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Is This Thing Cursed? Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews What's this?

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

  • Summary: The ninth full-length release for the Chicago punk trio was produced by Cameron Webb and is its first release in five years.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Aug 30, 2018
    Fans just finding Alkaline Trio, perhaps via Blink-182 fandom, will undoubtedly enjoy this album for its prevalent, socially conscious lyrics, delivered like a paintball to an already bruised arm with the band's signature passion. Longtime devotees, meanwhile, will appreciate the way Is This Thing Cursed? calls back to earlier Alkaline Trio albums, and its mix of both nostalgia and originality.
  2. Sep 4, 2018
    You can argue that it doesn’t break new musical ground, and you can keep your noses upturned if you like, but with consummate poise Alkaline Trio have cemented their reputation as this genre’s premier songwriters. It’s not too late to get a heart-skull tattoo.
  3. Aug 30, 2018
    Instantly familiar while still feeling fresh; nostalgic while clearly the product of a band who’ve carved a niche rather than rest on their laurels, Is This Thing Cursed? is the album long-term fans have been clamouring for since Skiba shaved his hair.
  4. Kerrang!
    Aug 30, 2018
    An album peppered with strong and vibrant songs. [1 Sep 2018, p.53]
  5. Aug 30, 2018
    Like contemporaries AFI and Rise Against, age and experience have smoothed out the band's delivery (Skiba's stint with blink-182 could also be a contributing factor), resulting in less danger and gloom. However, Cursed is ultimately an enjoyable ride, packed with rousing anthems.
  6. Sep 6, 2018
    While Is This Thing Cursed? won't win over any more acolytes, or incite anything close to a Billboard pop-punk resurgence, Alkaline Trio diehards will find themselves, by turns, nostalgic for what came before and thrilled by what they hear now.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Mar 27, 2022
    The best Alkaline Trio Album and thats saying alot. I loved their music since 2000 and i love evrything they put out. But this album killsThe best Alkaline Trio Album and thats saying alot. I loved their music since 2000 and i love evrything they put out. But this album kills it. Best songs i suggest listening too are Demon& Divison, I cant Believe and Heart Attacks. Its mixes Goddamnit with Maybe i"ll catch fire with a touch of This Addiction. Wonderful Album. Expand
  2. Aug 31, 2018
    Is This Thing Cursed? by Alkaline Trio: B+

    After spending so much time on his public twitter account with Blink-182, Matt Skiba felt like
    Is This Thing Cursed? by Alkaline Trio: B+

    After spending so much time on his public twitter account with Blink-182, Matt Skiba felt like it was time to head back to his private twitter account and got Alkaline Trio back again for another album. Very reminiscent to the band's older works for better or at times for worse depending if you love or hate repetition. Liked their older albums? Then you will like, if not love this one.
  3. Sep 15, 2018
    Polished sound like This Addiction but more melodic like Crimson. This is good for me because those are my favorite albums by Alkaline Trio.Polished sound like This Addiction but more melodic like Crimson. This is good for me because those are my favorite albums by Alkaline Trio. Overall there is no track I dislike, but only one stand out track and that is Demon and Division. Expand
  4. Sep 2, 2018
    Overall a brilliant album, love pretty much every track. A bit different from their other albums but still feels like an Alkaline Trio album,Overall a brilliant album, love pretty much every track. A bit different from their other albums but still feels like an Alkaline Trio album, it's great. Give it a listen if you are thinking about it. Expand