
Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Anyone with even a passing interest in Royksopp--whose ears have been pricked by an Eple or Poor Leno--could do far worse than immerse themselves in one of 2009's greatest releases.
  2. It's an icy blast of electro-pop that channels the genre's most quirkily beautiful moments and ups the ante with the unmistakable influence of the duo's film-scoring heroes, Vangelis and Angelo Badalamenti.
  3. There's a gorgeously indulgent quality to Svein Berge and Torbjorn Brundtland's third album.
  4. Blender
    Through it all, the machines sound as juicily alive as the human beings. [Apr 2009, p.63]
  5. Junior is about as sturdy as a disco album can be, which is a remarkable achievement itself. One deliberately-paced decade in and Royksopp are showing no signs of creative fatigue or self-cannibalization.
  6. 80
    Junior breathes new life into an already overpopulated genre of glitch and synth stab fury.
  7. With fewer instrumental tracks than previous efforts, the band's lovelorn and off-kilter view of the universe finally gets a starring role.
  8. Torbjorn Brundtland and Svein Berge move away from millennium trance tracks like '49 Percent' from 2005’s "The Understanding," and that’s a good move.
  9. Under The Radar
    As you can tell, those who are fans of dreamy electronic music with dreamy Scandinavian female vocalists can get ready to be thrilled by the sheer talent on hand for this record. [Spring 2009, p.79]
  10. While it might be oversimplifying matters to suggest that it splits the difference between the cute, poppy Royksopp and the darker, techno-friendly Royksopp, the most satisfying thing about Junior is how convincingly they've bridged that divide.
  11. 70
    Despite their wintry chill-out origins, Nordic keyboard pair Svein Berge and Torbjorn Brundtland create smooth, sunny sounds perfect for roller-skating on rainbows.
  12. Royksopp remain among the best at middlebrow dance-pop, crafting music that can and will rule the supermarket aisles while still having a shelf-life longer than the canned ham you'll find there.
  13. Sit down a few times with the music and let it percolate; there’s more to Junior than that first chuckle.
  14. Established fans may have a problem with the ADHD style of Junior, and the album does raise some questions: is it better to be great at one thing or good several things? If you are a well-versed fan of electronica and you know what you like, then this album might not be for you.
  15. This Norwegian production couple are deft punks on their third album, a synthetic collection of upbeat dance music encapsulated by the coiling, galactic theme song 'Royksopp Forever.'
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 59 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 57 out of 59
  2. Negative: 1 out of 59
  1. FredricH
    Mar 29, 2009
    Listen to this one a few times and you will find that this album is pure genius. Nothing else in the genre even comes close.
  2. Jul 19, 2020
    Im a Röyksopp fan and don't relaly know which album is my favorite one.
    But currently, this one would be my choice, for me it seems like every
    Im a Röyksopp fan and don't relaly know which album is my favorite one.
    But currently, this one would be my choice, for me it seems like every second is perfect.
    I've got some songs i'd lile to say what i think about it.

    ,,Happy up here'' delivers most fun and has some parallels with ,,eple'' and still delivers some more serious moments i really enjoy.
    ,,The girl and the robot'' is the best song on the album and i have no doubt. Robyn fits the sound of Röyksopp perfectly and the song is wonderfully produced and just satifying.
    ,,Röyksopp forever'' is maybe the most beautiful Röyksopp songs including the rest of their albums. The strings are sounding so good especially when the song starts to roll and the middle part sound as if it was a classic orchestral piece.
    ,,miss it so much'' is a very sad and happy song at the same time with lycke li who delivers some childish frequencies into the album and i simply love it.

    I am so happy that there are still musicans who can create Pop whithout creating main stream but also instrumental masterpieces. Even though Röyksopp stopped bringing out music like they did when this album was released they didn't stop and i hope they will continue.
    Full Review »
  3. DanH
    Apr 27, 2009
    There best work by far