
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. In its ambition, emotion, aggression and intelligence, Kick Up The Fire, And Let The Flames Break Loose is a work of sheer bloody genius.
  2. Lord knows what's going to happen when they abandon their commercial concessions entirely (as we suspect this buys them the opportunity to do. Good), but this is stunning enough in its own right.
  3. It's different without being aggravating and intelligent without ever being overbearing.
  4. The most brilliantly ambitious record of the year.
  5. Alternative Press
    Loose continually festers with a blistering intensity and creativity that's not for the closed-minded or faint of heart. [Feb 2004, p.88]
  6. Urb
    They effortlessly knock out the kind of poignant, electronic-tinged anthems that would have had a 1997 Thom Yorke dancing with joy. [Mar 2004, p.109]
  7. The first great album of the new prog revolution.
  8. By combining elements of metal, pop, jazz, and electronica, the Cooper Temple Clause create a broad album that is subtle and meticulous as well as driving and bombastic.
  9. What the band lack in cohesion they make up for with a healthy mania.
  10. Q Magazine
    An impressively thoughtful album. [Oct 2003, p.103]
  11. Everything suggests they have a great album within them, but this isn't it.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. PaulF
    Feb 15, 2005
    After hearing the first album I wasn't sure whether to get the follow up. I'm not saying that the first was particularly bad, it After hearing the first album I wasn't sure whether to get the follow up. I'm not saying that the first was particularly bad, it just wasn't that great. However, after hearing so many positives about this one I decided to go get it. Lets just say I'm amazed at how far the Cooper Temple Clause have moved on from See This Through and Leave. Kick up the fire... is so much darker, so much stranger and so much more original. Even if you didn't like their first album, this one is a must own. It's grips you from the fantastic opening track 'The Same Mistakes' to the epic ending of 'Written Apology'. This is alternative rock at its very best and probably one of the greatest most original albums ever released. Full Review »
  2. KenzuK
    Dec 4, 2004
    I've listened to this album since it's 2003 release and I haven't bought a better record after since. It's good. I've listened to this album since it's 2003 release and I haven't bought a better record after since. It's good. It's so bloody good. Compare it to what you want but in my opinion it is nothing else but TCTC. They have created their own sound, (no its not radiohead or oasis or whatever some reviewers are saying) obviously influenced by these reviewers comparisons but these influences have not left footprints in the actual music. This album is why I listen to music and almost nothing goes even near it. Full Review »
  3. RandyL
    May 5, 2004
    Very very impressive, never got to hear their 1st album so this was my first taste of CTC. Intense, innovative and emotional, truly Very very impressive, never got to hear their 1st album so this was my first taste of CTC. Intense, innovative and emotional, truly progressive rock. Full Review »