.
  44. Oct 4, 2018
    Is one of best albums I've heard in my life, explores several concepts with different rhythms, they also cover several important topics. I consider it by far away the best album of the year.
  45. Oct 4, 2018
    The album is a well thought out and organized collection of music. From the deep, soothing Singularity to jovial beats of Anpanman to the versatile rapping in Outro: Tear there is something for everyone to enjoy. My favourite is The Truth Untold. What a wonderful exploration of the dark side of love! As the second album in Love Yourself series this takes a step forward from Love Yourself:The album is a well thought out and organized collection of music. From the deep, soothing Singularity to jovial beats of Anpanman to the versatile rapping in Outro: Tear there is something for everyone to enjoy. My favourite is The Truth Untold. What a wonderful exploration of the dark side of love! As the second album in Love Yourself series this takes a step forward from Love Yourself: Her. I enjoying the whole album. Expand
  46. Oct 4, 2018
    It only takes a few minutes to listen to the BTS discography to see that they are truly artists. Love Yourself 'Tear' is diverse, ambitious and refreshing, very good guys.
  47. Oct 4, 2018
    Uno de sus mejores álbumes, buen ritmo, buenas letras y ungran mensaje.
  48. Oct 4, 2018
    absolutely outstanding. each track is amazing i’m so happy that i came across this album, the diverse of geners it has like they are saying you like rap? we got you, ballads? edm? latin? anthem? we GOT you! and not only that but dealing with a lot of geners might make the tracks weak due to too much to concentrate on but it’s done neatly! and looking up the lyrics was the cherry onabsolutely outstanding. each track is amazing i’m so happy that i came across this album, the diverse of geners it has like they are saying you like rap? we got you, ballads? edm? latin? anthem? we GOT you! and not only that but dealing with a lot of geners might make the tracks weak due to too much to concentrate on but it’s done neatly! and looking up the lyrics was the cherry on top,having meaningful lyrics and the play with the words? loved it! also i love messages that are realistic and bittersweet it feel more comforting than too much positivity sometimes we need to be reminded of how it’s the real world. thank you bts Expand
  49. Oct 4, 2018
    Este es uno de sus mejores álbumes que BTS hizo. Tiene mucha diversidad y execelente lírica. Es una Masterpiece.
  50. Oct 4, 2018
    The best album listened in my life. The art in the most expression. Bangtan is life
  51. Oct 4, 2018
    This album is a masterpiece, all the songs are beautiful, the lyrics have a very deep meaning that help you a lot personally
  52. Oct 4, 2018
    A really magnificent album. With a variety of music for all tastes, quality work. But not only from this album but the Love Yourself trilogy that attracts you as you start to listen to their song. BTS are great artists and they show it with their music, they transcend language and cultural barriers. Teaching us of self-love before loving others, thanks to its lyrics that help and comfortA really magnificent album. With a variety of music for all tastes, quality work. But not only from this album but the Love Yourself trilogy that attracts you as you start to listen to their song. BTS are great artists and they show it with their music, they transcend language and cultural barriers. Teaching us of self-love before loving others, thanks to its lyrics that help and comfort the soul. Expand
  53. Oct 4, 2018
    One of best BTS’ albums so far, i was amazed the first time i listened to it. English isn’t my first language so i can’t say all i want to say but this album really is a masterpiece. BTS’ experimented with a lot of new sounds, the lyrics are so powerful and the message as a whole is amazing. BTS never disappoints, personally. This is a really unique album. Probably the best album of 2018One of best BTS’ albums so far, i was amazed the first time i listened to it. English isn’t my first language so i can’t say all i want to say but this album really is a masterpiece. BTS’ experimented with a lot of new sounds, the lyrics are so powerful and the message as a whole is amazing. BTS never disappoints, personally. This is a really unique album. Probably the best album of 2018 so far. Expand
  54. Oct 4, 2018
    One of their best albums to this date. Beautiful vocals, stunning concepts, Love Yourself: Tear is absolutely flawless, an album filled with a variety of songs no one has achieved.
  55. Oct 4, 2018
    The amazing artistry and musicality they always convey is clearly just well developed in this studio album, plus the beautiful and realistic message, and genuine emotions immersed within 'Tear' that are portrayed by the members so beautifully as always; you can clearly understand the thematic not just by listening to only one song but at the whole album itself which is amazing and unique,The amazing artistry and musicality they always convey is clearly just well developed in this studio album, plus the beautiful and realistic message, and genuine emotions immersed within 'Tear' that are portrayed by the members so beautifully as always; you can clearly understand the thematic not just by listening to only one song but at the whole album itself which is amazing and unique, and also the fact that the members themselves well produced and participated genuinely in it is overwhelming. It's clearly one of the best BTS albums till today and my favorite as well. Expand
  56. Oct 5, 2018
    I’m not into Korean music, but this album has excellence that can not be limited by its language. The music genres of the different tracks have a wide variety to touch the interests of diverse tastes. Beyond the music itself would be deep and emotional lyrics about the troubles within love, and the frustration of insecurities. There are some light songs that break the serious atmosphere,I’m not into Korean music, but this album has excellence that can not be limited by its language. The music genres of the different tracks have a wide variety to touch the interests of diverse tastes. Beyond the music itself would be deep and emotional lyrics about the troubles within love, and the frustration of insecurities. There are some light songs that break the serious atmosphere, almost like the catharsis within a tragedy. I will admit that several songs take a few repeats to become tolerable, as there is a very wide variety of genres, but soon afterwards, your taste in music will have become more sophisticated and most of the album will become ear worms. Expand
  57. Oct 4, 2018
    Love yourself Tear is an album so beautiful and deep. The lyrics are great and the music is just amazing
  58. Oct 4, 2018
    All the songs serve the main theme qualitatively and beautifully. The ensemble is coherent, well written and well produced. Lyrical masterpiece (which is very seldom these days). Also, not afraid of trying things, which makes it all the more praiseworthy, as it does not lose quality in the process.
  59. Oct 4, 2018
    Beautiful, the voices are great and the lyrics very deep, not to mention that it is a very varied album that contains not only ballads but also songs that make you want to dance, i love it
  60. Oct 4, 2018
    Every song in this album is just amazing, they have a good variety of sounds that match the lyrics, the language is definitively not a barrier for them, they express the message not only with the lyrics but also with the melody. Listening to this album is just a overwhelming feeling.
  61. Oct 4, 2018
    This album absolutely different from other kpop group. It was self produced and it was amazing!!
  62. Oct 4, 2018
    It's amazing album, so precious. The lyrics and thematic changes lives
    BTS is a incredible Artist
    Excellent work
  63. Oct 4, 2018
    The album is incredible because the message of the lyrics really inspires and in my person it relaxes me to listen to the songs that the album contains.
  64. Oct 4, 2018
    The lyrics are exceptional , it is easy to feel identified with them, this album is like a up and down because it is very varied musically speaking, BTS leaves they comfort zone with Love Yourself: Tear and show what are they capable.
  65. Oct 4, 2018
    Each song has its own color and the general vibe of the album appears cohesive. From Singularity to Airplane pt.2 and Anpanman, it offers a variety of genres which you don't expect. The Truth Untold especially showcases the artists' voices beautifully. Fun, mesmerizing and sincere lyrics in the same album.
  66. Oct 4, 2018
    Y como albumnes anteriores no dejan de sorprendernos. Este album esta lleno de canciones de diferentes géneros. Podemos enriquecernos de los mensajes que nos dan y sobre todo disfrutar la diversidad de melodías acompañadas con un buen canto y rap. Además, que transportarnos a distintas emociones como melancólica The Truth Untold hasta la divertida So What. Buen trabajo.
  67. Oct 4, 2018
    I love the message of this album. It's so really deep and the songs have a really massage on their lyrics. Every song is different but they're so connected with the topic of the album. Masterpiece
  68. Oct 4, 2018
    Love yourself Tear is a masterpiece that carries the message of self-love before passing it to anyone else, the lyrics that contains all the meaningful stories of a lifetime experience that gives you the courage to search for the false love inside you and begin to yourself Without being jailbird of others beliefs.
    It's an album that takes you on a journey of ups and downs but at the end
    Love yourself Tear is a masterpiece that carries the message of self-love before passing it to anyone else, the lyrics that contains all the meaningful stories of a lifetime experience that gives you the courage to search for the false love inside you and begin to yourself Without being jailbird of others beliefs.
    It's an album that takes you on a journey of ups and downs but at the end of the album, you'll surely find the versatility, dedication and simplicity of The music that BTS makes.
  69. Oct 4, 2018
    This album is incredible, I have no words to define the infatuated sensations that it provokes. Without a doubt it is the album of the year.
  70. Oct 4, 2018
    I have always been someone who loves different genres and revolutionizing sound as well as someone who has a deep appreciation for great lyrics and this album has pretty much perfectly encapsulates what I really enjoy. From the emo-rock banger that is fake love, rnb style singularity, lo-fi 134340, to the edm so what, and the mix of a classical orchestra and hiphop of the outro this albumI have always been someone who loves different genres and revolutionizing sound as well as someone who has a deep appreciation for great lyrics and this album has pretty much perfectly encapsulates what I really enjoy. From the emo-rock banger that is fake love, rnb style singularity, lo-fi 134340, to the edm so what, and the mix of a classical orchestra and hiphop of the outro this album truly mixes a great spread of music to enjoy. After reading the lyrics and finding translations with even more hard to understand meanings b/c of the language barrier I found lyrics of comfort, strive, hope, and struggles with open interpretations for individuals with no specific gender pronouns & lyrics that chases an emotion but has a story that can relate to anyone from anywhere. I guess this is why this group regardless of their boyband and kpop label they have made fans of the whole world of all ages, genders, and stories for people to love their message and hope. I credit them and their fans with utmost respect over what they have accomplished. Expand
  71. Oct 4, 2018
    Definitivamente el album del año, cada letra cada melodía, escritas y compuestas en detalle dejándonos un gran mensaje con un grandisimo y sorprente significado, sin olvidar la perfección en la que fueron ejecutadas, el gran trabajo, esfuerzo y sentimiento puesto en este maravilloso album es simplemente impresionante sin olvidar las maravillosas coreografías de algunas de las canciones deDefinitivamente el album del año, cada letra cada melodía, escritas y compuestas en detalle dejándonos un gran mensaje con un grandisimo y sorprente significado, sin olvidar la perfección en la que fueron ejecutadas, el gran trabajo, esfuerzo y sentimiento puesto en este maravilloso album es simplemente impresionante sin olvidar las maravillosas coreografías de algunas de las canciones de este album, ejecutadas cada una con una presición y expresión grandiosa, definitivamente un album totalmente espectacular, en el cual no se debe dejar de lado ningun detalle. Expand
  72. Oct 4, 2018
    I love this album, is perfect for thinking about yourself and help to create a reflexion for your life
  73. Oct 4, 2018
    There's a lot of things I could talk about. BTS' hard work is amazing. I still can't believe I was born in the best moment ever, and now i'm here enjoying this amazing album. It really sounds amazing, lyrics have a really deep and interesting meaning and also the vocals and rap are shocking. BTS did an excellent job.
  74. Oct 4, 2018
    Uno de los mejores álbumes que he escuchado cada canción te hace sentir una emoción y las letras de cada una de ellas reflejan una historia propia que te transportan a otro mundo
  75. Dec 30, 2018
    Tear is a follow up to the Love Yourself: Her album and is a contrast to the bright, happy theme the previous album attempted to convey. With the first note from the moody and breathy Singularity, it sets the tone of the album's message "Have I lost myself or have it gained you?" Tear centers around disillusionment, unhappiness, and break ups with each track a different genre under thisTear is a follow up to the Love Yourself: Her album and is a contrast to the bright, happy theme the previous album attempted to convey. With the first note from the moody and breathy Singularity, it sets the tone of the album's message "Have I lost myself or have it gained you?" Tear centers around disillusionment, unhappiness, and break ups with each track a different genre under this umbrella theme. The group is masterful at taking on such a musically ambitious album, with authenticity and assuredness. It's hard not to compare Tear with Wings, another moodier and melancholy work from the band. While the latter was beautiful and tragic, Tear shows off their group's versatility and shows that they're not afraid to stretch their artistic abilities. Expand
  76. Oct 5, 2018
    This a great album! Its sounds totally new of all their work. The lyrics and melodies are amazing!
  77. Oct 4, 2018
    One of their BEST album. Different genres thats giving me different vibes while listening to the full album. B-side tracks are so good . The lyrics are so meaningfull. This album is one of a kind . Definitely the BEST. Must listen to SINGULARITY 13430 PARADISE THE TRUTH UNTOLD AND OUTRO:TEAR . This songs are included in my daily playlist
  78. Oct 5, 2018
    Hands down one of this year's best albums. BTS are constantly outdoing themselves and delivering powerful messages and unique concepts. This album is a beautiful journey— one I must admit I enjoyed tremendously —from V's soulful vocals in Singularity, to rap line's mind-blowing verses in Outro: Tear, Love Yourself: Tear is an amazing piece of work; this album MOVES you. Even if you don'tHands down one of this year's best albums. BTS are constantly outdoing themselves and delivering powerful messages and unique concepts. This album is a beautiful journey— one I must admit I enjoyed tremendously —from V's soulful vocals in Singularity, to rap line's mind-blowing verses in Outro: Tear, Love Yourself: Tear is an amazing piece of work; this album MOVES you. Even if you don't understand korean, BTS' music moves you. Expand
  79. Oct 4, 2018
    This album does not disappoint! It’s part of the building blocks to Love Yourself. The songs alternative between ballads, upbeat dance music and powerful hip hop. Some of the songs have a mix a these in them, which is one of the parts to BTS’s music that I enjoy. I’m lyrically challenged even in my native language so even with translations I forget the words, but the Korean languageThis album does not disappoint! It’s part of the building blocks to Love Yourself. The songs alternative between ballads, upbeat dance music and powerful hip hop. Some of the songs have a mix a these in them, which is one of the parts to BTS’s music that I enjoy. I’m lyrically challenged even in my native language so even with translations I forget the words, but the Korean language has soft tones and mixed with English the meaning comes across through the music. I am grateful for the gift of this album...it’s part of my go to playlist. My musical influences are diverse and I’m always honest about what I like. For example, the song “134340” always catches me by surprise. It has many layers and blends them smoothly that I don’t notice the transitions between ballad and rap. It has a good dance beat going on as well. I like how it opens, building up but ends abruptly. The rap parts are softer and more speak singing in this piece. The Truth Untold is unbelievably beautiful and such a great contrast to Tear. I read the lyrics to Magic Shop knowing the song is written for the fans. It is so powerful and touching. Every song has been influenced in writing and production from at least one of the members, RM, Suga and JHope. Expand
  80. Oct 4, 2018
    Phenomenal album. BTS just keeps getting better and better. Album of the century for me!
  81. Oct 4, 2018
    Another Best of BTS album.. it is a no skip song album.. Highly recommended!!
  82. Oct 4, 2018
    Brilliant album! The group's widely known for experimenting with different genres and sounds, and having beautiful/empowering lyrics so i wasn't disappointed. My most favourites were: TTU, Singularity, Paradise, Anpanman, Outro: Tear and Airplane pt2. They exceeded my expectations with their Love Yourself series.
  83. Oct 4, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I just wanna say, that this album is amazing, each song is beautiful and the messages are incredible, this is the result of a big work, you can feel the emotion in their voices, in their lines, congratulations guys, this is the first album that I bought in my life, beacause I love it! Expand
  84. Oct 4, 2018
    The album is very creatively composed in terms of music and lyrics. The themes and genres alter in each song, which is very intriguing cause not many artists nowadays attempt this level of variation in a single album. My personal favourite tracks are Paradise and Outro: Tear. The lyrics and the music go well together and work effectively. Good job to BTS, they're not my first Korean musicThe album is very creatively composed in terms of music and lyrics. The themes and genres alter in each song, which is very intriguing cause not many artists nowadays attempt this level of variation in a single album. My personal favourite tracks are Paradise and Outro: Tear. The lyrics and the music go well together and work effectively. Good job to BTS, they're not my first Korean music expensive but definitely one that stood out to me Expand
  85. Oct 5, 2018
    The genres for every tracklist from this album is so diverse. This album is unique and universal. The lyrics also have alot of messages and not a waste to listen to this full album. Usually, kpop songs is not diverse in genre. One album but all of the song sounds the same. But not with BTS musics. 1 album have 10-12 songs it means they have 10-12 different genres. BTS composed and producedThe genres for every tracklist from this album is so diverse. This album is unique and universal. The lyrics also have alot of messages and not a waste to listen to this full album. Usually, kpop songs is not diverse in genre. One album but all of the song sounds the same. But not with BTS musics. 1 album have 10-12 songs it means they have 10-12 different genres. BTS composed and produced their own musics. The 'kpop' label is not fit again with BTS. They're more than kpop. Call them Korean boy band is better than 'kpop'. This album, Love Yourself: Tear, is recommended. Along side with their newest album, Love Yourself: Answer. Expand
  86. Oct 5, 2018
    This album blew my mind the moment I listened to it when it was first released and still blows my mind listening to it now. easily one of bts' best albums and one of the best albums released in 2018.
  87. Oct 5, 2018
    This album has very good songs with meaningful lyrics this album gives a great message to love yourself
  88. Oct 5, 2018
    This album has exceeded all of the expectations I had. Each song was incredibly unique in style, the lyrics were meaningful and catchy, I loved that there were messages written in each and every line, something to understand and analyze rather than just listen to. The members' voices are unique, the rap style is different, the good type. If you listen to the album without bias, you'llThis album has exceeded all of the expectations I had. Each song was incredibly unique in style, the lyrics were meaningful and catchy, I loved that there were messages written in each and every line, something to understand and analyze rather than just listen to. The members' voices are unique, the rap style is different, the good type. If you listen to the album without bias, you'll definitely fall in love! Expand
  89. Oct 5, 2018
    Este álbum es increíble sus ritmos contagiosos, letras significativas que expresan tanto.. y me quedo corta es excelente!!
  90. Oct 5, 2018
    This is one of the bestest BTS album I've listened so far. Now I understand why BTS is getting recognitions these days. Those who are saying negative things about the album is either stupid or likes mediocre musics. They don't know what they are missing.
  91. Oct 5, 2018
    The songs are fresh and have a timeless construct. All the solo songs have a strong sense of belonging that comes naturally to the artist that created it while the group songs have a strong sense of directionality with where they want to take the track. Well made and well produced album. Perfect amalgamation of all things BTS.
  92. Oct 5, 2018
    Love love love love love Love love love love love Love love love love love Love love love love love Love love love love love Love love love love love Love love love love love Love love love love loveLove love love love love Love love love love love Love love love love love Love love love love Love love love love love Love love love love love Love love love love love Love love love love lovelove
  93. Oct 5, 2018
    This album is really great. I think if you take the time to listen to each and every one of their songs from this album and previous albums, there will be a song that will make you fall in love with BTS instantly. Personally in this album, I love the intro because it's kind of like R&B style which I personally really enjoy listening to so i recommend this song for you. I really hope BTSThis album is really great. I think if you take the time to listen to each and every one of their songs from this album and previous albums, there will be a song that will make you fall in love with BTS instantly. Personally in this album, I love the intro because it's kind of like R&B style which I personally really enjoy listening to so i recommend this song for you. I really hope BTS does more R&B style songs in the future!! Also please check out the rap line's mixtapes, they are super dope. Expand
  94. Oct 5, 2018
    This album is one of the best albums of 2018. The prdouction of each song is nowhere near mediocre and i love it how the album tells a storyline. Definitely worth a listen
  95. Oct 5, 2018
    I’m new to the kpop genre. I saw bts for the first time on Good Morning America so I decided, okay let me check out this group. The songs on this album were good. Some were heavy hitters, and some were eh, just okay. But then Paradise came on and it really kinda changed my views on them. The melody, the beats, the rapping, the singing - the whole song was so well pieced together. I thinkI’m new to the kpop genre. I saw bts for the first time on Good Morning America so I decided, okay let me check out this group. The songs on this album were good. Some were heavy hitters, and some were eh, just okay. But then Paradise came on and it really kinda changed my views on them. The melody, the beats, the rapping, the singing - the whole song was so well pieced together. I think with kpop groups (from what I’ve heard so far for myself), they focus more on the lyrics. Meanwhile, bts focuses on the beats and the lyrics and makes sure it’s easy on the ears and enjoyable. Sometimes you just want to hear the beats like in 134340 or listen to the lyrics like in The Truth Untold. All around this was a solid album. I know they’re done with the Love Yourself Series so I’m willing to stick around and see what songs they’d have coming up next. They just might snag me as a new fan Expand
  96. Oct 5, 2018
    Nakaka saya ang album na to, ang mensahe para sa kabataan, ang pagpakita ng kalungkotan, kasiyahan at pinagdadaanan, ito yung album na nakakasabi ng " alam ko ang iyong sitwasyun pero hindi pa huli ang lahat" hindi naman ako nagkapagsalita sa kanilang linguahi pero ang kanta nila ay parang walang pinipiling tao o groupo, ang album na to ay para salahat at hindi kagaya ng iba, uniqueNakaka saya ang album na to, ang mensahe para sa kabataan, ang pagpakita ng kalungkotan, kasiyahan at pinagdadaanan, ito yung album na nakakasabi ng " alam ko ang iyong sitwasyun pero hindi pa huli ang lahat" hindi naman ako nagkapagsalita sa kanilang linguahi pero ang kanta nila ay parang walang pinipiling tao o groupo, ang album na to ay para salahat at hindi kagaya ng iba, unique kung baga, at too ito, maganda ang tono ng kanta na parang hindi mo mapigilan ang palaging togtog nito sa utak mo. Expand
  97. Oct 5, 2018
    their best album! i love how the songs are different from one another. different genres but it doesn't sound so messy. beautifully put together and made. bts never disappoints.
  98. Oct 5, 2018
    Their best album for me. Songs like 134340 and Singularity showed they can try a different sound but make it their own at the same time. The whole album felt cohesive and well-made. I am glad they have been trying to evlolve and make better music and not just try the same things that might have worked in the past.
  99. Oct 5, 2018
    BTS never disappointed an amazing album with a lot of genres, great production, great versatility, great delivery in all the songs. My pick, Paradise, fantastic song with a wonderful messages.

    What makes this album so good, it's that is relatable. The lyrics make perfect sens in the history that they are trying to conveying. To anyone that has doubt of checking them. You should.
  100. Oct 5, 2018
    Innovative, beautiful and full of amazing symbolism. From its R&B intro, Singularity, through its iconic title track FAKE LOVE and all its B-sides like 134340, Love Maze, Anpanman, culminating into its trap outro, Tear, the second album in BTS's Love Yourself series is certainly a masterpiece unto itself.
    Completely deserving of its historical #1 on the Billboard 200 chart and of a 10/10 score!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. May 29, 2018
    Love Yourself: Tear shows off each individual member’s qualities fairly and acts as a well-structured introduction to a wider global audience that is all too eager to pick out negatives.
  2. May 24, 2018
    Tear aims for cohesion and produces fun, prismatic songs in the process.
  3. May 24, 2018
    Throughout it all, the members of BTS affect melodic sincerity, singing with intensity and melisma, rapping in tones that show their effort and strain, as if caring never went out of style.