
Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Vines and Trying Times the seams are showing, which makes it a little bit harder to enjoy, even if there are certainly moments where all their craft and charm click, resulting in some fine pop that points out what's missing from the rest of the record.
  2. The boys continue to expand musically, making this their kickiest and catchiest CD yet, even better than last year's A Little Bit Longer.
  3. In a number of 'mature' developments to their sound they've laid down impeccably produced horns (see bombastic opener 'World War III'), come within millimetres of salacious classic rock in the excellent "Poison Ivy" (watch out for the implied "bitch" in the chorus!) and, on lead single 'Paranoid,' dispensed a chilled-out post-baggy number.
  4. It’s a bricolage of genres, so bent on embracing a variety of musical forms that it sometimes borders on parody.
  5. While it's commendable for the trio to try to break out of its teen dream box, it's on songs like 'Before the Storm'--featuring Miley Cyrus--where the brothers prove they're still among the best at putting the fizz in pop culture.
  6. Lines suggests that the Jonas Brothers simply don't have--or, more charitably, haven't yet developed--the chops to make it once the current teen-pop bubble bursts.
  7. Lines, Vines and Trying Times isn’t a good record and definitely isn’t the kind of thing you should be looking to investigate further. But if you’re reading this review, the chances are it’s not meant for you, so giving it a thumbs-down is hardly earth-shattering news.
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 159 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 54 out of 159
  1. KevinJ.
    Sep 17, 2009
    Ok guys, I admit our CD blows. We just happen to be short on some change so we had to put out a another turd. Now we made sales, we can pay Ok guys, I admit our CD blows. We just happen to be short on some change so we had to put out a another turd. Now we made sales, we can pay for out clothes and new cars. I hope my other bros don't see this.....Or they will beat me! I love girls, I love talking to em! That's about it! Full Review »
  2. Mar 29, 2021
    Why do you all give negative ratings to this masterpiece?unforgivable......
  3. Sep 4, 2020