
Mixed or average reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Jun 23, 2020
    “Lil Boat 3” finds Yachty syncopating and stretching beyond his naturally baritone voice. He sounds more self-aware than ever, channeling his beloved infectious energy as the main driver for the album, rather than his erratic lyrical ability.
  2. Jun 23, 2020
    Yachty's progress mostly shows up in his drive to push his music to new places, but he takes steps backwards by overpadding Lil Boat 3 with too many similar, unnecessary tracks.
  3. Jun 23, 2020
    At times, ‘Lil Baby 3’ comes close to grappling with maturity, but Lil Yachty’s version of adulthood feels distinctly shallow.
  4. Jun 23, 2020
    Even if Lil Boat 3 came out in a time without so much surface tension (is such a thing still possible?), it’d still feel sloppy and forgettable. The presence of personalities like Lil Yachty’s should be welcomed, but the execution still needs to be there.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. May 2, 2021
    So underrated! ........................................y..................................
  2. Dec 15, 2020
    The score I gave to this project is way too high and I do know it. It must probably be my easily happy listener-side who wrote this review forThe score I gave to this project is way too high and I do know it. It must probably be my easily happy listener-side who wrote this review for me. Lyrics are pure trash. Songs all seem like messy unfinished drafts. Lil Yachty is barely always impossible to understand and his voice is as modified as Nicole Kidman's face. It is impossible to write, sing and act in a more mainstream childish and unoriginal way than this.

    However I can't hide the fact that I felt a certain pleasure in listening to the different songs. But all the awards go to the producers who managed to add so many varied instrumentals in 'Lil Boat 3'. When Yachty brings out his flow it may not be as bad as we expected. Featured artists bring more joy and variety, especially in the Deluxe version ('Lil Boat 3.5' which contains 27 tracks omg). I felt like the new tracks added in the beginning are more striking than those included in the main album. Yet all these protagonists don't seem to give a F to the project and are truly here to have fun messing up with our ears. No valid delivered message. Take for example Future who decided to whistle his verse on 'Pardon Me'. What the freak. Well let's say he did notices the overall lack of originality of 'Lil Boat 3'. Same thing with Oliver Tree: I don't even like the track he appears on but I enjoyed the simple fact that he made part of this unbelievable wrap up.

    Here is the recipe of the album: make really short songs with attractive production and add a bunch of singers to make the whole thing look more varied. And it sometimes worked, as foolish as it looks! The whole project is messy but Lil Yachty managed to make it a colourful mess. Yet some samples as in 'Demon Time' and 'T.D.' remain invariably painful.
    Full Review »
  3. Nov 28, 2020
    Divertido, sombrio e diverso, assim eu definiria novo album de Boat. As vezes se perde no conceito que ele tentou nos apresentar, tentando seDivertido, sombrio e diverso, assim eu definiria novo album de Boat. As vezes se perde no conceito que ele tentou nos apresentar, tentando se provar constantemente como rapper e não como traper em algumas músicas, o que torna isso tudo meio massante mas os feat são tão bons que sustentam uma narrativa incrível! Full Review »