• Record Label: Tectonic
  • Release Date: Feb 10, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Mojo
    Mar 19, 2015
    The melding of the Bristolian mixmasters' complementary styles is a low-end treat. [Apr 2015, p.95]
  2. Q Magazine
    Mar 11, 2015
    S&P might not have rewritten the dub rulebook here, but they've certainly minted a thrilling new chapter. [Mar 2015, p.116]
  3. Mar 11, 2015
    Most of the album is sterling work, with the bass alternately throbbing and growling and the beats crisp and sometimes technoid. The pair’s global influences add extra spice, only meandering into average territory on an ambient dub breather at the halfway point.
  4. Mar 11, 2015
    Two years spent reconstructing and re-dubbing has clearly paid off for the pair; an essential for all the late-night dub heads out there.
  5. The Wire
    Mar 11, 2015
    Its stark, frosty textures recall the Metalheadz-influenced feel of Pinch's recent solo work, an aesthetic that occasionally, especially on "Precinct Of Sound," threatens to tip over into sluggish moodiness. At best it's just as deft and cosmically heavy as you'd hope. [Mar 2015, p.52]
  6. Mar 11, 2015
    On Late Night Endless, Pinch and Sherwood come close, but coming from two of the most influential figures working in these areas today, there's a greater expectation here that isn't always met. When it does, it shines.
  7. Mar 11, 2015
    For all the dub diehards, Late Night Endless is a must-have. For the rest, it's a leisurely detour in the catalogues of two great artists who proved themselves a long time ago.
  8. Mar 11, 2015
    On their first full-length collaboration, Late Night Endless, the two draw on their formidable pedigree, yet at times the album feels cluttered with sound.
  9. Mar 11, 2015
    Tthe net effect is ultimately an uninspired collection of tracks that do little to offer a close listener anything new.

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