
Mixed or average reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 20
  2. Negative: 1 out of 20
  1. Invaders Must Die lacks their freshness and like all supposed returns "to form" it might prove they can compete with the present generation but, ultimately, it's more facelift than rejuvenation.
  2. Nothing here genuinely startles the way Firestarter did in 1996.
  3. You'd think a group that leaned so heavily on their capacity to shock you off wouldn't wear this unabashed regression as well as they do.
  4. 60
    The Prodigy’s renewed commitment to first principles portends a future as the techno Ramones. There are worse things to be.
  5. Howlett is no slouch in the production chair, and the sounds are mostly blinding, but the songs are strictly by-the-books.
  6. Mojo
    You could muse on the dignity of 40 year olds having a rave revival but when the 303 synth squelch kicks in on soulful closer 'Stand Up,' it's all more pukka than moody. [Mar 2009, p.105]
  7. From the first track through its final seconds, Invaders joylessly stomps through overly familiar territory. It's another lunkheaded, loud mash-up of rock and dance, a sound now so beefed-up and campy that it's perhaps only suitable for shotgunning cheap beer and practicing UFC chokeholds with your pals.
  8. They seem afraid to risk a good old-fashioned jungle break-out, the likes of which would be genuinely invigorating.
  9. Invaders Must Die isn’t a bad album, but in the end it suffers from having a beginning which is, if anything, too good.
  10. A majority of IMD is destined to end up splattered across car adverts and in film soundtracks where the scene is of a pulsing, throbbing, energetic nature. Sadly, that won't lend it any more substance.
  11. 40
    In the ugliest way possible Invaders Must Die shows that the Prodigy have still got it.
  12. Under The Radar
    The familiarity may be pleasing, but you may ultimately be disappointed when you realize that the original somngs they're emulating are so much better. [Winter 2009, p.81]
  13. Flint and Maxim toss off innocuous, vague lyrics in the hope that something sticks. Nothing really does, and the joyless end result is flat-out exhausting.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 134 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 4 out of 134
  1. Aug 22, 2013
    This album is their great comeback. The albums keeps the oldschool feeling and still remains fresh. Personally, I love it too bad critics areThis album is their great comeback. The albums keeps the oldschool feeling and still remains fresh. Personally, I love it too bad critics are thinking otherwise. Full Review »
  2. Jun 20, 2011
    Invaders Must Die to me, is one of there best albums. Its very upbeat, and its sorta like a Thrash Electro Rave. I don't know. But its just inInvaders Must Die to me, is one of there best albums. Its very upbeat, and its sorta like a Thrash Electro Rave. I don't know. But its just in my words. But here's a good example. Invader's Must Die, and Omen, and maybe Thunder, are really good songs to cruise down a road at 90 MPH. In my opinion. 10/10. Full Review »
  3. Aug 25, 2010
    A great album. What the critics have been complaining about I'll never understand but this album is excellent compared to Always Outnumbered,A great album. What the critics have been complaining about I'll never understand but this album is excellent compared to Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned. Full Review »