
Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 21
  2. Negative: 2 out of 21
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  1. Mar 6, 2012
    Cursive have delivered a highly stylized album with a vivid conceptual storyline that keeps old fans listening while giving new listeners a chance to experience the progression the band have experienced over the last decade.
  2. 80
    On the whole, it's a winner, and you can take the singles and run with them--the play be damned.
  3. Feb 22, 2012
    Overall, Cursive has put a tremendous amount of work into the idea and music for Kasher's somewhat twisted story, and it shows.
  4. Feb 21, 2012
    I Am Gemini marks a brave and experimental turn in a new direction, but at the same time it's a nod to the old-in the best and least wallowing way.
  5. Feb 16, 2012
    In a lyrical and musical exploration of the themes of duality, Cursive have come out with a conflicted gem.
  6. Feb 16, 2012
    Their jangly indie-rock explores the journey of two twin brothers separated at birth through a procession of the schizophrenic ('Drunken Birds') and the more accessible ('Warmer Warmer') with largely satisfying results.
  7. Feb 21, 2012
    For Cursive fans, Gemini is best served with time, a sit-down with the liner notes and repeat listens.
  8. Feb 21, 2012
    Gemini is forceful, a demanding rock-driven opus that sounds much more like the cousin to Domestica than it does the follow-up to Mama, I'm Swollen.
  9. Feb 21, 2012
    The dynamics of accessible songwriting mingling with weird breakdowns and abrupt production jumps make sure the songs are always engaging enough to keep the listener riveted, even when the saga of the twins starts to lose the plot.
  10. Alternative Press
    Feb 16, 2012
    It results in a dense, difficult grower of an album whose bombast slowly becomes charming swagger. [Mar 2012, p.96]
  11. Oct 30, 2012
    With Kasher's howl aging into a gritty melodic power, Cursive keeps its stride without compromising.
  12. Feb 16, 2012
    Gemini's theater-rock is no pain to listen to, but true drama queens will want to get their fix elsewhere.
  13. Q Magazine
    Mar 14, 2012
    Powerful, atmospheric, but not for the fainthearted. [April 2012, p.94]
  14. 60
    It's all as heavy and convoluted as it sounds, but the playing and production is top notch and those looking for an adventurous, unpredictable ride will appreciate Cursive's sheer depth of vision.
  15. Feb 22, 2012
    It's heady, it's heavy, and it's classic Cursive, now in twin territory.
  16. Feb 22, 2012
    I Am Gemini is more of an auditory theater piece than a traditional record.
  17. Feb 29, 2012
    The moments of brightness--some poetry here, a brief pop moment there--will get most listeners through the album, but won't inspire them to keep coming back.
  18. Feb 21, 2012
    I Am Gemini is Cursive's weakest record by a disheartening margin.
  19. Feb 29, 2012
    I Am Gemini is all jerky distortion, an endless sputtering, as if Cursive set out to intentionally make ugly music.
  20. Mar 29, 2012
    Gemini is an effort so manic and unfocused that it barely coheres enough around it's stilted little center to be called an album.
  21. Feb 24, 2012
    For all its tempo shifts and attempts at fun, Gemini sounds like the work of an ascetic band scared of pleasure.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. May 23, 2014
    This album is right up there with the Ugly Organ and Happy Hollow in terms of music and cohesion. Awesome riffs and melodies, the drums areThis album is right up there with the Ugly Organ and Happy Hollow in terms of music and cohesion. Awesome riffs and melodies, the drums are lively, and it flows from start to finish. I don't understand what's wrong with a concept album-- I'd rather hear a story get told than a collection of songs that try to make some sort of point that I don't care about and probably won't relate to. That said, the story being told is creative and interesting, and fits perfectly with the music. In summary, it's a great Cursive album, and a breath of fresh air after Mama, I'm Swollen. Full Review »
  2. Mar 20, 2012
    As a longtime fan of Cursive, I am more than satisfied with this record. I have noticed some critics have bashed the concept of this record,As a longtime fan of Cursive, I am more than satisfied with this record. I have noticed some critics have bashed the concept of this record, but concepts have never really been what sucks me into this band's records, rather it is the music, style, and hook of it. This record is tight and overcomes some of the setbacks that their previous record, Mama I'm Swollen, and ventures into a more aggressive style that I've not heard from Cursive since Domestica, which I love. Songs that stand out for me are "Warmer, Warmer", "Sun and Moon", "Gemini", and the last minute or two of "Eulogy for No Name" rock my brain. But "Twin Dragon/Hello Skeleton" stands out as the best Cursive tune I've heard since "The Martyr". This song has such a cool groove to it, a great beat, interesting guitars, quirky keyboard parts, and awesome vocal hooks. The second I heard it, I was sold on this record. The mixing of the record is also very well done. Most records these days are over produced and have lost any sense of dynamic. Having twelve separate guitar tracks blasting the same riff is not what I call interesting. Whereas with this record, more often than not you hear one or two tracks playing, with an extra one or two guitars added in the choruses, giving it the stomp box effect. The drums are superbly mixed with the bass and Tim Kasher's vocals are not over powering to the detriment of the rest of the record, making I am Gemini a truly enjoyable listen.

    In the end, this is a welcome addition to Cursive's repertoire. I look forward to hearing these songs live.
    Full Review »
  3. Feb 27, 2012
    This is a very solid release by a very intelligent band. While the album lacks enough hooks to give it any decent radio play, it rewardsThis is a very solid release by a very intelligent band. While the album lacks enough hooks to give it any decent radio play, it rewards multiple listens and those who commit to the concept of the album (especially fans of strong verses and witty lyrics). Lots of one-liners that can get crammed in your brain ("Kill the demon, kill the doppelganger!"). I feel like this album is a suspense novel over slashing guitars. High points are songs like "Gemini," "Warmer, Warmer," "The Cat and Mouse," and the albums epic closer, "Eulogy for No Name." Full Review »