• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jan 8, 2021

Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Jan 13, 2021
    Heaux Tales unfurls a patchwork of origins, outcomes, thrills, and disasters of coital indulgence in her most cohesive work to date. Sullivan strategically activates her regal voice with stories that are sharp, intimate, and addictive.
  2. Jan 4, 2022
    She fills her brazen concept album with shared experiences to fully encompass what it means to be a Black woman dealing with love and relationships. Every tale might not apply to every listener, but Sullivan guarantees no experience is left unrepresented.
  3. Jan 13, 2021
    Heaux Tales is a provocative return for Sullivan that showcases her incredible knack for storytelling.
  4. Jan 12, 2021
    Jazmine Sullivan makes her Everest-like task look deceptively simple. A woman speaking her truth in poetic, soulful fashion, ‘Heaux Tales’ could be her defining chapter.
  5. Jan 12, 2021
    Sullivan is often overlooked as the R&B master she is, but her latest project displays the vocal range of legends before her, demonstrating her ability to capture the qualms of life and love relevant to the realities of dating in the age of the internet.
  6. Jan 12, 2021
    Though brief, with a runtime of just over 30-minutes, the EP shows Sullivan crafting a complete constellation of love and loss.
  7. Jan 12, 2021
    Spoken-word “tales” from six women — confessions and hard-earned observations — are followed by songs that flesh them out as character studies. (Although the spoken-word tracks get some accompaniment from electronic beats and gospel organ, the songs alone stand up far better to repeated listening.)
  8. Jan 15, 2021
    Heaux Tales doesn't have the heft of Fearless, Love Me Back, or Reality Show, but few contemporary R&B LPs twice its length are as substantive.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 48 out of 55
  2. Negative: 2 out of 55
  1. Mar 6, 2022
    It's very ambitious about the storytelling through the album, but the songs are not so catchy.
  2. Jan 30, 2022
    Out of the blue, Jazmine Sullivan takes us into a world of dirty money, heartbreaking affairs, and empowering anthems with a unique point ofOut of the blue, Jazmine Sullivan takes us into a world of dirty money, heartbreaking affairs, and empowering anthems with a unique point of view. It’s truthful, personal, and deeply moving. If the only bad side could be how short it is, it doesn’t remove anything from how great of an album it is. Full Review »
  3. Dec 23, 2021
    A wonderful project that is carefully constructed and put together. Jazmine once again effortlessly shows her vocal ability and steps outsideA wonderful project that is carefully constructed and put together. Jazmine once again effortlessly shows her vocal ability and steps outside of her usual production box. The story line and message is nonchalant and just badass! Full Review »