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I Won't Care How You Remember Me Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: The sixth full-length release for the Pennsylvania indie rock band was produced by Will Yip.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. 80
    Tigers Jaw bites down hard and also gives devotees plenty to chew on.
  2. Mar 4, 2021
    At times it feels like the band could let loose a little more, but such observations are minor quibbles when faced with a record as enjoyable as I Won’t Care How You Remember Me. An album packed with heart, soul and – despite its title — memorable songs, LP six is another gem from a band who rarely let you down.
  3. 80
    I Won’t Care How You Remember Me marks the first true collaborative Tigers Jaw album. The result is a record that feels more emotionally nuanced than anything that’s come before it, and as such feels richer, and lusher than Spin, despite harbouring thinner production qualities.
  4. Mar 4, 2021
    This record drags in its second half, as several of their records have now done, but there are some all-timers to add to their best-of playlist (along with their standalone single "Warn Me," a phenomenal song not included here) and the rest is enjoyable enough. Tigers Jaw make albums that are good, sometimes very good, but not quite great.
  5. 70
    I didn't get that rough cut as much as I would have liked on this album, but other than that, this is a front-to-back gem with great replay value and anthemic shout-alongs I wish I could take in live.
  6. Mar 4, 2021
    Although accomplished in its tone, ‘I Won’t Care How You Remember Me’ longs for dynamic crescendos to differentiate the album’s eleven tracks, no matter how pleasant they may be.
  7. Mar 23, 2021
    At his best, Walsch’s lyricism threads the line between clichés and anecdotal details with ease. There are exceptions to this, as Hesitation captures the curdling of a long-distance relationship superbly. It might be his best set of lyrics. It’s a disappointment that it’s situated between a handful of bored, washed-out emo tunes that hold I Won’t Care How You Remember Me down.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of
  2. Mixed: 0 out of
  3. Negative: 0 out of