
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Sep 29, 2011
    Heritage isn't the type of record to blow away one's mind upon first listen; it takes time to grow in its complexities.
  2. Sep 20, 2011
    Heritage has some strong predecessors to live up to. But it will surely be seen as one of their most accomplished works in years to come.
  3. Sep 20, 2011
    The Swedes' 10th album, Heritage, is a brave, melancholic and often beautiful heavy rock record that revels in the warm, analogue tones and shimmering mellotrons of the pre-punk 70s while still exuding a sense of wonder at new ideas.
  4. Sep 19, 2011
    Heritage, for its many excesses--and stellar conception and execution--is a brave album. It opens the door for Opeth to pursue many new directions and reinvent themselves as a band.
  5. Sep 19, 2011
    Heritage is an infinitely more audacious beast, full of jazzy noodling, serpentine guitar leads, folky introspection and general acid-drenched freakiness.
  6. Oct 11, 2011
    While the album is often indulgent, this isn't necessarily a downfall.
  7. Oct 5, 2011
    Frontman Mikael Akerfeldt's material is sunnier than usual, but still has room for synapse-stimulating musicianship.
  8. Sep 28, 2011
    They exhibit unexpected energy and rhythm.
  9. Sep 27, 2011
    It's a pretty, well-thought out collection--but for all the ideas and layers, Heritage feels somewhat empty.
  10. Kerrang!
    Sep 29, 2011
    It's an album that succeeds on its own terms but if it really does mark the effective end of Opeth as a metal band, that will remain our loss. [Sept 17 2011, p.50]
  11. Uncut
    Sep 23, 2011
    On Heritage, [they're] jettisoning practically all trace of heavy whatsoever. [Oct 2011, p.86
  12. Q Magazine
    Sep 21, 2011
    Drifting, dreamy and at times, driving, it's further proof of the Swede's eclecticism. [Oct 2011, p.120]
  13. Sep 20, 2011
    There is really nothing bad about what Opeth have presented us here, but after ten full lengths they're starting to develop a moderate case of Dream Theater syndrome, although obviously less self-indulgent.
  14. Sep 20, 2011
    Akerfeldt should be praised for breaking free of an often repetitive genre--there's nothing wrong with radical reinvention. But this departure didn't need to be quite so lacklustre.
  15. Jan 5, 2012
    The record's ADD can be felt with every unbridged leap between ideas to its shocking lack of transitions, and the whole time there is this pervading sense that Heritage doesn't really have anything to say at all.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 46 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 46
  2. Negative: 2 out of 46
  1. Feb 12, 2012
    In my opinion, this is the best album they have in what refers to sound quality. Even the bass guitar, the keyboard and all its sound effectsIn my opinion, this is the best album they have in what refers to sound quality. Even the bass guitar, the keyboard and all its sound effects sound cleaner and and more powerful than ever. It's a masterpiece. Full Review »
  2. Sep 27, 2011
    Even though there's no death metal on here, this might easily become my favourite Opeth album! After the first listen, all the doubt I hadEven though there's no death metal on here, this might easily become my favourite Opeth album! After the first listen, all the doubt I had before was washed away and I loved it! Sure, there's some spots where a growl would have fitted perfectly, but the album is heavy as hell even without enormous distortion and death metal growls. Full Review »
  3. Dec 10, 2011
    Opeth has tried something completely different here, and I commend them for it. No other metal band would be able to make such drastic changesOpeth has tried something completely different here, and I commend them for it. No other metal band would be able to make such drastic changes to their album. It's a good album, but it just isn't like their previous albums enough. There are moments in the album (plenty of the things) where death metal elements (especially the death growls Akerfeldt is so skilled at) would fit perfectly. I just hope that they don't carry on in this fashion, as I will eventually lose interest if they did. I was so close to giving it a 7/10, but a few of the tracks are great (just missing the death metal stuff). I'd only recommend to die hard Opeth fans, or people who are into more experimental music. Full Review »