• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Sep 7, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
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  1. Interpol mostly deliver on this album with what they do best, sprinkling some of their most creative moments across it. If this is a schism, it'll be intriguing to see what happens when the pieces eventually do settle.
  2. It could be that they're distracted – they've been together 10 years, and have numerous solo projects; is there more to for them to do with Interpol?
  3. Instead of ending tensely and dramatically they are the final whimper and sigh of an album named after a band that have lost their way and aren't sure which direction they should be heading.
  4. Alternative Press
    Even if Banks sticks to the "I've got two secrets but I only told you one" songwriting approach, hopefully a band shakeup will spark the soulfulness only occasionally heard in his contributions. [Oct 2010, p.118]
  5. Overall, Interpol seems cinematic, abstract and complex, but that adds up to something interesting rather than thrilling.
  6. Mojo
    New York's post-punkers are mooder than ever. [Oct. 2010, p. 90]
  7. It's a better album than their last, and diehard fans should be satisfied, but it's not going to get the rest of us very excited.
  8. Four long players into their career, you can't help but wonder if Interpol is just trying too hard to recapture some of that Turn On the Bright Lights magic. Either that, or the creative juices have been stifled by a rough turn of events.
  9. Even though I'm sad this record has left no lasting effect, I'm also happy that it might mean my life is heading somewhere positive.
  10. Interpol is undoubtedly a solid effort, but solid shouldn't be satisfying for a band that has proved to possess the talent of indie rock's elite class.
  11. Interpol may not be quite self-parody, but it's also not the sort of thing that's going to make them hip again anytime soon. Not that they would even care.
  12. If Interpol-an album that plainly documents a band stretching itself as far as it can unimpressively go-is what a large number of indie fans are going to settle for in this day and age, I can't help but shake my head and sigh in response.
  13. Intentional or not, some of that transition seeps into the music, giving songs room to ramble but nothing resembling a core.
  14. As meticulously as these sounds and instruments are recorded, as beautiful and haunting as they sometimes sound, they don't add up to more than one or two truly memorable songs.
  15. 50
    Interpol sounds both strangely distant and overly familiar, like a band struggling to remember who they are.
  16. Humbled by a silenced rhythm section and bafflingly reverberated guitars, the majority of Interpol is little more than background static. Maybe it's time for an intervention.
  17. The good news is that they're too skilled, experienced, and important to make a record that's just a mess, and for a while there's nothing so terrible about this one.
  18. I sense a more natural sense of songcraft here. Banks is still trying too hard, seemingly attempting to write songs he thinks people will like rather than songs that, whether simple or arpeggio-filled, he and his mates like.
  19. Where they used to sound like the crackling of a subway car rounding a bend or the seediest alleys of New York in the pre-dawn hours, here they sound like alt-rock renderings of what moody post-punk is supposed to sound like.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 118 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 90 out of 118
  2. Negative: 9 out of 118
  1. Sep 8, 2010
    There are a lot of people who are wrong about "Interpol". These people go into every Interpol album wondering if this will be another "Turn onThere are a lot of people who are wrong about "Interpol". These people go into every Interpol album wondering if this will be another "Turn on The Bright Lights", it isn't. But that's alright, because it isn't trying to be. The songs are darker, more atmospheric, with ethereal soundscapes and a greater focus on Paul's vocals for a lot of the songs. The songs, possibly less immediate, but still great. "Try It On" "Memory Serves" and "Summer Well" rank up with the best stuff the band has done. Full Review »
  2. Sep 9, 2010
    Another classic album from an already timeless band. Interpol continues to impress even years after the stellar Turn On The Bright Lights.Another classic album from an already timeless band. Interpol continues to impress even years after the stellar Turn On The Bright Lights. Favorite tracks include Success, Summer Well, Barricade and The Undoing. Full Review »
  3. Sep 7, 2010
    It is going to be extremely difficult for Interpol to escape the long shadow cast by their stunningly awesome debut album. Antics was a fineIt is going to be extremely difficult for Interpol to escape the long shadow cast by their stunningly awesome debut album. Antics was a fine second album, but it was not nearly in a class with Turn On the Bright Lights. A completely forgettable third album sees the downward trend continue with this maddeningly inconsistent fourth and self-titled album. After a promising start with "Success," the record has a strong first half with two good tunes in "Lights" and "Barricade," but loses momentum quickly on the second half with pointless, boring songs. There are four really poor songs on this record that drag down the overall quality. There is a special place in the pantheon of great music for Interpol's debut, and I suspect the band will never come close to replicating its magic again. This record is merely the proof. Full Review »