
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. 60
    Ultimately, Hilson’s debut is simply okay, not quite the sum of its parts. She has the right juice. Now it’s just a matter of how to keep it flowing.
  2. Q Magazine
    At her best she's thrilling and her hits with Timbaland, 'The Way I Are' and 'Scream,' still cackle brilliantly, but at 70 minutes there's too much flab and the ballads drag horribly. [Jul 2009, p.124]
  3. Perfect World is merely passable, and Hilson needs to do much more than pick fights with Beyoncé to justify her transition from hook girl to solo star.
  4. Ms. Hilson is clobbered on all sides by ornate production.
  5. All that star power can leave little room in these futuristic R&B songs for Hilson, whose sturdy but unremarkable voice rarely transcends its role as a melody-delivery device.
  6. 50
    Her fresh attitude eventually gets lost in a slew of downtrodden ballads that sink the album's second half. In other words, business as usual.
  7. It’s a bit melodramatic in places and maybe a touch too hip for its own good.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 63 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 53 out of 63
  2. Negative: 4 out of 63
  1. Azizio
    May 25, 2009
    There are 3 songs that are good in this album but it won't make make me to give more than 4.Kerri should be sticking of writing & There are 3 songs that are good in this album but it won't make make me to give more than 4.Kerri should be sticking of writing & producing songs. Full Review »
  2. Jul 7, 2016
    Em seu álbum de estreia, "In A Perfect World" , Keri Hilson usa e abusa de vocais sensuais, ritmos envolventes e composições banais. Em sumaEm seu álbum de estreia, "In A Perfect World" , Keri Hilson usa e abusa de vocais sensuais, ritmos envolventes e composições banais. Em suma maioria, o disco é repleto de clichês amorosos dentre letras que variam do medíocre ao aceitável, resultando em um trabalho sem conteúdo, sem potencial, e seriamente decepcionante devido a inúmeras participações especiais totalmente descartáveis. Um dos poucos trunfos de Keri seria o rapper Timbaland, responsável por duas grandes faixas do álbum. Infelizmente, a espera pela melhor musica do disco, "Energy", não chega a valer a pena. C Full Review »
  3. Apr 10, 2013
    I purchased this record recently because I liked most of the singles released from the album. Knock You Down, Return the Favor, or Energy areI purchased this record recently because I liked most of the singles released from the album. Knock You Down, Return the Favor, or Energy are great tracks on their own but the album as a whole disappointed me to the extent that I found myself skipping through the songs one by one as I could not listen to them from start to finish. As I said the singles from the album are great but the rest is unfortunately not worth the money. Full Review »