• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Mar 19, 2021
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 5480 Ratings

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  1. Mar 20, 2021
    Trash. Repetative, bland, lyrically weak even tho it had like 15 different writers on each song. Not worth listening.
  2. Sep 27, 2021
  3. Mar 19, 2021
    I really enjoyed this album a lot. The songs that i love the most are peaches and somebody, very very good music
  4. Mar 19, 2021
    Containing different elements, like r&b / pop rock / pop / gospel / 2000s / 80s / afrobeat, Justice came to prove that Bieber is still at the top, serving good music.
  5. Mar 19, 2021
    Algo maravilloso, sin dudas lo mejor de su carrera lo amo Justin rey tkm flaco
  6. Mar 20, 2021
    What in the world is this bs ? I don’t recommend listening or buying this trash album.
  7. Mar 20, 2021
    Oh my God, here we go again. An empty album with the same beats.
    Seriously, if we are brave enough to call him "Prince of Pop", then pop is already dead.
  8. Mar 21, 2021
    justin bieber merece parabéns por conseguir fazer um disco tão básico e genérico, e mesmo assim fazê-lo sair tão ruim é uma proeza. o álbum inteiro tem gosto de água de esgoto morna com poucos momentos que se salvam, e quando digo poucos momentos me refiro ao 2,3 segundos de silêncio.
  9. Mar 22, 2021
    Honestly his music just sounds the same now. Purpose was better but some of you aren't ready for that discussion. He is a pos. So idk how yall stan that racist.
  10. Mar 20, 2021
    There is a serious lack of originality here on top of cultural appropriation. If an artist of this magnitude can’t help to understand his privilege of profiting off of other cultures, it just shows how out of touch he is with his own creative art. There seems to be a lack of passion pushing through these songs with over produced beats and underwhelming lyrics. Purpose/journals were hisThere is a serious lack of originality here on top of cultural appropriation. If an artist of this magnitude can’t help to understand his privilege of profiting off of other cultures, it just shows how out of touch he is with his own creative art. There seems to be a lack of passion pushing through these songs with over produced beats and underwhelming lyrics. Purpose/journals were his last great albums. His recent stuff just seems to push a blank narrative and stay relevant in all the wrong ways. Expand
  11. Mar 20, 2021
    El álbum más asqueroso y horrible del mundo, no sabe evolucionar, aburre con los mismo de siempre.
  12. Mar 20, 2021
    Such a flop
    How yall can stan him
  13. Mar 21, 2021
    Another mediocre music. He's just making music out of desperations for chart and money
  14. Mar 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is a really bad album, 2015 JB music was way better than this. Also, what JB said about this album and the meaning of its title,basically everything that he claimed about this album before the release, doesn't exist in what he actually actually gave Expand
  15. Mar 20, 2021
    Justin need to realise that generic r&b/pop died in 2019. This album sucks. I feel so sorry for Hailey because the worst song of the album have her name lol.
  16. Apr 9, 2021
    This album is a big meh as everything that Justin has been doing for a long time, some songs are catchy but that’s it there’s nothing new it seems that Scooter Brown is making another product
  17. Mar 20, 2021
    It was an improvement to Changes but it feels like it wasn't raw and genuine. Adding Khalid, Giveon, The Kid Laroi, and Daniel Caesar to it makes it feel like he's looking for streams rather than Justice
  18. Mar 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Confesso que o hype negativo foi o que me levou a ouvir.

    E me arrependo amargamente.

    No começo achei que a crítica especializada estava de birra com ele, mas agora penso as críticas foram até empáticas. É o básico em uma roupagem revolucionária, e acabou apenas sendo cômico.
  19. Mar 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Definitivamente uno de los peores álbumes del 2021, un intento mal logrado de algo que forzosamente quiere ser aclamado a base de decenas de compositores. Expand
  20. Mar 20, 2021
    El gran problema de bieber es que cree que sigue innovando pero su música cada vez es más básica y repetitiva. Aburridísimo.
  21. Mar 20, 2021
    not as bad as changes (that ain't a challenge tho) but still pretty effing bad
  22. Mar 20, 2021
    pure trash. i dont reccomend this album to none. seriously. go listen to Revelación, Positions or Folklore instead!
  23. Mar 21, 2021
    boring! this album only shows that miss yummy has nothing of musical identity and does, album after album, the same thing
  24. Mar 20, 2021
    um artista mediocre fazendo musicas mediocres com letras mediocres e melodias toscas....
  25. Mar 20, 2021
    The worst album to ever exist. Try harder justin. U can do better ig
  26. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Worst Álbum Ever Ugh Expand
  27. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Worst album ever. He started the pandemic in 2020 with changes and now he's back again with another trash album.. Tanked Expand
  28. Mar 19, 2021
    Naah man .. why he used to be good .. this new album is a brother to changes . Another flop by him .. but ofc Grammy's are gonna nominate him for this **** .
  29. Mar 20, 2021
    Really bad quality. Lyrics have simply no meaning. Production is awful. His music has never been the best but this time it’s truly the worst.
  30. Mar 22, 2021
    What a waste of time, I’m lucky that my ears wasn’t bleeding when I heard this **** you shouldn’t listen this album

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Mar 26, 2021
    The upshot is that Justice is one of Bieber's steadiest releases, among the easiest to play from start to finish. The only overdone aspect is the low self-esteem and unworthiness the lyrics either suggest or flatly express in almost every song.
  2. Mar 25, 2021
    With 16 tracks in a wide variety of styles and moods, Bieber’s centerless sixth studio album is noisy and grab-baggy in a way that once was typical for him (and other major pop acts) yet now registers as shallow and unsatisfying.
  3. Mar 23, 2021
    His voice has a palatable smoothness; he’s mastered push-and-pull dynamics, and he swings effortlessly from a placid chest voice to a zephyr of a falsetto. That litheness and control are on full display across Justice. Even when the songwriting is spiritless and the production rote—and it occasionally is, as on the confessional “Unstable” and the saccharine “Deserve You”—he still sings the hell out of it.