• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: May 8, 2012
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 36 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 36
  2. Negative: 8 out of 36
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  1. Jul 18, 2012
    Amy Heidennman definitely has the vocal prowess to give this album a good sense of talent, however, the way she spits out rhymes is kind of creepy and spoils the song at times. The other half of Karmin, Nick Noonan, has a good voice and he should have sang more in the EP. The song Coming Up Strong features Nick singing, but Amy just has to ruin the beauty of the song with her freakshowAmy Heidennman definitely has the vocal prowess to give this album a good sense of talent, however, the way she spits out rhymes is kind of creepy and spoils the song at times. The other half of Karmin, Nick Noonan, has a good voice and he should have sang more in the EP. The song Coming Up Strong features Nick singing, but Amy just has to ruin the beauty of the song with her freakshow rap. Another track ruined by Amy's rapping style is I'm Just Sayin'. But the album is not all bad. The production is very radio-friendly and has some catchy hooks. Brokenhearted showcases Amy as a vocally powerful talent. The song is also very, very catchy. And her rap is not exactly horrible in the song. Walking on The Moon has an adorable hook and the title track is highly danceable. The production is the main highlight of the album. While Amy's voice is another. Karmin needs to make more tracks like Brokenhearted. Songs that are energetic and fun and not full of freaky rapping. HIGHLIGHTS: Brokenhearted, I Told You So, Walking On The Moon. SONGS THAT ARE TO BE SKIPPED: I'm Just Sayin', Coming Up Strong. Expand
  2. Aug 4, 2012
    As their EP's breakthrough lead single, "Brokenhearted", can exemplify, Karmin are charismatic and capable of making irresistible pop melodies, however, the rest of Hello focuses on catapulting lead vocalist Amy as a rapper, which turns out to be the EP - and this duo's - biggest downfall. Lyrical content is underwhelming and often laughable, as proven in its second single "I Told You So".As their EP's breakthrough lead single, "Brokenhearted", can exemplify, Karmin are charismatic and capable of making irresistible pop melodies, however, the rest of Hello focuses on catapulting lead vocalist Amy as a rapper, which turns out to be the EP - and this duo's - biggest downfall. Lyrical content is underwhelming and often laughable, as proven in its second single "I Told You So". Let's hope criticism steers this Sonny and Cher-wannabe couple into the right direction. Expand
  3. Jul 29, 2012
    Like pretty much everyone else I first heard about this duo through their YouTube videos, and even though I never subscribed to their channel I liked the few videos I did see. Still it wasn't until their impressive performance on SNL that I really began to take interest. I forgot about them for a while but then after seeing a video about how much Brokenhearted sucks compared to the restLike pretty much everyone else I first heard about this duo through their YouTube videos, and even though I never subscribed to their channel I liked the few videos I did see. Still it wasn't until their impressive performance on SNL that I really began to take interest. I forgot about them for a while but then after seeing a video about how much Brokenhearted sucks compared to the rest of the album, I figured I'd give this a listen. ---

    Walking on the Moon: The music's good but that and the solid lovestruck chorus are ruined by the verses which are just filler bragging & as a result the whole song just feels unfocused, misleading & annoying. 6/10. --- Brokenhearted: Probably the most generic pop song here. It's catchy & all but nothing special. 5/10. --- I Told You So: One of my favorites from this album. The rapping especially is some of the most impressive here. My one complaint is that hearing this version was a let-down after hearing the version with more emphasis on guitar & drums on the SNL performance. Still, it's a good one. 7/10. --- Too Many Fish: This song just annoys me because 1) it's annoyingly repetitive, and 2) the whole "fish in the sea" metaphor is just driven into the ground so much it loses effect quickly. The whole thing just reminds me of Single Ladies. Nuff said. 4/10. --- I'm Just Sayin: Most of the same compliments I gave I Told You So can also be applied here. Everything about it just works, especially the more personal lyrics. 8/10. --- Coming Up Strong: First of all this is this only track here where Nick sings lead, and I really hope that happens more often in the future since he's got a good voice. The track continues lyrically in the same vein as I'm Just Sayin while also taking away some of its mildly obnoxious elements that kept it from being a 9. This is my favorite track from here. I wish for tracks here felt this sincere. It just takes all of Karmin's potential and magnifies it more than any other song here, and I hope they go more in this direction for their next album. 9/10. --- Hello: This isn't produced by David Guetta but it sounds like every David Guetta song ever, right down to the way it builds up to the chorus, which is an embarrassing "homage" to Smells Like Teen Spirit and also sounds exactly like that Evacuate the Dancefloor song from a few years back. Again, nuff said. Not a good way to end the album at all. 3/10. --- Overall this album shows potential but there's a little too much label influence to call it a complete success. --- Favorites: I Told You So, I'm Just Sayin', Coming Up Strong.
    Least favorites: Brokenhearted, Too Many Fish, Hello.
  4. Jul 11, 2013
    I had liked Brokenhearted when it first got released but once I heard the whole EP that was the only song I think I would buy from it. There was a ton of rap in it which I guess I should've expected but it wasn't my kind of rap that I generally favor. Not my kind of album. Best tracks in my opinion: Brokenhearted, Hello

Mixed or average reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 4
  2. Negative: 2 out of 4
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    May 30, 2012
    Their debut delivers seven tracks of adorkable hip-pop originals. [11 May 2012, p.67]
  2. May 30, 2012
    There's always a sense that she and Noonan believe they're lowering themselves to sing pop music, that they are better, smarter, funnier than the music they're making...and that alienating smug entitlement is impossible to shake even when the productions are appealing, as they are through half of Hello.
  3. May 30, 2012
    On its official debut, Karmin sidesteps creative expectations by simply sounding like every other pop act going.