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I Don't Want To Let You Down [EP] Image

Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 25 Ratings

  • Summary: The five-track EP for the singer-songwriter includes one live track from the Tramp demos.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 15
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 15
  3. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Jul 15, 2015
    On the whole, I Don’t Want To Let You Down is quieter and more melancholy than Aimee Mann’s finest hour. But both records are beautiful, ever-relevant reminders that we can’t make meaningful connections until we admit to how much we really want them.
  2. Jun 22, 2015
    Van Etten cements herself as the auteur of the symphonically sad.
  3. 85
    There simply is no contemporary songwriter that speaks so plainly, yet so devastatingly, to the darker matters of the heart as Sharon Van Etten. Her intimacy is so palpable that the silence in the room once the record stops is jarring.
  4. Jun 4, 2015
    These are slow, sad ballads brilliantly executed.
  5. Magnet
    Jun 8, 2015
    What sounds like downcast spaciousness is actually riddled with layers of sound complementing the expected morose and heartfelt topics. [No. 121, p.61]
  6. Jun 5, 2015
    [The EP] reveal a steadier, more confident Van Etten, which--surprisingly enough--is just as thrilling as the unpredictable, anxious turns that garnered her so much praise on her last LP.
  7. Jun 3, 2015
    I Don’t Want to Let You Down as a whole serve only to fuel, rather than dent, the anticipation that Are We There rightly stoked.

See all 15 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 1
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 1
  3. Negative: 0 out of 1
  1. May 10, 2022
    It's good as always, considering it's a (master)piece from Van Etten. Too short, though, and lacks on giving a overwhelming experience, imho.