• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Aug 25, 2009
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 446 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 7 out of 446

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  1. TiagoA
    Aug 26, 2009
    I don't Like this band , they get worse and worse. This album it's ridiculous.
  2. NachoC.
    Aug 25, 2009
    Like the Kings of Leon, the Arctic Monkeys lost that rebellion that fueled their inspirations and made them the unique bands that they were but now they have turned into something more along the lines of Corporate Jingles. I tried liking this album, I really did, but Humbug was just extremely disappointing.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Since so much of Humbug is about its process, it's not always immediately accessible or pleasurable to an outside listener, nor is it quite the thickly colored freakout Homme's presence suggests.
  2. Turner’s defense mechanisms are as honed and as vicious as his rather formidable bullshit detector has proven to be in albums past, and whatever Humbug lacks in middle fingers, or even thematic continuity, it makes up for with sinister gazes and scathing ambiguities.
  3. Humbug isn't better than either of its predecessors, but it expands the group's range and makes me curious where it might go next.