• Record Label: Warp
  • Release Date: Jun 10, 2008
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 53 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 49 out of 53
  2. Negative: 1 out of 53

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  1. MH
    Sep 10, 2009
    Simply brilliant. I'm actually appalled by this metacritic score.
  2. mj
    Apr 13, 2010
    FlyLo is the master of his scene. "Cosmogramma" is going to be huge.
  3. EllTrain
    Feb 18, 2010
    Brilliant. Flying Lotus is a very unheard of artist but is simply brilliant.
  4. NeilL.
    Mar 16, 2009
    Excellent album which doesn't seem to have garnered the broader recognition that it richly deserves. But Flying Lotus is a relatively new artist, there is still time to win over the masses.
  5. Jan 10, 2015
    This debut album from Flying Lotus is still his best work, apart from the latest release "You're Dead!". His music takes you on a trip in your mind, if you let him. Pay attention to it over and over again and you'll be empowered by this hypnotic album.
  6. Aug 30, 2015
    FlyLo is a very interesting electronic artist. Lots of ambience and static hold it together in a futuristic blend of Los Angeles fusion that makes for a highly enjoyable album.
  7. Jan 21, 2015
    Absolutely exquisite electronic album. It's very cohesive, but always has a new interesting beat to throw you. It also follows a story curve. The first few tracks introduce the sounds, then Golden Diva, Riot, and GNG BNG come along (a great series of tracks) are give you action. Then it slowly calms down until the more introspective tracks near the end. It's absolutely amazing. It's a mustAbsolutely exquisite electronic album. It's very cohesive, but always has a new interesting beat to throw you. It also follows a story curve. The first few tracks introduce the sounds, then Golden Diva, Riot, and GNG BNG come along (a great series of tracks) are give you action. Then it slowly calms down until the more introspective tracks near the end. It's absolutely amazing. It's a must listen for anybody with any affiliation with electronic music or hip hop. Expand
  8. Feb 12, 2016
    love the spacey, cos-mo sound the songs have, i can see the influence that flying lotus had from artists MF Doom, Madlib and J Dilla when it comes to crafting impressive beats. a very impressive piece of work for his second album.
  9. Aug 25, 2022
    Lots of ambience and static hold it together in a futuristic blend of Los Angeles fusion that makes for a highly enjoyable album.love the spacey, cos-mo sound the songs have, i can see the influence that flying lotus had from artists MF Doom, Madlib and J Dilla when it comes to crafting impressive beats. a very impressive piece of work for his second album.It's very cohesive, but alwaysLots of ambience and static hold it together in a futuristic blend of Los Angeles fusion that makes for a highly enjoyable album.love the spacey, cos-mo sound the songs have, i can see the influence that flying lotus had from artists MF Doom, Madlib and J Dilla when it comes to crafting impressive beats. a very impressive piece of work for his second album.It's very cohesive, but always has a new interesting beat to throw you. It also follows a story curve. The first few tracks introduce the sounds, then Golden Diva, Riot, and GNG BNG come along (a great series of tracks) are give you action. Then it slowly calms down until the more introspective tracks near the end. It's absolutely amazing. I Expand
  10. Sep 18, 2022
    2nd favorite from Flying Lotus, behind You're Dead. Gritty textures and drums, brilliant sound design. **** masterful

Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Loaded with 17 tracks, it's an entertaining and fitting addition to the Warp catalog that makes for some highly hypnotic video arcade/coffee parlor mood music.
  2. Assured in its fastidiousness, with enough schizophrenia to make whiplash a factor, Los Angeles cements Flying Lotus’s status as the best producer in a burgeoning scene bursting with talent, categorization eluding whatever scene that may be, whatever it means to be a producer.
  3. The record is almost as seamless as it is engaging, and it subtly commands your attention from start to finish.