• Record Label: Arbutus
  • Release Date: Feb 26, 2013

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. May 29, 2013
    While many artists choose to play it safe on their debut album, Doldrums has decided to take us on an untidy journey into his own headspace. Lesser Evil is an unflinching and unashamed document of that trip, like a travelogue of a doomed vacation through Woodhead’s brain.
  2. May 29, 2013
    Though there are clear highlights--the druggy, danceable Egypt and the dreamy Anomaly--the album holds together as a larger, unified statement.
  3. Uncut
    May 29, 2013
    Doldrums' frequently multi-tracked falsetto is the icing on an appealingly irregular cake. [Apr 2013, p.71]
  4. May 29, 2013
    Lesser Evil proves that Doldrums can roam without fear of getting lost.
  5. May 29, 2013
    It's cacophonous and polyrhythmic, continuously falling apart and putting itself back together.
  6. 80
    Though it will never be something you can boogie on down to, or strut your wiggly bits at, it will, without a shadow of a doubt, hold your attention.
  7. May 29, 2013
    Woodhead is lost in the myriad sonic worlds he meticulously crafts throughout this sublime album.
  8. May 29, 2013
    The density of the album might take a while to sink into, but its catchiness will keep the listener returning to try to crack the code.
  9. May 29, 2013
    It sees the Canadian doing what he does best--welding samples together obsessively, and wailing a lot over the top.
  10. 75
    As a whole, Lesser Evil can be a lot to take in: it’s hyperactive, unstable, and disoriented. Most of the time it feels like all three at once. Yet Doldrums’ ability to hop genres with ease, write catchy melodies, and--above all--sound like he’s having fun doing it renders his place unique in an overcrowded genre, and his debut a promising one.
  11. Magnet
    May 29, 2013
    It's a warped ride overall, though not without some solid moments hidden beneath the surface. [No. 96, p.54]
  12. 70
    Like a good new party drug, Lesser Evil finds a sweet spot more often than not if you let it.
  13. May 29, 2013
    In the wider picture, this may not make the impressive strides 'Visions' or Purity Ring's 'Shrines' did, but there's every chance Lesser Evil can find an audience to smother it in all the affection it deserves.
  14. May 29, 2013
    While there is an abundance of elements that are “of the norm,” a joyous and haphazard mashing of non-standard pop ingredients drives home the album’s directive: a deranged, wonderful projection of polypop-delirium.
  15. May 29, 2013
    Although this is hardly cause for concern, one minor problem with Lesser Evil is that it doesn’t sound quite as fun--in the sell-your-house; buy-sandals; join-the-circus sense--as one expects Doldrums are fully capable of sounding.
  16. May 29, 2013
    Lesser Evil is an album that is a bit too cluttered and patchy to stand out as a classic debut.
  17. May 29, 2013
    Lesser Evil is not without its merits, and there’s something here for those willing to wade through the murk and warped, fractured imagination of Woodhead, and you may come to realize that he’s doing something truly challenging.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Jul 6, 2013
    Theres some great material here, the albums a great and promising debut for Doldrums. Songs like Egypt. Holographic Sand Castles and SunriseTheres some great material here, the albums a great and promising debut for Doldrums. Songs like Egypt. Holographic Sand Castles and Sunrise show the best of the sound that Doldrums has created. At times i hear Cosmogramma and others i hear Panda Bear but it doesn't sound all that much like any of them, its definitely some original work. Keep an eye out for this one, I know I will. Full Review »