• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Aug 22, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
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  1. Dec 7, 2011
    A constantly and unexpectedly thrilling comeback from a resurgent band who have upped their game when it matters the most.
  2. Sep 15, 2011
    Killer Sounds is certainly flawed, but has an awkward yet indefatigable charm.
  3. Sep 15, 2011
    Their third album has less of a home-produced feel though offers the same mainstream mash-up of indie-pop and dance, the beats and synth lines slightly more souped up.
  4. Q Magazine
    Sep 28, 2011
    Killer Sounds feels like a missed opportunity. [Oct 2011, p.120]
  5. Uncut
    Sep 23, 2011
    The result is state-of-the-art pop played by a meat-and-potatoes indie band, and sounds a bit like the Stereo MCs. [Oct 2011, p.89]
  6. Sep 15, 2011
    Killer Sounds is as assured as third albums should be, and were it a debut album it would be feted as a bright start. However, there is the sense we should be expecting more from Hard-Fi at this point, as the sporadic sparks of brilliance here demonstrate they are capable of it.
  7. 60
    Killer Sounds gets away with its confused billing because Hard-Fi have always known instinctively how to navigate their way around a chorus. That skill set survives here in big, stupid bloody pop songs.
  8. Sep 15, 2011
    Just as the Arctic Monkeys do not belong in the American desert, Hard-Fi has little to no place at a London rave. It is such a waste really, since the catchy songwriting nous that still makes Killer Sounds bearable, is also why it is such a disappointment.
  9. 40
    Beneath the bluster it's pretty dull fare, the brittle rock-funk beats and brusque guitar riffs carrying songs that pay eager lip-service to energy and activity but actually offer a series of fairly empty experiences.
  10. Sep 15, 2011
    Set against jarring synths, the macho, sexualised lyrics sound seedy--or worse, menacing--and what prosaic hooks exist are obscured by the dirge.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Dec 18, 2016
    A thrilling electro-rock album. Hiring the masters of electronica and pop - Stuart Price and Greg Kurstin - was the best thing this band everA thrilling electro-rock album. Hiring the masters of electronica and pop - Stuart Price and Greg Kurstin - was the best thing this band ever did. From start to finish it's a little insane ('Sweat' being the best example), and it's all the better for it. It's full of intense production, witty song-writing and hooks-for-days.
    It's an album that will appeal to pop and rock fans alike. A highly, highly underrated genre-bending classic.
    Full Review »
  2. Aug 3, 2012
    An album that offers listeners the perfect blend of rock and electronica. It has hooks at ever turn, fresh melody's and fun sounds throughout.An album that offers listeners the perfect blend of rock and electronica. It has hooks at ever turn, fresh melody's and fun sounds throughout. A great album, Full Review »
  3. Apr 16, 2012
    The whole album is absolutely over-the-top, which is probably what I love about it. It is my most listened to album ever on my iTunes (and IThe whole album is absolutely over-the-top, which is probably what I love about it. It is my most listened to album ever on my iTunes (and I listen to a lot of music), which is enough praise in itself. You can hardly stop to take a breath as they bang out massive tunes like the epic dance number 'FIre In The House', the bonkers citar-infused 'Feels Good' and the sensual, heavily-synthed 'Sweat'. 'Love Song' sounds like it could top the charts, given the chance. The only dip in quality is the title track at the end, but it's still hard not to listen to it. It's a shame this album didn't do as well as their debut, but I hope all the fans recognise the quality of this record and continue to support Hard-Fi because if they continue making high quality music like this they can hopefully end the undeserved dip in their career. Full Review »