
Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. This collection is a sugar-high set, adrenalized even more than Blink's souped-up studio albums by the waves of Cheap Trick Live at Budokan-like female screams pouring from the audience. And the playing offers plenty of evidence to quiet anyone who thinks these guys are just three-chord wonders.... But young audiences love Blink shows in part for the wiseacre, self-deprecating quips, and this album is full 'em -- and not just between songs, as there are (count 'em) 29 extra tracks of banter lasting over 10 minutes at the album's end.
  2. This is as base as it gets, friends, a frantic, frenetic, and unapologetically adolescent orgy of sexual and scatological tomfoolery.
  3. The Mark, Tom and Travis Show is indeed a real rock show and catches Blink 182's shameless personalities and childlike giggling about oral sex, dog semen, and masturbation.
  4. Revolver
    Unfortunately, the toidy humor isn't funny, and the introspective songs aren't that relevatory. [#3, p.105]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 101 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 86 out of 101
  2. Negative: 9 out of 101
  1. ZogthorS.
    Apr 4, 2008
    Critics are gay! Who agrees. They are probably a bunch of lowlifes who can't do better and rip people off because they feel shit that Critics are gay! Who agrees. They are probably a bunch of lowlifes who can't do better and rip people off because they feel shit that they can't get the same. Who's with me? Full Review »
  2. EMileH
    Sep 28, 2006
    Blink 182 Rocks! Just wish they never Broke up...
  3. Nov 8, 2011
    F**k haters knowbody causally listens to that rock sh*t anyway pop punk is way better one of my favorite album of blink182. They can relate toF**k haters knowbody causally listens to that rock sh*t anyway pop punk is way better one of my favorite album of blink182. They can relate to kids better Full Review »