
Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
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  1. Oct 2, 2015
    You’ve [Lana Del Rey] found your own style and run with it. It’s amazing to see someone so free and in control.
  2. For this record, Lana Del Rey went all out with her ambition, bringing her vision to life in a way that only she could. She's making music that only she could make, that possess a unique sound no one else is bringing to the table right now.
  3. 85
    Honeymoon reaffirms her ability to make important, masterful pop music that doesn’t pay a blind bit of notice to fashion and it's all the better for it.
  4. 83
    It’s stubbornly retro, and clearly that pleases the provocateur in Del Rey.
  5. Uncut
    Oct 27, 2015
    It's her first record that could be a classic rather than just name-checking a bunch of them. [Dec 2015, p.70]
  6. Oct 9, 2015
    Producing three major-label albums in four years has developed Lana Del Rey into an artistic innovator who fearlessly draws from style and substance across the past century, whose vision is completely original and not remotely predictable.
  7. Sep 29, 2015
    Honeymoon is by far Del Rey’s most beautifully made and cohesive album.
  8. Sep 25, 2015
    [The] 14 tracks feel bloated--less so, though, if one treats Honeymoon as a concept album, a 66-minute Quaalude-and-wine dream musical that spans the history of Hollywood and 20th Century cinema.
  9. Sep 25, 2015
    She’s been angry, and then bored of being angry, but now she’s just bored, and her boredom is entrancing.
  10. Sep 22, 2015
    From here, Del Rey will surely be forced to redraw the blueprint, but for now, this is her best yet.
  11. Sep 21, 2015
    Honeymoon is arguably the most Lana Del Rey album Del Rey has yet produced.
  12. Sep 21, 2015
    She’s created a world of her own, and on this latest record she sinks deep into its clutches.
  13. Sep 18, 2015
    As an art experience, Honeymoon is gorgeous, and needs to be heard in context with her atmospheric home-made videos. But as pop music, it can fall a bit flat.
  14. 80
    An intoxicating listen, Honeymoon is designed for the red neon glow of a smoky cabaret bar, a Californian answer to the chanson tradition.
  15. Sep 18, 2015
    Whatever her intentions, they've led to her most genuinely thrilling music ever.
  16. Sep 18, 2015
    With a little chopped-and-screwed modernity, hints of jazz and Morricone-like soundscapes, there’s a timelessness to Honeymoon, and an intrigue that should linger longer than her previous LPs.
  17. 80
    In “God Knows I Tried”, a reference to ““Hotel California” conjures up the mood of sun-baked dissipation, while she grudgingly confirms the dead-end revelation of celebrity, “I’ve got nothing much to live for, ever since I found my fame”. It’s a disillusioned rejoinder to the burning urge for fame that stains youth culture in the 21st century, and as such, fits in perfectly with the album’s overall sense of exquisite decay.
  18. Sep 21, 2015
    Honeymoon just synthesizes ideas she's been vamping on from the beginning into a unified work. She figured where she was going long before she got there; with Honeymoon she has finally arrived.
  19. Oct 21, 2015
    No matter her self-presentation, her grip, the music is relentlessly Sad--and exhausting in its sadness.
  20. 70
    Honeymoon isn’t quite as fine as Ultraviolence, but that’s less an indictment of the new album than high praise of the older one, which feels like an immediate classic. In any case, Del Rey’s rollercoaster of a career seems to have steadied on an impressively high level.
  21. Sep 22, 2015
    She fills the space with more intellectual depth than she’s shown before, incorporating T.S. Eliot’s apropos poem “Burnt Norton” as a space-age interlude. Ignoring the most offensively nonsensical of her lyrics (“Baby you’re so ghetto / You’re looking to score”), such a relatively monochrome album spans a breadth of cultural markers.
  22. Sep 21, 2015
    Under the cover of midnight, Del Rey has been exploring big ideas about eroticism, drugs, myth, the empty promise of YOLO, what it means to be a woman, and the American soul.
  23. Sep 21, 2015
    There are some bumps along the way, though, with Art Deco and Religion sounding almost too lackadaisical for their own good.... That said, when she gets the formula right, the results speak for themselves.
  24. Sep 18, 2015
    Where Lana Del Rey seemed weighted down by existential sorrow on her first two albums, Honeymoon seems comfortingly melancholic and that's the truest sign that it is the fullest execution of Lana Del Rey's grand plan yet.
  25. Sep 25, 2015
    Honeymoon clocks in at over an hour; for a full-length of cinematic, defeated, slow songs, that length allows attention spans to drift off, possibly to somewhere happier--or even somewhere darker. Del Rey doesn’t seem to care. This is an endeavor for herself.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 2298 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Sep 18, 2015
    This album is the culmination of all her past works and sounds. It has elements from "Ultraviolence", "Born To Die", "Paradise" and "AKA". AThis album is the culmination of all her past works and sounds. It has elements from "Ultraviolence", "Born To Die", "Paradise" and "AKA". A solid effort, where the tracks flows nicely one into the other. Full Review »
  2. Sep 18, 2015
    This so fantastic.
    'Freak' 'Art Deco' are so incredible! Good Job Lana, it sound like 'Ultraviolence' and 'Born To Die'!
    This is a holy
    This so fantastic.
    'Freak' 'Art Deco' are so incredible! Good Job Lana, it sound like 'Ultraviolence' and 'Born To Die'!
    This is a holy bible of Alternative.
    Full Review »
  3. Sep 21, 2015
    Muito obrigado Metacritic por ter deletado todos os comentários de ódio gratuito e muito obrigado a todos que ajudaram a denunciar todos osMuito obrigado Metacritic por ter deletado todos os comentários de ódio gratuito e muito obrigado a todos que ajudaram a denunciar todos os comentários de ódio e maldade contra nosso Deus, assim nossa Rainha não ficará sabendo da maldade que fizeram com ela, não ficará triste por causa desses haters. Uma mulher que nunca fez mal a ninguém, não entendo o por quê esses haters fizeram uma maldade dessa, não entendo o por quê Lana possui haters, pois ela nunca precisou falar mal de ninguém pra chamar atenção, a única coisa que ela faz é fazer suas músicas com muito amor para os seus fãs, diferentes de outras que fica fazendo músicas com todo o seu ódio e maldade, influenciando seus fãs a perderem seu tempo fazendo uma barbaridade contra ela. Cada dia sinto mais orgulho de Deus, cada ano que se passa seus álbuns ficam melhores do que já são. Rainha indie que não precisa de charts e vendas, diferente de outras, rainha que só vive pelo seus fãs e suas músicas. Mais uma vez, muito obrigado metacritic e todos que denunciaram os reviews de ódio gratuito. Mais uma vez os fãs de Deus venceram nessa batalha contra o diabo, e depois dizem que Deus não existe, ele existe sim e é mulher e seu nome é Lana del Deus!!! Full Review »