
Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Aug 21, 2015
    It’s what an Australian rock record, at least one made by four men, should sound like in 2015.
  2. Aug 20, 2015
    Thank goodness High has been let loose at last: this feels like one of those truly habit-forming, again-and-again pleasures.
  3. 90
    With this raw collection of songs, Royal Headache have bared themselves to the world, and it's enthralling.
  4. 90
    With High, they’ve recorded an almost perfect 30 minutes of indie-punk. There’s no flabbiness, no million-dollar production that adds nothing to the songs, no bloated guitar lines or pointless drum fills and nothing that even comes close to seeming in any way meaningless.
  5. Aug 18, 2015
    Needless to say, despite its seemingly slight 29-minute length, High packs in more than enough ideas, hooks and moments of pure emotion that it will not wear out anytime soon.
  6. Aug 20, 2015
    It makes for a great second album, one that holds tight to all the things that made the first one so satisfying, while adding some new wrinkles that only serve to improve things. Try as you might, you're not likely to find too many albums in 2015 that rock as hard or bleed as much as High.
  7. Aug 19, 2015
    Easy on the ears, heavy on the heart and definitely worth the wait, High will leave you feeling as such.
  8. Aug 18, 2015
    They offer a survey of rock’s history, but their take is revisionist.
  9. Aug 18, 2015
    Royal Headache have taken steps forward since their last album--they’ve cleaned up their production and diversified their songwriting. Ultimately, though, the important bits are intact: the passion, the power, and the hooks that demand being shouted joyfully.
  10. Sep 22, 2015
    Royal Headache's execution is so straightforwardly 1977 that it almost teeters on generic garage-rock pastiche. The saving grace is this album's undeniable heart and soul.
  11. Uncut
    Aug 27, 2015
    Royal Headache's second album oscillates between slightly unconvincing punk throwback and much more effective complex numbers. [Oct 2015, p.81]
  12. Aug 19, 2015
    The standard narrative is that a band’s second record reflects experience, wisdom or moderation, and High has a bit of that in a larger and more managed sound.
  13. Aug 19, 2015
    Royal Headache show sublime restraint with High, delivering on the romantic promise of their fantastically unhinged 2011 self-titled debut.

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