• Record Label: Concord
  • Release Date: Oct 12, 2018

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Mojo
    Oct 4, 2018
    Look Now bounces with unforced, uncluttered and cleverly fleshed vivacity, every song a cherishable gem. [Nov 2018, p.86]
  2. Oct 12, 2018
    The album is on the elegant side, to be sure, but it’s elegance with a distinct pulse, as the Imposters lean into soulful swing and Costello avoids the outright belting that you either loved or didn’t in the ’90s to do the most nuanced cooing and yelping of his career. ... A great cake of an album that doesn’t really sound that much like any of the 30 before it.
  3. Oct 18, 2018
    As a collection of tunes, Look Now is a triumph for Costello, a showcase for how he can enliven a mastery of form with a dramatist’s eye. But as an album, Look Now is a success because of the Imposters.
  4. Oct 12, 2018
    Look Now is the work of a man with enough talent to take his muse in any direction he pleases and give us something memorable.
  5. 80
    Follow Elvis Costello down the twisting paths of Look Now and you’ll find they lead to sublime musical destinations.
  6. Oct 11, 2018
    This is very grown-up pop music; awash with the memorable hooks and lyrical dexterity we’d expect from Costello, with layer after layer of fascinating melodic conceits and themes.
  7. 80
    Costello’s peerless lyricism often mirrors his tone, and here it’s suitably refined.
  8. Q Magazine
    Oct 4, 2018
    This is high-pedigree pop-soul in the style of Costello's 1982 song Tears Before Bedtime. ... Gostello's lyrics are subtle, penetrating and often written from a woman's perspective. [Nov 2018, p.107]
  9. Uncut
    Oct 4, 2018
    An album of tremendous humour and empathy, less a comeback than a considered continuation of an unprecedented career. [Nov 2018, p.22]
  10. Oct 10, 2018
    Look Now is another solid entry into an already healthy and vital body of work. It’s not his absolute best, but it still earns a spot in the meatier part of his iconic recording arc.
  11. Oct 12, 2018
    With its mix of rock and balladry, Look Now strikes a fine balance between the lively and the pensive, nodding to previous eras of Costello’s career.
  12. Oct 11, 2018
    That dead-end sense haunts the people he sings about on much of Look Now; they’re further down the road of life yet just as troubled because, as always, a satisfied person in an Elvis Costello feels like someone who got off at the wrong bus stop.
  13. Classic Rock Magazine
    Oct 4, 2018
    It makes for a lustrous, laid-back return that will frustrate those pining for Costello's brutal youth, but it befits his gracious age beautifully. [Oct 2018, p.85]

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 20
  2. Negative: 3 out of 20
  1. Oct 21, 2018
    3492838's review of this album is tedious and annoying. Their voice gave me a headache and the choice of verbiage was horrible.
  2. Dec 25, 2018
    ( 74/100 )

    Al parecer Elvis Costello es uno de los clásicos. Desde su primera presentación en 1977, se convirtió en una competencia a lo
    ( 74/100 )

    Al parecer Elvis Costello es uno de los clásicos. Desde su primera presentación en 1977, se convirtió en una competencia a lo que Bob Dylan y Elvis Presley fueron gracias a su habilidad de escribir y producir música creativa y fusionar géneros de forma muy atractiva. Él es más de los 70s y 80s y se nota en su estilo actual. Costello tiene alrededor de 5 bandas y varios proyectos, su presencia no hace falta cada año, ya sea solo para colaborar o para presentar un nuevo álbum con alguna de sus bandas, siempre tenemos novedades de él. En "Look Now" anuncia un regreso junto a la banda The Imposters, la cual él formó y es vocalista. Ésta es la primera vez que escucho algo de él y mi primera impresión de Costello es que su voz no es realmente la más atractiva. Le apasiona cantar y sabe como introducirse a una melodía, como cooperar con ella y como darle su propio espacio, pero hay momentos en los que su voz nos separa de su música. Es como si tuviera el mismo tono en toda canción y solo cambiara el volumen de ella, entonces cuando entona, parece que solo está gritando. Costello definitivamente sabe como decorar adecuadamente cada uno de sus tracks y "Look Now" lo demuestra como un maestro compositor, pero ese problema lo hace ver solo un cantante más, sin un diferenciador o ventaja en la industria. No quiero decir que canta feo, pero en medio de mi incapacidad de desglosar la técnica total de la música, solo puedo decir que, cuando canta, opaca a su propio proyecto. En la producción Sebastian Krys lo apoya y ambos presentan un proyecto diverso en arreglos. Su habilidad lírica está en la forma en la que la introduce en su música, pero fuera de eso, no encontré un valor central en sus desamores sociales. Costello ha envejecido bien. A sus 64 años, su constancia se siente personal. Como si todo lo que hice es porque le gusta, no porque quiera hacer lo mejor de ello.
    Full Review »
  3. Dec 2, 2018
    Elvis has been an amazing lyricist for 40+ years running. Problem is, he ran out of good melodies long ago, and could use a Burt Bacharach toElvis has been an amazing lyricist for 40+ years running. Problem is, he ran out of good melodies long ago, and could use a Burt Bacharach to go along with his Hal David talents. After one listen to this, there's nothing I would really want to go back and listen to again. Full Review »