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  1. Sep 19, 2015
    Well, I have been a fan since 2011. Honestly, I can safetly say that Honeymoon is her best album so far. It's so amazing how Lana manages to improve her art with each and every releases.

    In Honeymoon, she really take the best part of Born To Die, Ultraviolence and refine it. It's a intoxicatingly beautiful listen.
  2. Sep 19, 2015
    The third incredible album by a true artist and one who should be an icon for our times. Who else is writing music like Lana Del Rey and creating such soundscapes. This is a woman who doesn't do albums that are anything less than utterly absorbing. Each song is like a little window into a world of excess, depravity and personal excess.

    Lana Del Rey is a unique enigma. Treasure her.
  3. Sep 18, 2015
    This is her most complete and beautiful work, with anthems like 'Salvatore' and 'The Blackest day', beside one of her most romantic song 'Religion', this album is a must have, and an classic already.
  4. Mar 6, 2019
    Let me first start by saying that Lana is my favourite artist so, i was a little worried that this album will underwhelm me. I was very wrong, the album was great, it was coherent and every song worked on its own and as a part of the whole album. My favourites are Terrence Loves You, High By The Beach, Honeymoon, Salvatore and The Blackest Day. Well, actually every song is amazing.
  5. Sep 19, 2015
    It was yet another different album, with her soothing voice. However, there are so many different elements to her new album unlike BTD or Ultra which only centered around a kind of genre. Honeymoon is by far Lana's best album.
  6. Sep 20, 2015
    Rainha indie esta de volta lançando o novo testamento indie com toques de barrocos e elementos urbans conceituais, só resta se render ao poder de jesus do alternativo para ser arrebatado, mas um samba na debylorde
  7. Sep 18, 2015
    As beautiful and dreamy as only true Lana Del Rey fans love. She sweep you of your feet with her tales of lost love and despair. Her song have a cinematic en melancholic quality which always takes your breath away and never fails to disappoint. I will love this till the end of time............
  8. Oct 6, 2015
    Lana del rey sem dúvidas superou todas as expectativas em seu novo trabalho ''Honeymoon'', é uma obra simplesmente fantástica, com instrumentais e letras impecáveis. Em relação aos outros lançamentos desse ano ele não fica atrás, é sem duvidas um dos melhores do ano e inclusive não fica atrás dos últimos trabalhos ''Born To Die'' e ''Ultraviolence", cada um com uma particularidade, porémLana del rey sem dúvidas superou todas as expectativas em seu novo trabalho ''Honeymoon'', é uma obra simplesmente fantástica, com instrumentais e letras impecáveis. Em relação aos outros lançamentos desse ano ele não fica atrás, é sem duvidas um dos melhores do ano e inclusive não fica atrás dos últimos trabalhos ''Born To Die'' e ''Ultraviolence", cada um com uma particularidade, porém como estamos falando de lana del rey, o conceito é uma especie de ligação e transição entre os últimos álbuns. Nota 1000! Expand
  9. Sep 20, 2015
    Maduro e pesado. Uma lua de mel que na verdade não é muito doce.
    Eu não entendi muito o porquê do anuncio que ela deu sobre o álbum ter uma pegada mais ''hip-hop'' assim como o born to die, pois não encontrei essa influência muito presente.
  10. Sep 18, 2015
    Amazing album, all the songs are great. I am so proud of Lana and how she grew up like a musician. Her style is mix of glamorous past generations and modernity.
  11. Sep 24, 2015
    Best Albums of 2015:
    1) To Pimp A Butterfly
    2) Vulnicura
    3) Honeymoon
    4) Emotion
    5) M3LL133X

    Honeymoon is Del Rey's best album because she brings her already amazing vocals to new heights, and the instrumentals are also more cohesive in this record than her past albums.
  12. Sep 20, 2015
    Lana sounded so great. That's awesome. She made a more indie pop album, with Born To Die, where the strangeness and secrets of his morbid lyrics flashed and took her to world fame. Lana remained epic in his EP Paradise, where she brought clearer letters, a sound even sportier or perhaps less strange. One of the most acclaimed albums of last year, and unjustly ignored by the Grammy Awards,Lana sounded so great. That's awesome. She made a more indie pop album, with Born To Die, where the strangeness and secrets of his morbid lyrics flashed and took her to world fame. Lana remained epic in his EP Paradise, where she brought clearer letters, a sound even sportier or perhaps less strange. One of the most acclaimed albums of last year, and unjustly ignored by the Grammy Awards, Ultraviolence, so it was his strong point. The lyrical content of this album is as if it had been written by one of the greatest poets of all time, is something incredible and incomparable. Until then, it was even questionable whether Del Rey could do something at the level of Ultraviolence, and perhaps, yes, as regards the lyrical content.

    But this album sounds very current, even retro, because the angelic voice and the delicacy as Lana sings the tracks, it's just amazing. Opening the album, Honeymoon, is one of the most worked-letter drive, and one of the most difficult to digest. Lana put it there to show their musical culture and to show the world who is not concerned with making an album for radios and night ballads. One of the highlights of this disc is the sophisticated vocal and well-crafted by the singer. It's like you're in the clouds, surrounded by angels who were there singing for you!In my opinion, the best tracks are Honeymoon, The Blackest Day, Freak, Terrence Loves You and Salvatore. For singles, Lana hit choosing High By The Beach and Music To Watch Boys To the future, the next could be Freak, The Blackest Day and Art Deco. Lana has a weight record, should know how to work with it to get good results either in sales or recognition.

    It's a great record yes, and I hope the Grammy not the boycott as he did Ultraviolence, which deserved much your nomination. We'll see ....
  13. Sep 18, 2015
    Honeymoon is a perfect blend of the two previous albums of Lana and this makes him a wonderful album, the melodies are really good and the presence of trap beat on songs like "Freak" and "High by the Beach" work in infectious and sensual way. There are other gems on the album as "The Blackest Day", "24", "Religion" and "Swan Song", but I can say that the album is divine in all. DefinitelyHoneymoon is a perfect blend of the two previous albums of Lana and this makes him a wonderful album, the melodies are really good and the presence of trap beat on songs like "Freak" and "High by the Beach" work in infectious and sensual way. There are other gems on the album as "The Blackest Day", "24", "Religion" and "Swan Song", but I can say that the album is divine in all. Definitely one of the best albums of the year. Expand
  14. Oct 17, 2015
    This album it is so perfect from the visual art to the lyrics and the beats of the songs. Lana is an absolutely incredible artist and her albums speak for themselves. Honeymoon is powerful and fragile at the same, with no doubts it's one of the best albums of the year.
  15. Sep 28, 2015
    O álbum é maravilhoso, totalmente diferente do Ultraviolence! É isso que faz dela uma das melhores cantoras e compositores da atualidade! Ela está sempre evoluindo, sempre melhorando e aprendendo! Fiquei muito feliz com o álbum, cada faixa é uma melhor que a outra. Destaques para TLY, MTWBT e The Blackest Day, minhas preferidas, só falta a Lana voltar a se apresentar na tv, saudades delaO álbum é maravilhoso, totalmente diferente do Ultraviolence! É isso que faz dela uma das melhores cantoras e compositores da atualidade! Ela está sempre evoluindo, sempre melhorando e aprendendo! Fiquei muito feliz com o álbum, cada faixa é uma melhor que a outra. Destaques para TLY, MTWBT e The Blackest Day, minhas preferidas, só falta a Lana voltar a se apresentar na tv, saudades dela divulgando seu material. Expand
  16. Sep 18, 2015
    GODDESS of the world! Lana is everything! I'm so proud of her! Honeymoon is absolutely perfect, Art Deco... Honeymoon... The Blackest Day... Religion... so **** amazing!
  17. Sep 18, 2015
    Honeymoon is definitely one of the most anticipated albums in 2015. Too early to say it is Lana's best work, but it is surely her most beautiful record she's ever made. Highly recommend Terrence Loves You, Art Deco, Religion & The Blackest Day. This album is a masterpiece!
  18. Sep 25, 2015

    Lana sem dúvidas fez mais uma obra prima, e prova que é muito mais que uma simples cantorazinha que se preocupa com charts, ou com o que vão falar do seu trabalho. É uma honra ver críticos atirando nos próprios pés, e revendo tudo que afirmaram de forma precipitada. E

    Lana sem dúvidas fez mais uma obra prima, e prova que é muito mais que uma simples cantorazinha que se preocupa com charts, ou com o que vão falar do seu trabalho. É uma honra ver críticos atirando nos próprios pés, e revendo tudo que afirmaram de forma precipitada. E digo mais, Lana pode ser bem mais do que já mostrou que pode fazer, esperem!

  19. Sep 25, 2015
    From the onset of Lizzy Grant, aka Lana Del Rey's fourth album, Honeymoon, the stage is set. The album's title track starts things off with a slow, gentle crawl, calling back to the breakthrough hit that saw Lana rise to prominence in the first place - "Video Games." Much like "Video Games," "Honeymoon" is orchestral and cinematic, slowly rising to the song's conclusion before gentlyFrom the onset of Lizzy Grant, aka Lana Del Rey's fourth album, Honeymoon, the stage is set. The album's title track starts things off with a slow, gentle crawl, calling back to the breakthrough hit that saw Lana rise to prominence in the first place - "Video Games." Much like "Video Games," "Honeymoon" is orchestral and cinematic, slowly rising to the song's conclusion before gently coming back down. Still, "Honeymoon" is markedly different. The crawl seems even slower and lethargic; everything is drawn out to the most extreme degree. It fits as an opener because the rest of the album reflects what this song brings to the table. Honeymoon is a sparse and empty collection of the most assured songs in Lana's discography yet. It moves slower than a glacier, clocks in at over an hour, and the compositions are often barren. Somehow, it's the best album Lana Del Rey has ever put together. Expand
  20. Sep 18, 2015
    Its an amazing album. If you dont like slow songs, stay away from this album. The fact that Lana is always criticized for making always slow music and still, launching albums filled with slow songs, means Lana del Rey is not trying to make hits, but just to make the music she loves, she is not interested on sells, but she is interested on her feelings, the lyrics, the melody.

    Start with
    Its an amazing album. If you dont like slow songs, stay away from this album. The fact that Lana is always criticized for making always slow music and still, launching albums filled with slow songs, means Lana del Rey is not trying to make hits, but just to make the music she loves, she is not interested on sells, but she is interested on her feelings, the lyrics, the melody.

    Start with Salvatore and 24, blackest day, Religion, and some others you will like alot. Music to watch boys slow chorus may not be for everyone, as Freak's chorus, which are similar in sound, not in melody. Dont let me be misunderstood will be the least interesting songs people will find in her new album.
  21. Jan 11, 2016
    By combining all the styles of her previous work into one album, Honeymoon shows that Lana Del Rey has evolved from the melodramatic ballads of Born to Die to create her most focused and well-produced album to date. "High by the Beach" and "Freak" are Del Rey's catchiest songs yet while "Salvatore" and "Honeymoon" are more subdued tracks that contain a lot of emotion.
  22. Sep 19, 2015
    If there is one thing that irritates me here, it's all the idiots who keep pressing "NO" on the positive reviews and giving either a 0, 1 or 2. Those are probably the same people who gave full 10 ratings on Miley Cyrus's fuсking awful album.

    Anyway, now the album. This is definitely a more mature album of Lana, which fuses elements from her three previous albums. High By The Beach is an
    If there is one thing that irritates me here, it's all the idiots who keep pressing "NO" on the positive reviews and giving either a 0, 1 or 2. Those are probably the same people who gave full 10 ratings on Miley Cyrus's fuсking awful album.

    Anyway, now the album. This is definitely a more mature album of Lana, which fuses elements from her three previous albums. High By The Beach is an incredible trap-pop song, while Freak, Honeymoon and God Knows I Tried have so much nostalgia put into those three songs. The Blackest Day is one of the best songs I have ever heard in my entire life. All in all, this could probably be the best alternative [pop] album of the year, without question. There is something that is so irresistible about this album that you have to listen to understand why.
  23. Sep 18, 2015
    The BEST ALBUM EVER!!!!! For me, Lana Del Rey improved the quality of her music, my favorite song so far is Freak. God, I just wanted to express my love for Honeymoon.
  24. Sep 22, 2015
    Amazing album her best since born to die shes the number 1 female artist at the moment, Lana is a true artist and you can tell that from the hate she gets a clear sign your talent is making people jelouse. To all the people rating have no musical understanding or education get off the internet and do some homework! biased bunch of losers. Lana did it first before taylor swiftAmazing album her best since born to die shes the number 1 female artist at the moment, Lana is a true artist and you can tell that from the hate she gets a clear sign your talent is making people jelouse. To all the people rating have no musical understanding or education get off the internet and do some homework! biased bunch of losers. Lana did it first before taylor swift or LORDE! Get over it and respect lana for her musical talent! Expand
  25. Sep 18, 2015
    I really loved Lana's Del Rey new album "Honeymoon". It has some influences from her last works but it's totally new for me. I'm really enjoying the album and my favorite tracks are "Art Deco", "Salvatore" OMG I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH, "The Blackest day" and "Music to Watch Boys to". Thank you Lana for this amazing album
  26. Sep 25, 2015
    Such a strong album from a strong artist and is arguably her best album sonically speaking. If you like BTD or Paradise, then this is the album for you, with more baroque pop and trap than UV. Overall, my faves are High By the Beach, Salvatore, Freak and Terrence Loves You.
  27. Sep 18, 2015
    That's so amazing ... Melhor álbum da Lana assim so far. Estou muito feliz pelo projeto, tem musicas bem diferentes, da para ver uma reinvenção sonora, mesmo que leve, muito feliz.
  28. Jul 19, 2020
    Honeymoon isn’t an album who everybody would like, it's an elegant, soft and beautiful journey, that has people divided between the ones who loves it and the ones who hates it, since the beginning with the album opener Honeymoon tells you a story of how the album’s gonna be, full of powerful vocals, dramatic strings, beautiful and toxic lyrics about love and fame, Honeymoon makes you feelHoneymoon isn’t an album who everybody would like, it's an elegant, soft and beautiful journey, that has people divided between the ones who loves it and the ones who hates it, since the beginning with the album opener Honeymoon tells you a story of how the album’s gonna be, full of powerful vocals, dramatic strings, beautiful and toxic lyrics about love and fame, Honeymoon makes you feel like you’re in a movie, and Lana is the only artist that makes you feel this, she risked her career making this album knowing that she went to a new place that anybody dared.
    This is her most cohesive album and one of her best works, she found her sound and now she created a new music genre
  29. Sep 18, 2015
    It's such a beautiful album, Lana really knows how to make good music. It's so artistic, so romantic, so sad and beautiful. Contrasts with the melancholy of Ultraviolence, showing that after darkness love always prevails. A real masterpiece!
  30. Oct 15, 2015
    para de sambar na minha cara, Lana
  31. Sep 28, 2015
    Lana keeps improving her sound with each album, and Honeymoon further asserts this claim. Although it abandons the soft rock vibe in favor of a pop/jazz sound, the sparse beats creates a sadness to the song and allows the listener to focus almost solely on Lana's voice, her best asset. Her lyrics have hit their peak in this album, giving us even more memorable lines and tragic choruses toLana keeps improving her sound with each album, and Honeymoon further asserts this claim. Although it abandons the soft rock vibe in favor of a pop/jazz sound, the sparse beats creates a sadness to the song and allows the listener to focus almost solely on Lana's voice, her best asset. Her lyrics have hit their peak in this album, giving us even more memorable lines and tragic choruses to listen to. The contrast of the slow and silky Honeymoon to the synthetic and fast High by the Beach provides an interesting contrast. One minute one could be absorbing drawn out and soulful sounds, and trap-inspired, low words spat out in a quiet anger. Salvatore's Italian sound and Freak's "muddy trap" music are the two standouts of an overall flawless album. Expand
  32. Sep 19, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best album released this year so far. Lana has something which makes all her releases special. The Blackest Day & Art Deco and Terrence Loves You are one of my favorites of the album. Definitely worth buying, can't wait to see where else she goes with this album! Expand
  33. Sep 18, 2015
    Fantastic. Her best album to date. her work in this album is just amazing. It is like born to die and paradise with some more trap sounds and cinematic remakes. The lyrics are marvellous and the production and everything.
  34. Sep 18, 2015
    "Honeymoon" is Something new, but have the best of "Ultraviolence" and "Born To Die". Perfect lyrics and Melodies. Great voice. The most beautiful Del Rey's album.
  35. Sep 18, 2015
    Great release, reminds of "Born To Die" with its trap influences. The highlights and standout tracks are the jazzy "Terrance Loves You", the summery "High By The Beach", the sensual and mysterious "Freak", the artistic "Art Deco" and the cinematic "Salvatore". This album shows Lana's ability to play with different sounds and instruments by featuring guitars, saxophones and otherGreat release, reminds of "Born To Die" with its trap influences. The highlights and standout tracks are the jazzy "Terrance Loves You", the summery "High By The Beach", the sensual and mysterious "Freak", the artistic "Art Deco" and the cinematic "Salvatore". This album shows Lana's ability to play with different sounds and instruments by featuring guitars, saxophones and other instruments uncharacteristic for her. Still, the record features what Lana is best at - slow- to mid-tempo songs with beautiful and relaxing melodies and cinematic string driven songs like those from "Ultraviolence" . So, overall, this album, even though it reminds of her earlier work, still shows artistic growth and is definitely worth listening to. Expand
  36. Sep 18, 2015
    All I wanna say is, GOD THIS IS THE BEST RECORD OF THE YEAR. Her best record, all the melodies, the poetry, EVERYTHING IS BEAUTIFUL. It should to win Album of the year in the grammys. Is really magnificent
  37. Nov 12, 2015
    Perfect album in such a short time, I love her, She's a hardworker, Also her amazing skills at writting, And her wonderful voice, I love how she has evolved, I hope she keeps gettin' better
  38. Apr 2, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lana Del Rey slayed again. This is her best album after born to die. Every song is just stunning (even the interlude). My fave songs are:Honeymoon,High By The Beach,Art Deco,Freak,Interlude,Religion. I hope she releases Freak as a single. It's the best song on the album. Expand
  39. Sep 18, 2015
    Amazing album, every single song is amazing her cover of Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood is an amazing closer... It's hard to choose a favorite track my mines are The Blackest Day, Freak, Art Deco, Salvatore and God Knows I Tried... This album feels like the blend of Born To Die and her EP Paradise, it's also very cinematic. Might be her best work since Born To Die
  40. Sep 18, 2015
    Quem é hater desse álbum é feio, mal amado e virgem. Outro álbum perfeito da cantora poeta, rainha do alternativo. A cada novo trabalho a Lana cementa sua imagem como ícone moderno e voz da geração, resta só aceitar.
  41. Sep 18, 2015
    AMAZING ALBUM!!!!! One of the best records out this days, really surprising.
    It's sooooo good.
  42. Sep 21, 2015
    Beautiful songs, sweet vocals and a fantastic feeling... Lana is always evolving! I hope in pray that the blackest day, art deco and god knows I tried could be released as as single!
  43. Sep 18, 2015
    Eu não esperava tanto desde album, eu confesso, mas ao ouvir God Knows I Tried, eu virei refém do album, tem toda aquela atmosfera de Born to Die, com influencias de Ultraviolence. Além de ter uma sonoridade agradável e variar os estilos musicais, tem letras muito bem elaboradas. É um dos melhores lançamentos de 2015! Loved it.
  44. Sep 25, 2015
    Although I feel as if the album is not as well put together as the last three, the sophistication here is absolutely undeniable. Follow my Lana account on instagram @wx.coast
  45. Sep 18, 2015
    I like Lana Del Rey, and her style has not progressed much from her second album "Ultraviolence" - although "Honeymoon" does come across a bit easier and more relaxed than the previous album, I do miss the style from her first album "Born to die" - would've loved to see her incorporate that into her new stuff, songs like "Blue Jeans" "Gods and Monsters" are all good tracks but that energyI like Lana Del Rey, and her style has not progressed much from her second album "Ultraviolence" - although "Honeymoon" does come across a bit easier and more relaxed than the previous album, I do miss the style from her first album "Born to die" - would've loved to see her incorporate that into her new stuff, songs like "Blue Jeans" "Gods and Monsters" are all good tracks but that energy faded on the second and now third album, but good tracks on 'Honeymoon" includes - "Freak", "High by the beach" "The blackest day" and "Music to watch boys to". The album is good overall and I just love this woman's voice Expand
  46. Sep 18, 2015
    This album is definitely her best work, her songwriting is better than ever, and the production is classy and beautiful.

    Best songs: Art Deco, Religion, God Knows I Tried.
  47. Sep 19, 2015
    Hermoso, es un gran trabajo. Realmente no puedo expresar las palabras para referirme a lo magnifico que es. Lana Del Rey nunca decepciona y puedo ir innovando la forma que desea expresar su propio arte.
  48. Sep 18, 2015
    Lana has succeeded in creating another lush, melodramatic album that her fans know and love. It's a perfect mixture of "Born To Die" and "Ultraviolence" sounds while seamlessly creating a whole new different sound we haven't heard from her before. A few tracks take a few listens to really get into but other than that the flow of the album is stunning. Born To Die was easily my all timeLana has succeeded in creating another lush, melodramatic album that her fans know and love. It's a perfect mixture of "Born To Die" and "Ultraviolence" sounds while seamlessly creating a whole new different sound we haven't heard from her before. A few tracks take a few listens to really get into but other than that the flow of the album is stunning. Born To Die was easily my all time favorite of hers but this has me questioning that. Some stand out are "Salvatore", "Art Deco", and "The Blackest Day". Expand
  49. Sep 20, 2015
    Lana Del Rey surpasses expectations because Honeymoon exhibits her maturity as an artist. Honeymoon in a holistic perspective is taking the criticisms she has received from her discography into account and combining each of the album’s strengths to artfully craft a wildly melodramatic, glamorous, and passionate record. Unlike her previous albums, what makes Honeymoon stand out is that itLana Del Rey surpasses expectations because Honeymoon exhibits her maturity as an artist. Honeymoon in a holistic perspective is taking the criticisms she has received from her discography into account and combining each of the album’s strengths to artfully craft a wildly melodramatic, glamorous, and passionate record. Unlike her previous albums, what makes Honeymoon stand out is that it is brilliantly structured; every track smoothly transitions to the next. After listening to Lana Del Rey’s bravura musical delivery, you just wish she would never retire as she mentions in Swan Song. Honeymoon is a blockbuster, a cinematic masterpiece, and her most artistic record to date. Seriously, buy it if you can or invest for the vinyl and a record player because this is an instant classic. Expand
  50. Sep 18, 2015
    I listened it at midnight and I loved, it I couldn't stop listening it, it was 3 AM and I was still listening omg, it's a work of art! I love how she speaks italian in Salvatore, her cover of ''Don't let me be misunderstood'', I love ''Freak'' ''Art Deco'' ''Religion'' ''God Knows I Tried'' Well, I like ALL the songs. Marvelous album! Lana will be my favorite artist forever. I will neverI listened it at midnight and I loved, it I couldn't stop listening it, it was 3 AM and I was still listening omg, it's a work of art! I love how she speaks italian in Salvatore, her cover of ''Don't let me be misunderstood'', I love ''Freak'' ''Art Deco'' ''Religion'' ''God Knows I Tried'' Well, I like ALL the songs. Marvelous album! Lana will be my favorite artist forever. I will never be disappointed. Expand
  51. Sep 24, 2015
    Honeymoon is an amazing album... From start to finish. Lana has a unique style and she bring to life the lyrics. The music is awesome! I really love Ultraviolence... Lana can't do wrong! Freak, Salvatore, The Blackest Day, Swang Song, every single song is pure gold!
  52. Sep 18, 2015
    This album is completely, Voice, Instrumentals... this albums is amazing! she has a great voice and she used sounds like Born To Die, Paradise and UV this album is so pretty, I like it!
  53. Sep 18, 2015
    This album is the culmination of all her past works and sounds. It has elements from "Ultraviolence", "Born To Die", "Paradise" and "AKA". A solid effort, where the tracks flows nicely one into the other.
  54. Sep 18, 2015
    Honeymoon is the best Lana's work to date. Following her state of spirit, it's not as dark and violent as her former album "Ultraviolence", but it gives us a kind of smooth and comforting melancholy, built in a beautiful and poetic way. It requires time to grow on people in general, but once it's done, all you'll get is a masterpiece that gives us hope about the music made by thisHoneymoon is the best Lana's work to date. Following her state of spirit, it's not as dark and violent as her former album "Ultraviolence", but it gives us a kind of smooth and comforting melancholy, built in a beautiful and poetic way. It requires time to grow on people in general, but once it's done, all you'll get is a masterpiece that gives us hope about the music made by this generation, even if it's not something common to find. Expand
  55. Sep 18, 2015
    Honeymoon is Lana's best LP to-date. The first half of the album flows extremely well between a mix of jazz and hip-hop beats. The interlude is poetic, cinematic and visually stimulating.
  56. Nov 22, 2015
    Absolutely mind blowing. Did not think she could match BTD's quality ever again, and she proved me wrong. This album is beyond perfect. Lana explored many new elements for this album, and I'm loving this muddy trap tea.
  57. Sep 18, 2015
    Amazing And Beautiful. Honeymoon is definitely her best album so far, and for me is totally one of the best records of this year. the music, the lyrics, her voice, everything is just great.
  58. Sep 18, 2015
    Perfeito, se não gosta nem se digira aqui pra da sua nota, porque nem interessa mesmo ela canta assim porque é o estilo dela aceite, Gostei da sonoridade e adorei as letras. rainha do altervativo/indie
  59. Sep 18, 2015
    The whole body of work sound incredible, not only as one but also when heard separately. Another magnificent piece by Lana Del Rey, and this one might actually mark her legacy for a long time.
  60. Sep 18, 2015
    Lindo! Emotivo! Honeymoon é um sensual canto de cisne belíssimo, poético! Lana consegue misturar tantas referências de jazz, blues, gospel, rock e transformar o álbum num conjunto de canções harmônicas e epifânicas! Ouví-lo é como se você assistisse ao melhor filme de Hollywood da Era do Ouro!
  61. Sep 18, 2015
    Esse álbum esta incrível. Letras, instrumental, conceito e tudo!!!
    Muita gente sempre fica falando que o Born to Die é o melhor álbum dela mas acabam se esquecendo que cada um tem o seu valor e o Honeymoon superou os anteriores. Temos que curtir essa bíblia!!!!
  62. Sep 18, 2015
    One of the most beautiful albums of all time !!
    I love it ❤
    all the songs are perfect .. not to mention the cover of "Do not Let Me Be Misunderstood"
    His voice and divine in all the songs that makes ...
    an artist very underestimated
  63. Sep 18, 2015
    Primeiramente quero mandar um beijo para lorde, e eu estou escalafobeticamente escalafobetico com esse album gostoso, Toda garota, toda delicia, é cada tiro meu amor!
  64. Sep 18, 2015
    Essa álbum prova mais uma vez que Lana Del Rey está nem aí com as criticas.Ela é uma verdadeira artista.Não liga pra charts e sim para ARTE.Poucas artistas tem coragem de fazer o que ela faz.
  65. Sep 18, 2015
    exquisite album from an exquisite artist. it is a magical a whimsical journey that may not appeal everyone.. lets say ... minaj, swift and ariana grande fans, for sure.. but lana doesnt need them to bring amazing music like this that is now delivering. woth the wait.
  66. Sep 18, 2015
    Lana Del Rey provando que veio pra ficar e que não tá nem aí pras críticas. Mais um álbum maravilhoso. Tô em êxtase com God Knows I Tried, Freak, Art Deco e The Blackest Day
  67. Sep 18, 2015
    Com Honeymoon, Lana nos faz perceber mais uma vez o verdadeiro sentido de se ouvir música: apreciação. No mercado atual, onde muitos se entregam apenas ao entretenimento, Lana vem mostrando em sua música o lado oposto dessa realidade, apresentando experiências pessoais e sua admiração por artes em letras e melodias, criando belas obras. Honeymoon não foge à regra, fazendo-nos sentir queCom Honeymoon, Lana nos faz perceber mais uma vez o verdadeiro sentido de se ouvir música: apreciação. No mercado atual, onde muitos se entregam apenas ao entretenimento, Lana vem mostrando em sua música o lado oposto dessa realidade, apresentando experiências pessoais e sua admiração por artes em letras e melodias, criando belas obras. Honeymoon não foge à regra, fazendo-nos sentir que estamos numa época passada ouvindo futuros clássicos. Relembrando seus últimos álbuns, ao ouvir o Honeymoon, conseguimos enxergar em Lana Del Rey um amadurecimento e progresso musical, novas inspirações e a continuidade e segurança em retratar da melhor maneira sua pessoalidade. Expand
  68. Sep 18, 2015
    Esse álbum é maravilhoso! Depois de nos surpreender com o "Ultraviolence", a Lana vem com mais uma obra de arte chamada "Honeymoon". Não tão sombrio, não tão alegre. Ele é tão difícil de se descrever. Ele é uma mistura de todos os outros álbuns da Lana. "Art Deco" e "Freak" lembra bastante as músicas do Born To Die, enquanto "Swan Song" e "The Blackest Day" lembra as músicas doEsse álbum é maravilhoso! Depois de nos surpreender com o "Ultraviolence", a Lana vem com mais uma obra de arte chamada "Honeymoon". Não tão sombrio, não tão alegre. Ele é tão difícil de se descrever. Ele é uma mistura de todos os outros álbuns da Lana. "Art Deco" e "Freak" lembra bastante as músicas do Born To Die, enquanto "Swan Song" e "The Blackest Day" lembra as músicas do Ultraviolence. Mais um álbum que define o porque essa mulher é a rainha do Indie, voz única, álbuns perfeitos, eu não sei o que seria de mim se não existisse essa mulher! Expand
  69. Sep 18, 2015
    Honeymoon tem um pouco de Born to Die e um pouco do Ultraviolence. O som é, como sempre, épico e cinematográfico, às vezes até psicodélico. A voz de Lana, como de costume, é sussurrada, gemida e murmurada, e algumas vezes ecoa, indo de graves quase masculinos a um tom tão agudo e delicado que parece correr o risco de se quebrar. Ela impressiona, não pela potência vocal, mas pela delicadezaHoneymoon tem um pouco de Born to Die e um pouco do Ultraviolence. O som é, como sempre, épico e cinematográfico, às vezes até psicodélico. A voz de Lana, como de costume, é sussurrada, gemida e murmurada, e algumas vezes ecoa, indo de graves quase masculinos a um tom tão agudo e delicado que parece correr o risco de se quebrar. Ela impressiona, não pela potência vocal, mas pela delicadeza das melodias e pelos arranjos que tornam sua música única.
    Lana Del Rey não é, na verdade, uma popstar. Ao menos, não como as outras. Ela não sabe - ou não quer - fazer o jogo da mídia e da indústria. Na composição, é apegada e fiel demais aos seus sentimentos, escrevendo quase sempre sobre os mesmos assuntos, incapaz de fazer uma música sobre algo polêmico para chamar a atenção da mídia. Nos palcos, é intimista e insegura demais para se comportar como um robô programado para entreter grandes públicos. De um modo geral, é muito humana para ser apenas um produto a mais nas prateleiras da indústria da música.
  70. Sep 18, 2015
    Um álbum surpreendente que demonstra todo o talento que Lana Del Rey possui, o disco se esvai como uma exuberância excepcional demonstrando assim a sua imensurável beleza.
  71. Sep 18, 2015
    Ótimo albúm! Lana arrasando como sempre! Para os que estão dizendo que estão criando fake para dar nota zero pro albúm, vão arranjar coisa melhor para fazer! O albúm é ótimo e a Lana é diva, bjs
  72. Sep 18, 2015
    If there's one only word to describe this album, it's "sublime"! A delicious mix between trap music and jazz, with her whispered voice filling my ears. An album made to sound simple, but still loud enough to make you feel all the textures, with a concept to what she stays true from the beggining to the very end of it. Simply amazing!
  73. Sep 18, 2015
    Álbum simplesmente perfeito, nos toca profundamente, de uma forma que não temos como explicar, apenas sentir! Um álbum que temos Freak, Art Deco e The Blackest Day não é lançado todo dia!
  74. Sep 18, 2015
    Honeymoon is more than musics, it's an artistic project - a way of life. In this record, you can hear 'Born To Die', 'Paradise', 'Ultraviolence' and something new... Well done, mrs. Del Rey.
  75. Sep 18, 2015
    É um" álbum" lindo,"Freak" e "Art Deco" são musicas gostosas de se ouvir e "The blackest day" é tão sombrio.Embora "Ultraviolence" seja o meu preferido essa obra de arte não deixa de ser algo incrível !! Obrigado Lana por mais um maravilhoso álbum lindo e refinado
  76. Sep 18, 2015
    Lana Del Rey apresenta mais um trabalho maravilhoso, um álbum cheio de conceito que resgata um pouco do passado e nos torna mais próximos do mundo sombrio no qual ela costuma andar. Muito mais do que inventar ou reinventar uma personagem já apresentada nos outros álbuns, Lana nos ajuda a reconhecer outras partes de nós mesmos, novas facetas e outras maneiras de traduzir o que sentimos,Lana Del Rey apresenta mais um trabalho maravilhoso, um álbum cheio de conceito que resgata um pouco do passado e nos torna mais próximos do mundo sombrio no qual ela costuma andar. Muito mais do que inventar ou reinventar uma personagem já apresentada nos outros álbuns, Lana nos ajuda a reconhecer outras partes de nós mesmos, novas facetas e outras maneiras de traduzir o que sentimos, novas melodias e hinos que nos definem. Parecido com uma trilha-sonora de um filme antigo, Lana nos apresenta um Honeymoon cheio de força, pesares e emoções; embora a melancolia nunca vá embora, ela é cantado e enaltecida de um jeito mais feliz, como se lembranças que um dia foram dolorosas, agora não passassem de boas lembranças que trazem um pouco de dor ao serem relembradas. Destaque para as faixas: THE BLACKESTDAY, que entoa um hino todo doloroso e sombrio, mas que exorciza a dor, ART DECO, que tem uma pegada toda sensual, 24, SALVATORE, HONEYMOON, TERRENCE LOVES YOU, com seu tributo a Bowie, e GOD KNOWS I TRIED. Mais um álbum maravilhoso da rainha alternativa. Expand
  77. Sep 18, 2015
    As always, Lana, once more, is touching our souls deeply. I don't think she is evoluting at each album, because since the first time I heard Born To Die I felt this woman's power. And that already was really strong, just like she did in Ultraviolence and is doing with Honeymoon.
  78. Sep 18, 2015
    pra quem tá reclamando, melhorem vinhadas. It's Beautiful ? It's beautiful. #betterthanfalsetes #isthepepsicolapower #seguraessamarimbamonamu #falebemoufalemalmasfaledemim
  79. Sep 18, 2015
    ME, YOU é decadente mesmo, viu?
    Armando ataque contra uma cantora e seu álbum?
    Que atitude madura. Inteligente. Consciente.
    Escória da internet é assim mesmo, arruma jeito de se aparecer, de conseguir 15min. de fama. Bora melhorá?
  80. Sep 18, 2015
    Esse álbum é divino, um pouco de cada álbum que ela já fez. É impressionante a maneira como ela consegue fazer tudo tão lindo e magnífico. Honeymoon com certeza é um dos melhores álbuns do ano. Simplesmente fantástico.
  81. Sep 18, 2015
    10!! rainha alternativa melhor album do ano!!!! muito bom mesmo art deco, salvatore e freak minhas favoritas, sem duvidas o melhor album do ano, amando pra sempre
  82. Sep 18, 2015
    One of the most fantastic and beautiful records I've ever listened to. Lana's vocals are on point as usual and the songs are amazing as well. For sure one of my favorite records.
  83. Sep 18, 2015
    Lindo albúm, me leva para outro mundo. Lana Del Rey nunca me desaponta. A sonoridade angelical, as batidas, esse albúm não é parecido com nenhum outro. Como eu digo: "Todo albúm tem o seu clima." E foi muito original a ela mesma. Lana agora é uma mulher, no tempo de Born to Die era mais Lolitinha e amo essa fase dela.
  84. Sep 18, 2015
    You want more, why? This is one of the best album released this year, I think this album would win many grammys next year, she's so unique, her voice, her style. For me Ultraviolence is her best record, but Honeymoon has something so real, It makes me feel complete.
  85. Sep 18, 2015
    Simplesmente magnífico e bem trabalhado. Lana conseguiu superar seus trabalhos anteriores com Honeymoon, trazendo algo novo, delicado, sombrio e agradável de se ouvir. Todas as faixas possuem letras e melodias quase beirando a perfeição, entregando ao público uma completa obra de arte. Depois desse novo disco da Lana, tenho certeza de que seu próximo trabalho será um tiro tão estrondosoSimplesmente magnífico e bem trabalhado. Lana conseguiu superar seus trabalhos anteriores com Honeymoon, trazendo algo novo, delicado, sombrio e agradável de se ouvir. Todas as faixas possuem letras e melodias quase beirando a perfeição, entregando ao público uma completa obra de arte. Depois desse novo disco da Lana, tenho certeza de que seu próximo trabalho será um tiro tão estrondoso quanto o Honeymoon, ou até melhor, quem sabe, cheio de hinos, do jeito que só a Sr. Del Rey sabe fazer. Expand
  86. Sep 18, 2015
    1- Freak 2- Salvatore 3- Art Deco 4- Religion 5 -Music to watch boys to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  87. Emi
    Sep 18, 2015
    Lana keeps on demonstrating that she is not just a pretty face, the whole album is amazing, it creates a psychedelic atmosphere where you can dive over the air, it is just wonderful. You must hear "The blackest day".
  88. Sep 18, 2015
    "Honeymoon" é um álbum magnífico, de qualidade indiscutível. Lana conseguiu fazer um álbum tão bom quantos os anteriores e acima de tudo manteve sua identidade. É um álbum gostoso de ouvir do começo ao fim, de músicas viciantes e maravilhosas. Destaque para "Terrence Loves You", "Art Deco" e "Salvatore", minhas preferidas.
  89. Sep 18, 2015
    P-E-R-F-E-I-T-O, Vários idiotas por aí estão criando fakes só para dar 0 ao Honeymoon, tudo invejoso. E Lana del Rey tapete de Lorde? Só quando Lana del Rey morrer
  90. Sep 18, 2015
    It is perfect! the gentle rhythm of " Salvatore " and the lyrics of " religion" and my favorite "freak " that has the rate that we all love a song and "high by the beach " gave us the hope that it might be better than " ultraviolence " .
  91. Sep 18, 2015
    Album maravilhoso. Lana cada vez mais surpeendendo com seu estilo único e encantador. Melodias elegantes que te faz ir para outro mundo. Não é atoa que os outros artistas da cultura pop estão começando a prestar atenção em seu trabalho e se inspirando nela.
  92. Sep 18, 2015
    Uma mulher maravilhosa, e apaixonante. Impossível não amá-la. É a única que sabe mesclar, linda e perfeitamente, a doçura com a melancolia. Mostra que não necessita viver na mídia para chegar onde muitas estão!
  93. Sep 18, 2015
    Maravilhoso, amei esse álbum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  94. Sep 18, 2015
    Honeymoon é um álbum que flerta com seus dois últimos antecessores. O disco leva a delicadeza do Born To Die acompanhado de uma brisa da tristeza e intensidade do Ultraviolence. Parece ser o álbum mais sincero que Lana já fez. Suas melodias nostálgicas banhadas em temas já conhecidos nos repertórios de Lana como bad boys, hollywood e o bom e velho vintage trazem a marca de Lana Del ReyHoneymoon é um álbum que flerta com seus dois últimos antecessores. O disco leva a delicadeza do Born To Die acompanhado de uma brisa da tristeza e intensidade do Ultraviolence. Parece ser o álbum mais sincero que Lana já fez. Suas melodias nostálgicas banhadas em temas já conhecidos nos repertórios de Lana como bad boys, hollywood e o bom e velho vintage trazem a marca de Lana Del Rey como nunca. Expand
  95. Sep 18, 2015
    This so fantastic.
    'Freak' 'Art Deco' are so incredible! Good Job Lana, it sound like 'Ultraviolence' and 'Born To Die'!
    This is a holy bible of Alternative.
  96. Sep 18, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is SO good! Lana is amazing, and Honeymoon is incredible! Freak, Art Deco, Religion, Salvatore, The Blackest Day, all this songs... this is music! Expand
  97. Sep 18, 2015
    Lana has succeeded in creating another lush, melodramatic album that her fans know and love. It's a perfect mixture of "Born To Die" and "Ultraviolence" sounds while seamlessly creating a whole new different sound we haven't heard from her before. A few tracks take a few listens to really get into but other than that the flow of the album is stunning. Born To Die was easily my all timeLana has succeeded in creating another lush, melodramatic album that her fans know and love. It's a perfect mixture of "Born To Die" and "Ultraviolence" sounds while seamlessly creating a whole new different sound we haven't heard from her before. A few tracks take a few listens to really get into but other than that the flow of the album is stunning. Born To Die was easily my all time favorite of hers but this has me questioning that. Some stand out are "Salvatore", "Art Deco", and "The Blackest Day". Expand
  98. Sep 18, 2015
    Esse album ficou mais que perfeito eu amei, todas as musicas, letras instrumentais, a Lana é uma rainha sem duvida disso, então, quero mandar beijos para os haters de plantão aqui falando mal do album dela. Boa sorte queridos não são a opinião de vocês não vai tombar a carreira dela em nada. Beijos abraços
  99. Sep 18, 2015
    Elizabeth Grant is finally getting what she has always deserved: universal acclaim. Only time will prove her music is destined to stay with us forever. After all, she's Lana Del Rey.
  100. Sep 18, 2015
    Um disco todo gelado e cheio de fogo.
    Lana transcendeu-se com "Honeymoon", onde recuperou as mesmas **** que tinha deixado cair em seu disco anterior "Ultraviolence" que havia criado em seu primeiro disco "Born To Die".
    O jeito em que "Honeymoon" é executado é original e autêntico, empilhadas conforme sua sonoridade e sensação é arrepiante. Sua voz está mais incrível que nunca, a melodia
    Um disco todo gelado e cheio de fogo.
    Lana transcendeu-se com "Honeymoon", onde recuperou as mesmas **** que tinha deixado cair em seu disco anterior "Ultraviolence" que havia criado em seu primeiro disco "Born To Die".
    O jeito em que "Honeymoon" é executado é original e autêntico, empilhadas conforme sua sonoridade e sensação é arrepiante. Sua voz está mais incrível que nunca, a melodia sensacional.
    "Honeymoon" é uma das, e entre as principais, melhores estreias de 2015.
    Lana Del Rey está realmente orgulhosa de ser quem é.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Uncut
    Oct 27, 2015
    It's her first record that could be a classic rather than just name-checking a bunch of them. [Dec 2015, p.70]
  2. Q Magazine
    Oct 27, 2015
    At 65-plus minutes' duration, Honeymoon's submarine/somnambulant vibe does rather overstay its welcome. [Dec 2015, p.115]
  3. Oct 21, 2015
    No matter her self-presentation, her grip, the music is relentlessly Sad--and exhausting in its sadness.