
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Most of it... feels as weighty and emotive as Sleater Kinney, or as seductive as Mary Timony in the mid-90s: fully-formed, feminine indie rock.
  2. In Advance of the Broken Arm is at least two songs too long. Yet Stern's manner of weaving together fiercely subjective, lyrical daydreaming with Olympus-level fret-searing finally means that the album justifies the majority of its many decisions.
  3. The year’s most exciting rock ’n’ roll album. [26 Feb 2007]
  4. Juggling potential contradictions with the greatest of ease, In Advance of the Broken Arm ushers in a new voice in rock, one that seems poised to be blazing trails for years to come.
  5. This music is intensely free, ecstatic and original. But make no mistake - it’s very, very hard to listen to.
  6. Uncut
    Combine[s] utterly maddening complexity with candyfloss pop hooks. [Jun 2007, p.108]
  7. Unfortunately, In Advance isn't an EP, and things falter a bit past the halfway mark.
  8. With Broken Arm, Marnie Stern has delivered a frenetic and ridiculously entertaining debut.
  9. This album is the prescription for anyone who thinks rock has imploded or has nothing new to offer.
  10. This is a pretty good start for Stern, and a lot of crazy young people will blow out their eardrums to this in the next several months. But her next record will be clearer—and more interesting—than this one is.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 3 out of 14
  1. Tuna
    Mar 31, 2007
    Just what the world needs, a female indie rock Yngwie Malmsteen. Talk about the Emporer's New Clothes...
  2. DebiB
    Mar 28, 2007
    It took more than one listen to get into her sound, but I love, love, love it now. I don't like every single song on the cd, but I It took more than one listen to get into her sound, but I love, love, love it now. I don't like every single song on the cd, but I can't stop listening to at least half of them -- which is better than average compared to most albums I buy. Full Review »
  3. [Anonymous]
    Mar 26, 2007
    Marnie Stern is, as said below, a guitar goddess. This album's a bit long, but there's tons of energy just bursting from the seams Marnie Stern is, as said below, a guitar goddess. This album's a bit long, but there's tons of energy just bursting from the seams on each track, and it makes it somewhat listenable, even though it shouldn't be. Sometimes it's very, very strange, but after a few listens you will fall in love with it. Full Review »