
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Aug 7, 2013
    Imps Of Perversion is a singularly mutilated and lecherous mess that functions as a compelling monument to the band’s incestuous relationship with its influences.
  2. Aug 8, 2013
    Imps of Perversion is every bit as stark and nasty as the band’s previous outings. Only this time, the boogeymen and the futuristic hellscapes seem a little less remote, not quite as far-removed from reality as before.
  3. Oct 17, 2013
    Throughout Imps of Perversion, Pop. 1280 find new ways to create their confrontational racket and the band definitely succeeds in incorporating these resh elements.
  4. Magnet
    Aug 16, 2013
    Bug's poetry remains the stuff of nightmares, but the band's splayed-nerve shtick is wearing thin. [No. 101, p.59]
  5. Aug 7, 2013
    Not everything works on Imps of Perversion, but it's still a strong second album that broadens Pop. 1280's horizons without sacrificing their pummeling impact.
  6. Aug 7, 2013
    They’re Imps of Perversion, delighting in leading others down the darker path rather than breaking it. That path may sound a little familiar to those who’ve been following similar imps for a couple of decades, but that doesn’t make Pop. 1280 any less enthusiastically bleak.
  7. Aug 7, 2013
    Given all the blood, jism, and other bodily secretions the dot Bug’s lyric sheet here, Pop. 1280 are still very much the sort of band that demand a post-listen shower--this time, though, you just won't need as much soap.
  8. Aug 30, 2013
    Although working your way through the album can feel like trudging through the shit-stinking mud in the tunnels beneath the streets, there are glimpses of lights that break though from the surface, like manhole covers left exposed.
  9. Aug 26, 2013
    It’s a loud, raucous affair for sure, but as much power and aggression Pop. 1280 can inject into each and every track they create, it can’t distract from the fact that Imps of Perversion is a muddled, frustrating affair, and it’s clear that Pop. 1280 still have ways to go when it comes to developing their sound.

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