
Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. 90
    Love 2 is a pleasurable and satisfactory record, one where every track provides just what’s needed and sets the stage for a new composition to step in and carry the beats to their finale.
  2. Love 2 is not a make-out album in the traditional sense. It's about the love of silence, stillness, of being a conscious human being and watching the world float by.
  3. Filter
    Air is as essential as ever, and has succeeded in writing another album of inspiration, tantalizing music. [Fall 2009, p.91]
  4. Air remains a deceptively subtle band, but repeated listens to Love 2 reveal that Godin and Dunckel aren't just remaining true to their aesthetic here, but that even a smaller-scale album from the duo has plenty of wit and surprises to offer.
  5. Love 2 is a triumph, effectively representing a now veteran act capable of returning to its roots yet managing still to produce novel results.
  6. French Smoothies return to lunar landscapes.
  7. Love 2 slithers beyond its sketchiness and proves ingratiating just the same.
  8. 70
    "African Velvet"? "Eat My Beat"? Gauche titling aside, Jean-Benoit Dunckel and Nicolas Godin offer no shake-ups on Love 2. Instead, more than a decade into their career, the duo have nearly perfected their wistfully melodic synth- and vocoder-driven easy-listening jams.
  9. Love 2 is not only the latest chapter in Air’s space-rock adventure, it’s a sequel that triumphs its predecessor.
  10. Alternative Press
    Air build a soundtrack to the movie in your head that always eclectic and often lovely. [Nov 2009, p.106]
  11. Style trumps substance in this particular breath of Air.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 3 out of 14
  1. Dec 14, 2013
    An amazingly great album, it really does capture Air's atmospheric feel. I think a lot of the criticism comes from it being compared to Air'sAn amazingly great album, it really does capture Air's atmospheric feel. I think a lot of the criticism comes from it being compared to Air's other work; this album isn't as energetic as Air's other music, but it's just as satisfying Full Review »
  2. Oct 24, 2011
    This record just feels flat, made up of a patchwork of half baked ideas. It's not very cohesive and doesn't hold a candle to Talkie WalkieThis record just feels flat, made up of a patchwork of half baked ideas. It's not very cohesive and doesn't hold a candle to Talkie Walkie which was amazing. Full Review »
  3. DaleC
    Oct 19, 2009
    Like all great Air, this record is not what it seems, waiting to get under your skin and into your psyche. In that respect, Love 2 is just Like all great Air, this record is not what it seems, waiting to get under your skin and into your psyche. In that respect, Love 2 is just like Moon Safari. Grumpy reviewing aside, Air has evolved in their own way and shows it with each successive release. Everything you love about Air is here just waiting for you. Just relax and hang up the crankiness. Full Review »