• Record Label: Mute
  • Release Date: Apr 8, 2016
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 162 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 14 out of 162
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  1. Apr 22, 2016
    I can't stress this more......but please ignore the naysayers on this. I've been a fan of M83 since the beginning and Junk doesn't in any 'ruin' their 'sound'. It's just different. It's the purest of pop music, but done by somebody with a hyper musical intelligence. Beginning to end, the songs have more life, more character and more warmth than most records could only dream of, Album ofI can't stress this more......but please ignore the naysayers on this. I've been a fan of M83 since the beginning and Junk doesn't in any 'ruin' their 'sound'. It's just different. It's the purest of pop music, but done by somebody with a hyper musical intelligence. Beginning to end, the songs have more life, more character and more warmth than most records could only dream of, Album of the year? It's a damn strong contender. Expand
  2. Apr 8, 2016
    From the first minute to the last...

    Thank You Anthony & Co.

    M83 Rules!!!

    Such Amazing sound production, magic and pasion that I feel with this album.

    80's Sound means a lot for me. And this is a letter love to all that decade represents..... PURE MAGIC.

    Without dubt, sorry....10 out 10
  3. Apr 9, 2016
    Let me start with a visual:

    You're in a retro 70's Bar, kind of like a Good Times theme and you're a guest, feathered hair, rounded glasses, collar up, and rocking your best bell bottom jeans. As you stay in this 70's bar, these performers begin to play the piano (Do It, Try It), the saxophone (Go!, Walkway Blues, Road Blaster), and even an old dusty harmonic (Sunday Night 1987). The
    Let me start with a visual:

    You're in a retro 70's Bar, kind of like a Good Times theme and you're a guest, feathered hair, rounded glasses, collar up, and rocking your best bell bottom jeans.

    As you stay in this 70's bar, these performers begin to play the piano (Do It, Try It), the saxophone (Go!, Walkway Blues, Road Blaster), and even an old dusty harmonic (Sunday Night 1987). The audience, along with you are just clapping along and having a great time!

    You can't help but feel this free, good hearted energy when listening to this album, like you've stepped into a sitcom with Henry Wrinkle, Goldie Hawn, and John Ritter.

    I really appreciate this album because it's not being made to sell to the most current audience like most artists. It's for every generation, ranging from late 60's to 2016!

    If you're reading this, and are questioning whether M83 carries Hurry up into this album, the answer is no they did not. This is totally different from their previous work and it's unique and special for that specific reason. The featured artists on this album raise this record to new heights. All in all, M83 does what they do best, they take their listener on a trip into a different world, and in this case, a retro space ride through the galaxy!
  4. Apr 16, 2016
    The best album of 2016 so far. The riffs in this album are consistently catchy with my favourite being "Do it, Try it" which features glossy synths and a high stepping drum beat. The lyrics in this album are based on some kind of space journey. This album also features an array of guest appearances from artists such as Beck and Susanne Sundfør.
  5. Jun 7, 2016
    Let's be perfectly honest, this album is pretty ridiculous at some points. Moon Crystal sounds like something you'd get in a Nintendo game, while Go! would feel quite at home in an elevator and Solitude bombards you with an insane key-tar solo. Meanwhile, the album displays so much contrast, with the haunting lyrics and vocals in For The Kids and the blissful calm of The Wizard and TensionLet's be perfectly honest, this album is pretty ridiculous at some points. Moon Crystal sounds like something you'd get in a Nintendo game, while Go! would feel quite at home in an elevator and Solitude bombards you with an insane key-tar solo. Meanwhile, the album displays so much contrast, with the haunting lyrics and vocals in For The Kids and the blissful calm of The Wizard and Tension slowing the whole crazy experience down. But that's what it is: this album is an experience.

    It delights in its ridiculousness, showing no shame as it puts that huge, childish smile on your face. Moon Crystal may sound like the music to a kid's video game, but it really doesn't care. It's so infective, so catchy and so god-dam happy that it powers to the end, and therefore I don't care either. Solitude is one of the most surreal and yet beautiful things I've ever heard, with its subtle piano chords and soft vocals sedating you, before you're left to appreciate the ridiculously epic and epically ridiculous key-tar solo that would feel out of place anywhere else -- but not here.

    Meanwhile, over in For The Kids, M83 demonstrates that they can be equally as mature and wise as they can be immature and naive, with powerful, painful lyrics and tender vocals that sound like to me like a mother, at the same time hopeless and hopeful. And at the last track we have a beautifully melodic and understated piece: Sunday Night 1987 is essentially a ballad, with its slow lullaby-esque vocals singing us gently to sleep, before the powerful ending bows the album out. But it's played on a harmonica, because remember, this is Junk -- nothing's too ridiculous and, with enough conviction, anything's beautiful.

    Junk is where mad melodies, swaggering beats, synth-pop symphonies and an unmatchable appreciation and wisdom for music take centre stage. It forces you to dance like a child and then contemplate your existence, before putting you into a state of elation -- all the while with a huge grin on your face. It's like a collaboration between J S Bach and the Pet Shop Boys, only if both were 10 years old. And, amazingly, it's one of the most enjoyable and joyous things I've ever listened to.
  6. Sep 6, 2020
    amazing album, very future nostalgic, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  7. Apr 26, 2016
    Outside of the cornball elevator-music interludes (reminds me of the royalty-free music I used to use for corporate videos, ick), this is actually a really infectious record. Lots of fun standout tracks, wearing their 80s influenced heart on their sleeves. I think given time and space this underrated album will grow in popularity, perhaps the lower score is more a visceral reaction to thisOutside of the cornball elevator-music interludes (reminds me of the royalty-free music I used to use for corporate videos, ick), this is actually a really infectious record. Lots of fun standout tracks, wearing their 80s influenced heart on their sleeves. I think given time and space this underrated album will grow in popularity, perhaps the lower score is more a visceral reaction to this record not being "Hurry Up..." Expand
  8. Apr 14, 2016
    What a charming and lighthearted record! I really love it. I for one am glad he's taking a break from his customary sound, it was getting a bit suffocating. This feels like a breath of fresh air. Hopefully one that will invigorate him for even greater records in the future.
  9. Apr 8, 2016
    Wow 5 years since their last album! Where has the time gone?! M83 doesn't ever disappoint and this album definitely channels the 80's theme that they were going for. It's a little mainstream but has some sick beats that M83 fans will enjoy over the summer! Some of the songs are a little over blown, but that's what some of the 80's was! Great album!

    Dance, sad, chill. Highlights: "Do
    Wow 5 years since their last album! Where has the time gone?! M83 doesn't ever disappoint and this album definitely channels the 80's theme that they were going for. It's a little mainstream but has some sick beats that M83 fans will enjoy over the summer! Some of the songs are a little over blown, but that's what some of the 80's was! Great album!

    Dance, sad, chill.

    Highlights: "Do it, Try It": "For the Kids", "The Wizard", and "Time Wind" because of Beck...anything with Beck is great.
  10. Apr 8, 2016
    Aunque no es un álbum épico como lo fueron, Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts o Hurry Up, We're Dreaming, es realmente fascinante.

    Se nota la influencia de la década de los 80's en cada sonido, es mágico el sonido que han logrado para este álbum desde el primer al ultimo tema.

    Creo que los puntos mas altos del álbum son "Time Wind" con Beck y "Do It, Try It "
  11. Apr 8, 2016
    The album is incredibly fun, but also very dense with many jazzy chords and catchy melodies.

    It's certainly not for everyone, however you owe it to yourself to give it a shot, bright synth melodies paired with strong vocalists such as Beck and Mai LAN make almost all tracks each their own.
  12. Aug 18, 2016
    When bands experience such radical changes in direction as M83 do here, they are bound to divide fans and critics who were used to their earlier work - this is like nothing they have ever made. Rather than replicating the epic scope of Hurry Up, We're Dreaming, Junk gives you Anthony Gonzalez at his most personal.
    Do It, Try It is one of M83's most feel-good songs, with funky piano riffs
    When bands experience such radical changes in direction as M83 do here, they are bound to divide fans and critics who were used to their earlier work - this is like nothing they have ever made. Rather than replicating the epic scope of Hurry Up, We're Dreaming, Junk gives you Anthony Gonzalez at his most personal.
    Do It, Try It is one of M83's most feel-good songs, with funky piano riffs yet still an echo of M83's previous work, while Go!, Walkway Blues and Road Blaster all take over from Midnight City and it's epic sax solo. For The Kids, one of my personal favourites, shows the mature side of the album in comparison with the 80's Sitcom Theme-Tune that is Moon Crystal.

    While some were calling for Solitude to be the next James Bond theme, Mai Lan thrust herself into the spotlight with appearances on Go!, Laser Gun, Atlantique Sud and Bibi the Dog. Beck features on Time Wind, sliding seamlessly into the album's setup, and the Instrumentals keep the mood of the album together fabulously well, with The Wizard and Sunday Night 1987 starring.

    It's not a perfect album by any means, but it's something refreshingly different from what M83 have done in the past, and by that means I think that in a few years time, M83 fans will be able to see its merits. Until then I suggest you Do It, Try It.

    Do It, Try It - Go! (feat. Mai Lan) - Laser Gun (feat. Mai Lan) - For The Kids (feat. Susanne Sundfør) - Road Blaster
  13. Apr 11, 2016
    Really awesome album. Very 80's and I like it a lot, very different from their previous albums but it works. Can't wait for more M83 music in the future.
  14. Apr 14, 2016
    I can understand some disappointment from people who were expecting another HUWD album or something like that. Junk is not HUWD, its very different but I don't think different has to mean bad.

    I will admit the first time I heard Do it, Try it I was really confused and a little disappointed. This was nothing of the m83 I was used to. However, after giving it and the rest of the album
    I can understand some disappointment from people who were expecting another HUWD album or something like that. Junk is not HUWD, its very different but I don't think different has to mean bad.

    I will admit the first time I heard Do it, Try it I was really confused and a little disappointed. This was nothing of the m83 I was used to. However, after giving it and the rest of the album more than just one listen, I am actually really pleasantly surprised.

    The album in general is really enjoyable to listen to now in my opinion. Walkaway Blues is a must listen to and definitely my favorite song on the album. Jordan's voice in this track works perfectly and is haunting among a very funky track. The interlude tracks are really nice as well. Moon Crystal, a song that I first thought was just cheesy is actually really well put together and doesn't feel too long or overdrawn. The Wizard is a song that I almost wish had lyrics but the track itself is really nicely done as well. Ludivine is very haunting as well and almost has a coldplay-like feel to it.

    The song that really surprised me both in a bad way at first was. When I first heard Bibi the dog I literally just shut my computer...I hated . But after getting used to it I really like all of the background instrumentals in it and I love Mai Lan's voice.

    Overall, Junk is definitely a different album than all of m83's previous ones and it definitely took a little bit of getting used to. But after listening to the album a few times through I can say that it is now on repeat and getting stuck in my head

    Highlights: Walkaway Blues, Laser Gun, Moon Crystal, The Wizard
  15. Aug 29, 2020
    Engraçado a critica ter falado tanto o quanto esse álbum era ruim por ser nostálgico e brega ao pegar sons vintages e bem clichês. E hoje em dia a sonoridade desse álbum ser quase uma trending pra vários projetos recentes.
    Anthony Gonzalez sempre a frente mesmo né.
  16. Apr 26, 2016
    I am not sure why there's so much disdain for this album. While the best song on the last album was better than any of these, this album is more consistently good throughout, and has the feel of a concept album. It's a grower, but it grows fast. As for rehashing the 80's... maybe it is a bit cliche now, but there's something fresh about M83's interpretation of it, and no one else hasI am not sure why there's so much disdain for this album. While the best song on the last album was better than any of these, this album is more consistently good throughout, and has the feel of a concept album. It's a grower, but it grows fast. As for rehashing the 80's... maybe it is a bit cliche now, but there's something fresh about M83's interpretation of it, and no one else has managed to make it as convincing as this, or reached for the melodic quality of that Duran Duran/Depech Mode niche that M83 can truly explore and compliment. Nothing to "high art" about this either. It's just entertainingly good and casting a clever wink, everything from album cover to album title. It's good! Expand
  17. Apr 11, 2016
    Uninhibited and beautiful from end to end with an occasional glimmer of the blood bond between Junk and Hurry Up. Whilst the transition of pace through the album sometimes feels awkward, Junk is a mesmerizing, dynamic and polished train I simply don't want to get off.
  18. Apr 10, 2016
    Updating and adding some stuff to my review: Exceeded my expectations a bit. I was a bit leery from the lukewarm reception at first and didn't know what to expect. I expected a mediocre album from him for the first time. Anthony always releases quality music and I was afraid this would be his first flop... But it's not.

    Everything is great: the interludes, the guest tracks (save for
    Updating and adding some stuff to my review: Exceeded my expectations a bit. I was a bit leery from the lukewarm reception at first and didn't know what to expect. I expected a mediocre album from him for the first time. Anthony always releases quality music and I was afraid this would be his first flop... But it's not.

    Everything is great: the interludes, the guest tracks (save for maybe "Go!"), and the solo tracks as well. There's a little bit of everything going on here and if you love the tacky and over-the-top things of the 80's, you'll love it. I love all tracks on here and I'd recommend them all, but I'd have to say the best are "Walkway Blues," (funky) "Road Blaster" (also funky and like "Midnight City"), "Solitude" (romantic), and "Sunday Night 1987" (emotional).

    It feels very mellow and bluesy but has this 70's and 80's charm that is so cute and irresistible. It's definitely different than anything he's ever done before but you can tell he really spend quite a while on this album. "Walkway Blues" is probably the greatest song I've heard this year and is particularly recommended. Just don't go in expecting another Saturday=Youth or HUWD and I think you'll love it
  19. Apr 15, 2016
    Provides an electric feel, and definitely a gorgeously produced album. Some songs are a bit repetitive, but M83 has done a great job, from its awesome saxophone solos to the hardcore 80's vibe. 8/10
  20. Apr 15, 2016
    After 5 years of expectations, M83 brings us 'Junk', their worst (but yet most interesting) album to date. This record sounds like a well-produced space parody of the 70's and 80's. Although this emulation can be hard to digest at first, the record gets stronger after some spins. Along its 15 tracks and 55 minutes, 'Junk' sometimes sounds like a collection of jokes; some of them are goingAfter 5 years of expectations, M83 brings us 'Junk', their worst (but yet most interesting) album to date. This record sounds like a well-produced space parody of the 70's and 80's. Although this emulation can be hard to digest at first, the record gets stronger after some spins. Along its 15 tracks and 55 minutes, 'Junk' sometimes sounds like a collection of jokes; some of them are going to make you laugh, while others are going to bore you.

    Best Tracks: Do It, Try It; Solitude; Laser Gun; Bibi The Dog
  21. Apr 10, 2016
    I am kinda sure that almost nobody will love this album as much as M83 previous works, but the mood here is completely different. Although I knew this was gonna sound different, I couldn't help expecting to hear some of the M83 epic, dramatic and atmospheric sound I'm used to. But then I realized this is a more colourful and lightful sound. It is a genuine depiction of the cheesy sounds ofI am kinda sure that almost nobody will love this album as much as M83 previous works, but the mood here is completely different. Although I knew this was gonna sound different, I couldn't help expecting to hear some of the M83 epic, dramatic and atmospheric sound I'm used to. But then I realized this is a more colourful and lightful sound. It is a genuine depiction of the cheesy sounds of the 80s. There are so many topics. There is a constant happy vibe thoughout the whole project, especially this funny song called Moon Crystal, that sounds like something it would be played on an 80s TV program when they cut to a screen that says “Technical difficulties. Please, stand by”. But also there are songs that will please the old fans, like Solitude, one of the bests and a reminder of the last album, HUWD. The production sounds clean and polite. I love the progressive rock chords on Tension, so nostalgic to me. With that being said, I still think this will not age as one of M83 best works. Do It, Try It sound generic to me, like some other songs. Not a solid first single. But I still consider that, with time, maybe more songs on Junk will grow on me. Expand
  22. Apr 11, 2016
    M83 uses as many nostalgic samples as possible on this new project. It it weird, risky, but it also works . . . usually. Most of the time I felt like I was back in the 80s pop/new wave scene. I give M83 props for being different, but it just wasn't quite consistent enough to compare to Midnight City.
  23. Apr 21, 2016
    It's fun! I had a fun time listening to this album. It's nothing special, but if I'm in need of a pick-me-up this album can do the trick. Don't have much else to say about it.
  24. Sep 11, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. French synthpop, dreampop band led by Anthony Gonzalez 7th LP. Coming from a well accepted album `Hurry up, we're dreaming´, which had a few pretty great songs but for me too much pointless tracks, the band had a lot of pressure on releasing this LP. Three long years later, Anthony and the rest surprise everyone with an album entitled `Junk´. The name was given in order to criticize the fact that the big majority of people listen only to 2 o 3 songs of each albums, not giving attention to the rest. And, ironically, M83 has given reasons in the opposite direction with this LP. `Junk´, formed by 15 songs, encourage people to only listen to a few tracks by having to much “junk”, too much pointless songs. Just to clear out, everyone can like this pointless songs, indeed I like some of them, when I say they are pointless I´m thinking about the global context of the album and the band.
    As always the M83 LP reinvent the vintage pop from the mid 70´s, mid 80´s with typical saxo, guitar and harmonica solos from that decade. As always M83 deligth us with some extraordinary instrumentation and production. However, the vocals disappointed me very much in several songs like `do ti, try it´or ´Sunday night 1987´ but the worst part was, as always, the lyrics. Putting aside the vocals, `Junk´ has some good dance songs like ´Do it, try it´, `Go!´ (awesome guitar solo of Nicolás Fromageau) and `Laser gun´ (this last two with the collaboration of the french singer MAI LAN). It also has a big list of ballads like `Solitude´ and `For the kids´ (with Sussane sundfor) with great instrumental solos from the 80´s. Although I really enjoy this two I mention, there are a few ballad tracks that left over like `Moon crystal´ and `Atlantique sud´. My personal favourite song is ´Walkaway blues´in which digital M83 sound and retro sound are combined together perfectly.

    My conclusion is that Anthony Gonzalez has once again shown that he is a creator genius and that Nicolas is an awesome soloist, but they have to keep working on vocals and LP filling.

    I give this album a 7,2.
  25. Apr 10, 2016
    First of all, I must admit that M83 is one of my favourite bands - probably even my most favourite band. I really like all of their Albums, some are only quite okay (Digital Shades), some are extremely nice to listen (Self-titled-album, Dead Cities, Saturdays = Youth) and some are absolutely great (Before the Dawn and especially Hurry Up, We're Dreaming - my favourite Album, not only byFirst of all, I must admit that M83 is one of my favourite bands - probably even my most favourite band. I really like all of their Albums, some are only quite okay (Digital Shades), some are extremely nice to listen (Self-titled-album, Dead Cities, Saturdays = Youth) and some are absolutely great (Before the Dawn and especially Hurry Up, We're Dreaming - my favourite Album, not only by M83, but in general). The soundtrack works are also really interesting.
    And then, there is Junk. I would really like to call this another great M83 Album, but I just can't...

    Yes, there are some really cool Songs on Junk, for example my favourite track, Road Blaster - it's probably the closest Anthony comes to the synth-pop-heights of Midnight City and Reunion. Also the instrumental tracks The Wizard and Tension are really great and remind me of one of the reasons why I love M83 so much: Beautiful and emotional synth melodies, carefully and thoughtfully arranged and produced.
    Solitude is kind of the dark horse of the Album, reminds me of the emotional M83 songs like Wait, Outro or Farewell/Goodbye - though it does not transport the same amount of emotion for me.

    Then there are the songs that are still quite okay and nice to listen: Do It, Try It, Go!, Walkway Blues (which has great verses and a very interesting instrumental part in the end, but an incredibly awful vocoder-sung-chorus), Time Wind and Bibi the Dog (another vocoder-experiment in the middle section that has gone completely wrong)

    Laser Gun starts quite okay, but in the end it turns into a real awful mess. Sunday Night 1987 is a bit boring and doesn't give me the goosebumps that I expect from M83's music. The two other ballads, For the Kids and Atlantique Sud, are just awful, they sound like some stereotypic cliché-loaden-ballads that could be performed at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016, but not on a M83-album.

    All in all, Junk is not completely bad but it can not stand for my high expectations. There are some great ideas, even some great wole songs, but also a lot of... yeah, Junk.
    I often missed the old M83-feeling on this record: Where are the power, the deep emotion and the epic soundscapes of songs like Unrecorded, Teen Angst, We Own the Sky, Wait and Outro? Where are the catchy and beautiful melodies of Sitting, Kim and Jessie, Couleurs, Midnight City and Reunion?
    Let's just hope, Anthony will bring them back very soon...
  26. Apr 15, 2016
    I've been waiting for this album for five long years. I'm an M83 fan, tried and true. I saw them live in 2012 and pre-purchased tickets for this year's tour. My license plate says "ILUVM83". About a month ago I listened to Do It, Try and that's when my concern started.

    I understand what Anthony is trying to do here. He is a brilliant artist in my opinion. Since Hurry Up, We're
    I've been waiting for this album for five long years. I'm an M83 fan, tried and true. I saw them live in 2012 and pre-purchased tickets for this year's tour. My license plate says "ILUVM83". About a month ago I listened to Do It, Try and that's when my concern started.

    I understand what Anthony is trying to do here. He is a brilliant artist in my opinion. Since Hurry Up, We're Dreaming was released, my love for the album continues to grow. Just when I think I'm going to be tired of it, I'm not. Practically every song on HUWD was a masterpiece. Shockingly, Midnight City is actually my least favorite song on HUWD.

    This is a review of Junk though. I've listened to the whole album about four times now hoping it will grow on me. When I first listened to the album I was in my car cracking up because I thought "you've done it again, Anthony". I'd never heard anything like it since the 70s and 80s. Only, as the album wore on, I started to become more and more disappointed. I understand artists doing a 180 during their career to try a different sound; but, the nostalgia of this album fades fairly quickly.

    HUWD had heavy New Wave and 80s pop influences. The reason it worked is because people enjoyed/enjoy New Wave and 80s pop today. Junk, on the other hand, borrows from 80s elevator music and TV show themes. How many people do you know look back longingly on elevator music and TV show songs and say, "wow, I miss that music"? You don't have to answer, because the question is rhetorical.

    This my biggest problem with Junk. In HUWD and Saturdays = Youth, sure there were hints of 80s pop and New Wave sound, but you knew you were listening to new music. However, when listening to Junk, there are some songs you would have no idea were released past the year 1990. For example, when I listened to Moon Child for the first time, I couldn't believe how old it sounded; and not in a nostalgic way. The best review I've read on this album was from T. Cole Rachel from Pitchfork. He says, "this kind of pure homage to slick '70s and'’80s FM ephemera is so exacting in places, it almost makes you wonder: What is the point of remaking this into something new?" Herein lies my problem with Junk. The music is so closely copied to its source of inspiration, there is nothing new and enjoyable about it.

    The sole gem from the album is Solitude. I find it's beautiful strings and minimalist lyrics refreshing. On first listening, I had to Google to see if it was going to be used in an upcoming James Bond film. The epic nature of the track reminded me of so many former Bond songs and I can see myself adding the song to one of my staple playlists.

    Is Junk a cool album? Sure. Does it reflect how much influence Anthony Gonzales takes from the 1980s? Absolutely. Will it stand the test of time for replay factor? Not for me.

    I've probably put too much expectation in this album for it to perform as well as HUWD. All the HUWD remixes from other artists and the film soundtracks M83 composed between 2012-2015 kept me going between the release of HUWD and Junk. I will have to continue to revisit those songs as I wait for the next M83 studio album that will hopefully come sooner than in another five years.
  27. Apr 19, 2016
    this album is something complety different of the previous music by M83, i love the old m83 but this is no good at all, i hope they releases good music in the future.
  28. Sep 21, 2016
    Look, I'm not even mad at this one existing (I, for some reason, could predict in advance that this would be a huge disappointment, so I technically didn't get less than I expected), but I'm actually kinda... confused. How's that Anthony Gonzalez managed to come to the conclusion that the most rational direction to take for his new album would be going full garbage, I just don't know. ThisLook, I'm not even mad at this one existing (I, for some reason, could predict in advance that this would be a huge disappointment, so I technically didn't get less than I expected), but I'm actually kinda... confused. How's that Anthony Gonzalez managed to come to the conclusion that the most rational direction to take for his new album would be going full garbage, I just don't know. This is music that very evidently is trying to be, ironically I guess, "junk", and that's a shot that obviously backfires. The songs are cheesy, terribly produced, sometimes annoyingly maximalistic, always surrendered to their own self-indulgence, and yet most of the time very, very boring. The great soundscapes of M83's last two records are disappeared here, as well as the poignant teen-drama that Anthony knew how to articulate so well in songs like "Kim & Jessie" just a few years ago. Junk has basically nothing to offer more than its awkwardness. Expand
  29. Jun 11, 2019
    The songs are fun to listen to, but compared to the older albums (Saturdays = Youth, Before the Dawn Heals Us, Dead Cities) this just sounds like a joke.

    The record was named very properly.
  30. Sep 19, 2016
    It's nauseating. M83 is dead. Anthony stop experimenting. This Junk should be your the only badly done album. If I want to listen to 80's I'd rather listen to a 80's band. I live in 2016 and prefer to listen futuristic music.
  31. Jun 22, 2016
    The name of the album pretty much sums it up. This was the worst album I've heard all year. I rarely rate an album this low but I hated it. Shockingly bad compared to their first effort which I enjoyed quite a bit.
  32. Apr 9, 2016
    Very disappointing album. Production value is very high, but songs are just terrible and interludes sound like some generic music from supermarket or elevator, nothing original, fresh or M83-ish in this. I understand what Anthony wanted to achieve, how much he wanted to get this 80s cheesy sound, but for someone like me, who loves M83's older albums (Before the Dawn Heals Us is aVery disappointing album. Production value is very high, but songs are just terrible and interludes sound like some generic music from supermarket or elevator, nothing original, fresh or M83-ish in this. I understand what Anthony wanted to achieve, how much he wanted to get this 80s cheesy sound, but for someone like me, who loves M83's older albums (Before the Dawn Heals Us is a masterpiece) it has nothing to do with what I expected to get. It has nothing to do with M83 I love.

    And when I read interviews with Anthony it seems for me that he takes all criticism from general audience too seriously. Instead of catering to those fans who love his work and listen to his albums from beginning to end he is annoyed by the fact Midnight City was the only song that was played on the radio. Why should you care, Anthony? People that love music don't throw 90% of albums away, they listen to it all.

    To be honest, for me it seems like Anthony had no idea what he wants to do next so he made a couple of unrelated songs and added some ideology to it, like it's a **** you to critics" or "a criticism of modern music industry". What happened, Anthony? Again, why should I care about music industry? Why you should care about music industry? I just wanted you to take me on another journey...

    One more thing: Anthony expressed in interviews that he wanted to go away from Midnight City and it's success. But instead of going back to full blown and epic post-rock he went more into disco and pop? Sorry, Anthony, but hear Midnight City all over Junk and it has nothing to do with M83 I love. At least on Hurry Up, We're Dreaming I could enjoy "Outro", "My Tears Are Becoming a Sea", "Intro" and "This Bright Flash". Here? There is nothing for me. It's not the M83 I love.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
  1. Sep 30, 2016
    M83 are master recyclers of Eighties soundscapes on 2011 double-album Hurry Up, We're Dreaming. First offering since then, Junk attempts the same, but jumps the shark in the process.
  2. Magnet
    Jun 1, 2016
    The touch is lighter, with more interest in groove and atmosphere than climax. [No. 131, p.59]
  3. May 20, 2016
    Particularly bad is For The Kids, which could come straight from an amateur production of High School Musical (complete with repellent husky spoken-word middle eight), while the just up-to-scratch Beck track, Time Wind, and his presence on the record as a whole, only really serves to illustrate how poor the songs now are.