
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Though it may be tempting to describe Radian merely as an instrumental post-rock group in the Chicago tradition – they are instrumental, and they’re signed to Thrill Jockey, after all – there aren’t any post-rock bands that are engaging with ideas from electronic and improvised music to the degree that Radian does.
  2. A more savage, flawless and impressive sound could not have emanated from these Austrian-born, Chicago-fed composers of laptop jazz.
  3. Radian boasts a sound far deeper and richer than most of their push-button contemporaries.
  4. Radian created a record that listeners have to let envelope them slowly -- and, if patient enough, Juxtaposition will reveal treasures from an aural dig that are a wonderful, satisfying surprise.
  5. Radian has given soul and warmth to the body electric on Juxtaposition.
  6. Utterly modern and utterly compelling.
  7. The group takes the term "clinical" to new heights, yet this newest effort still sounds more loose than their last effort.
  8. The results sound just fine-- if somewhat familiar to fans of Tortoise, To Rococo Rot, Pan American, or Radian's previous work.
  9. It is blatantly experimental, though most indie fans should find it at least mildly accessible.
  10. The Wire
    Theirs is a terse music, but purposeful, and it's that quality which makes this a more engaging listen than the equally abstract cybernetic fusion of To Rococo Rot or Mapstation. [#247, p.62]
  11. As accomplished as Radian's sound is, Juxtaposition has trouble conveying new ideas throughout the album.

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