• Record Label: !K7
  • Release Date: Jun 21, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Jul 19, 2011
    The swirl of sonic suggestions throughout the album ranges from Laurie Anderson to These New Puritans to Active Child to Planningtorock to Brian Eno and David Byrne's collaborations and much more besides, all tied up and presented as an immediate and incredibly enjoyable art pop album without apology, an increasingly distinct and unique prospect.
  2. Jul 19, 2011
    With his unnerving falsetto, Nikolaj Manuel Vonsild, frontman for this mesmerizing Denmark quartet, suggests an exotic creature who's fallen to earth, while his bandmates fashion a deliciously minimal version of synth pop that evokes Low-era Bowie.
  3. Jul 19, 2011
    Konkylie is an impressive, accomplished collection of songs from a band coming into their own. They've succeeded in accomplishing what all so many artists strive for: cleanly synthesising their feelings and thoughts into sound.
  4. Jul 19, 2011
    Konkylie is a vibrant, often intense, mix of house and pop, infused, wonderfully, with both a spiritual glow and a dark clubland soul.
  5. Aug 24, 2011
    Though Konkylie nearly always sounds good while it's on, the songwriting's not always on point.
  6. Under The Radar
    Aug 5, 2011
    The sequencing of Konkylie could be slightly better, but the ability to write a great tune is definitely with these Saints. [Jul 2011, p.88]
  7. Sep 1, 2011
    A handful of these delicious earworms deserve to be on the radio. The mismanaged sequencing of Konkylie robs its melodic impact, but the ability to write a great tune is definitely with these Saints.
  8. Q Magazine
    Aug 9, 2011
    Spine-tingling electronic experiments from Denmark. [Aug. 2011, p. 127]
  9. Uncut
    Jul 28, 2011
    Nikolaj Manuel Vonslid's choirboy vibrato lends a ghostly quality to these 10 pretty synth tunes, all of which fuse north European wistfulness and vaguely Oriental motifs in soothing manner. [Jul 2011, p.103]
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Aug 6, 2011
    Damn this is an awesome album. There are no weak moments on this album only highlights followed by highlights. They really deserve anDamn this is an awesome album. There are no weak moments on this album only highlights followed by highlights. They really deserve an international breakthrough with this album. One of the best albums of the year so far!! Full Review »
  2. Oct 12, 2012
    I have to admit that When Saints Go Machine do require a bit adaption. It's fundamental original and innovative melancholic (electronic) pop.I have to admit that When Saints Go Machine do require a bit adaption. It's fundamental original and innovative melancholic (electronic) pop. Give it some time and it will catch you.
    It's the best album of the year 2011 (not just in Denmark).
    Full Review »