
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Is Is will especially appeal to fans who found "Show Your Bones" a little soft. On the other hand, this release should appeal to any and all Yeah Yeah Yeahs aficionados.
  2. The first new material from New York’s finest avant garde trio since last year’s superb Show Your Bones album, Is Is isn’t a new album, unfortunately.
  3. Is Is is over in eighteen minutes, not one is wasted.
  4. Is Is may be their most instantly accessible release, which is not a critical dig but just a way of saying it finds a good balance between alienating and inviting, between song and performance.
  5. Karen O seizes every chorus with her best feral yowl, while her partners, the guitarist Nick Zinner and the drummer Brian Chase, sound as tautly focused as ever.
  6. This EP titillates before leaving you wanting more; just how it should be.
  7. Crammed with 18 efficient minutes of material generated in the liminal period after 03's "Fever To Tell," Is Is comes closer to the lusty nails-scratching-down-a-lover's back energy of 'Date With The Night' or early Yeah Yeah Yeahs tracks like 'Art Star' than anything on 06's "Show Your Bones. "
  8. The tunes on this EP are raw, sharp, and catchy, and always push with some kind of propulsive rhythm--a dynamic strut of drums, guitar, and vocals, even on the calmer verse sections.
  9. As a stand alone work this is one of the most convincing collections that the Yeah Yeah Yeahs have produced thus far.
  10. Is Is may not be the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' most immediately accessible music, but it is some of their most compelling work in some time
  11. It is the band’s frontwoman whose personality is carried in the weight of this release--delicately cryptic lyrics screamed with a force that betrays the fact they're either complete trash or wilfully personal.
  12. These songs are so direct that they lack the depth and texture that more sonic detail would deliver.
  13. Yeah Yeah Yeahs doesn't inspire much patience on the Is Is EP; instead, it rewards it with frustrating hints.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 35
  2. Negative: 3 out of 35
  1. Jul 5, 2012
    Short but sweet. Typical YYYs, all strong tracks without ever getting too spectacular and leaves you wishing this was album by the time youShort but sweet. Typical YYYs, all strong tracks without ever getting too spectacular and leaves you wishing this was album by the time you get to track 5. Down Boy is the highlight. Full Review »
  2. j30
    Aug 15, 2011
    Some really good tracks here and they translate well live. Little did people know that they would get floored by a whole new Yeah Yeah YeahsSome really good tracks here and they translate well live. Little did people know that they would get floored by a whole new Yeah Yeah Yeahs sound the following year. Full Review »
  3. MikeM
    Sep 20, 2007
    After hearing each of these songs played live for the past 3 years, it's nice to hear what the YYYs did with them in the studio. Because After hearing each of these songs played live for the past 3 years, it's nice to hear what the YYYs did with them in the studio. Because they were written earlier, they capture more of the loud energy Fever To Tell had, which makes for an awesome follow up to Show Your Bones. Full Review »