• Record Label: Mute
  • Release Date: Apr 8, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
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  1. Q Magazine
    Apr 1, 2016
    Junk is deeply uncool, uncoolly deep, and utterly magnifique. [May 2016, p.115]
  2. Apr 8, 2016
    It’s easily M83’s most challenging, best album to date.
  3. Apr 8, 2016
    Through examples of sappy balladry, daytime TV and B-movie theme music, and bubblegum pop disco recreations, Gonzalez indulges in an oft-disavowed musical zeitgeist, imbuing it with the substance it always seemed to be missing.
  4. 83
    Muppets In Space album cover aside, Gonzalez has still left plenty on Junk for his merry usual band of misfits--the lovers, the dreamers, and him.
  5. Apr 7, 2016
    While all listeners may not share his fascination with '80s pop culture detritus, it's hard not to respect how expertly he transforms it into something genuine.
  6. Apr 6, 2016
    He [bandleader Anthony Gonzalez] masterfully weaves myriad sounds and structures--mainly late 70s- and early 80s-influenced--into a remarkably strong, cohesive unit.
  7. 80
    There is some skill here: strong melodies, extra chords, synthesized string arrangements, a tremendously accomplished chromatic-harmonica solo. They are intense.
  8. Magnet
    Jun 1, 2016
    The touch is lighter, with more interest in groove and atmosphere than climax. [No. 131, p.59]
  9. Uncut
    Apr 27, 2016
    A series of convoluted psych-pop romps, some drizzled with synth-sax, that perplex and please in equal measure. [Jun 2016, p.76]
  10. Apr 18, 2016
    It is in Anthony Gonzalez’ veins to make pop music where the listener will swoon, dream and ultimately smile. Despite the mournful lag in the middle of JUNK, that is what he does once again here--in his own inimitable way.
  11. Apr 7, 2016
    The result is less serious than his last release--the kind of thing we might hear back from aliens in response to radio waves that escaped our stratosphere long ago.
  12. Apr 6, 2016
    With Junk, Gonzalez has taken M83 into a whole new galaxy that is just as ambitious and starry-eyed as everything that came before it.
  13. 70
    Once Gonzalez has had his fun and begins to settle in to the ways of the old M83, but with a bit of a pop sheen to it, is when Junk works best. It’s just a shame you have to flick through the channels to find the gold.
  14. Apr 11, 2016
    In the end, though, it’s that feeling of disposability that makes the album’s title resonate more pointedly in the wrong way.
  15. Apr 11, 2016
    Junk functions best as Gonzalez curating the soundtrack of his past, as on an individual basis these songs are usually quite enjoyable, well-crafted and dripping with affection for an era most people would prefer to forget.
  16. Apr 8, 2016
    Junk's bar napkin organization never finds the kind of pacing and perspective that made "epic" such a tempting word to describe past M83 albums.
  17. Apr 6, 2016
    It's a superficial thrill ride but without those evocative moments, that captivating emotional core, it lacks staying power.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 162 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 14 out of 162
  1. Apr 9, 2016
    Let me start with a visual:

    You're in a retro 70's Bar, kind of like a Good Times theme and you're a guest, feathered hair, rounded
    Let me start with a visual:

    You're in a retro 70's Bar, kind of like a Good Times theme and you're a guest, feathered hair, rounded glasses, collar up, and rocking your best bell bottom jeans.

    As you stay in this 70's bar, these performers begin to play the piano (Do It, Try It), the saxophone (Go!, Walkway Blues, Road Blaster), and even an old dusty harmonic (Sunday Night 1987). The audience, along with you are just clapping along and having a great time!

    You can't help but feel this free, good hearted energy when listening to this album, like you've stepped into a sitcom with Henry Wrinkle, Goldie Hawn, and John Ritter.

    I really appreciate this album because it's not being made to sell to the most current audience like most artists. It's for every generation, ranging from late 60's to 2016!

    If you're reading this, and are questioning whether M83 carries Hurry up into this album, the answer is no they did not. This is totally different from their previous work and it's unique and special for that specific reason. The featured artists on this album raise this record to new heights. All in all, M83 does what they do best, they take their listener on a trip into a different world, and in this case, a retro space ride through the galaxy!
    Full Review »
  2. Apr 8, 2016
    From the first minute to the last...

    Thank You Anthony & Co. M83 Rules!!! Such Amazing sound production, magic and pasion that I feel
    From the first minute to the last...

    Thank You Anthony & Co.

    M83 Rules!!!

    Such Amazing sound production, magic and pasion that I feel with this album.

    80's Sound means a lot for me. And this is a letter love to all that decade represents..... PURE MAGIC.

    Without dubt, sorry....10 out 10
    Full Review »
  3. Apr 10, 2016
    Updating and adding some stuff to my review: Exceeded my expectations a bit. I was a bit leery from the lukewarm reception at first and didn'tUpdating and adding some stuff to my review: Exceeded my expectations a bit. I was a bit leery from the lukewarm reception at first and didn't know what to expect. I expected a mediocre album from him for the first time. Anthony always releases quality music and I was afraid this would be his first flop... But it's not.

    Everything is great: the interludes, the guest tracks (save for maybe "Go!"), and the solo tracks as well. There's a little bit of everything going on here and if you love the tacky and over-the-top things of the 80's, you'll love it. I love all tracks on here and I'd recommend them all, but I'd have to say the best are "Walkway Blues," (funky) "Road Blaster" (also funky and like "Midnight City"), "Solitude" (romantic), and "Sunday Night 1987" (emotional).

    It feels very mellow and bluesy but has this 70's and 80's charm that is so cute and irresistible. It's definitely different than anything he's ever done before but you can tell he really spend quite a while on this album. "Walkway Blues" is probably the greatest song I've heard this year and is particularly recommended. Just don't go in expecting another Saturday=Youth or HUWD and I think you'll love it
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