• Record Label: Bighit
  • Release Date: May 18, 2018
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Universal acclaim- based on 1209 Ratings

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  1. Sep 7, 2018
    Though, bts is surprisingly success- Fake Love is the best track for sure. But we can't deny that" Idol" makes this album worse. It has been overrated. I'm sorry
  2. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's good, catchy but need more in chorus and lyrics to be unique than others. Howe Expand
  3. Jun 7, 2018
    Generic Kpop album, the sound of ultra-calculated, focus-group, slick and polished pop music ready for mass-market consumption with no artistic merit whatsoever. It will probably appeal to their fanbase but there truly isn't anything on this album for anyone out of the craze, who were already seeing it as the album of the year before a single note had been ever heard. It's great andGeneric Kpop album, the sound of ultra-calculated, focus-group, slick and polished pop music ready for mass-market consumption with no artistic merit whatsoever. It will probably appeal to their fanbase but there truly isn't anything on this album for anyone out of the craze, who were already seeing it as the album of the year before a single note had been ever heard. It's great and diverse only as long as your musical scope is too narrow to see what is going on musically in 2018. Expand
  4. May 27, 2018
    Sounds like every other album, didn't enjoy it one bit. Songs blended together, nothing really stood out, the lyric content is equally good as a one direction song.
  5. Jul 6, 2018
    No thank you. Uninspired. Annoying. Unoriginal and most of all, unnecessary.
  6. Jun 25, 2018
    Repetitive, full of similar songs we've heard from every korean group, zero innovation, only the fans like this
  7. Jul 3, 2018
    It was okay nothing too grand. The latter album was better. Nothing more just overhype only 1 song okay and it got the most views so overhype.
  8. Jul 3, 2018
    I've heard better KPOP!! Like Big Bang!!
    This group just overhyped for no reason! They got Blood Sweat Tears & FIre was there bests I'm guessing it not getting any better. DNA and Mic Dop was boring and not memorable at all.
    Better groups :
    Henry Lau (talent what can't he do?? Plus he gives all his songs in different languages this guy)
  9. Jul 3, 2018
    Generic! Generic! Generic!
    Fake Love the best song on this.
    The 12th song on here I see why it didn't make this cut maybe next time.
    Most of it the same Generic pop like Airplane.
    Very repetitive in the worlds as well.
    This the best Korea (kpop) got to offer?!?
    I'm not getting why this was supposed to be the next best thing but it's a NO FOR ME DAWG.
  10. Sep 26, 2018
    basic, the most basic that I've heard in my life the worst of the worst nothing innovative and full of just autotune and music zero voice in the whole album
  11. Oct 5, 2018
    This album is very unique and their song is lot of meaning and inspiration to us
    This song was explained BTS leader and his name is KIM NAMJOON also known as RM
    and also other members work on their song . so that album and song it really goods
  12. Dec 9, 2018
    I did not like it and I did not like it. I think I love myself a lot before I listen to them or I watch films that talk about this. Technically, they are bad and not new to the artistic field at this time.
  13. Aug 28, 2020
    Horroroso, los ritmos y letras genéricas de siempre, cada vez se vuelven más comerciales, todo el álbum es muy mediocre.
  14. Mar 4, 2021
    Not as good as some of their more recent releases.

    They can certainly do better than this.
  15. Oct 4, 2020
    it’s just a no from me, didn’t really like it and nothing to catch my attentionnn
  16. Jul 7, 2021
    repetitive, but not so generic like their recent albums... i still don't like all of their songs
  17. Jan 16, 2022
    Un album que es parte de una trilogia tan mediocre y aburrida, no se podia esperar nada de ella, es un completo fiasco.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. May 29, 2018
    Love Yourself: Tear shows off each individual member’s qualities fairly and acts as a well-structured introduction to a wider global audience that is all too eager to pick out negatives.
  2. May 24, 2018
    Tear aims for cohesion and produces fun, prismatic songs in the process.
  3. May 24, 2018
    Throughout it all, the members of BTS affect melodic sincerity, singing with intensity and melisma, rapping in tones that show their effort and strain, as if caring never went out of style.