• Record Label: Mute
  • Release Date: Mar 23, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Goldfrapp’s skill at adopting and fully embodying different styles is what makes them distinctive, not necessarily one signature sound. If the album seems somewhat slight, it’s purposefully so: Head First is a love letter to the frothy, fleeting, but very vital joys of pop music.
  2. At an economic 38 minutes and free of anything in the slightest bit terrible, you should welcome Head First like the first sun of spring, know it inside out by the time the band are slaying festival crowds mid-summer and possibly buying copies to give to close friends and family at Christmas.
  3. As Will Gregory's superimposed sonic backgrounds flit by like the green-screen projections of some fickle, seemingly opportunist sci-fi magician, singer and namesake Alison Goldfrapp's voice--ethereal, otherworldly, but always human--remains a constant variable, the cord that connects all of Goldfrapp's disparate, but equally captivating, incarnations.
  4. 80
    On Head First, the singer's bandmate-producer Will Gregory creates a pitch-perfect neon-lit '80s wonderland with Hi-NRG bass lines and plenty of that fat synth sound made famous by Van Halen's "Jump."
  5. Mojo
    Remarkably, the bold, full-on cheese works, because this is an album of classic pop. [Apr 2010, p.93]
  6. If the album seems somewhat slight, it’s purposefully so: Head First is a love letter to the frothy, fleeting, but very vital joys of pop music.
  7. Only "Shiny and Warm," a dark-disco burner, recalls the sootier allure of their early stuff; otherwise, ?this is pure Xanadu camp.
  8. It’s one of the most unabashed love letters to anthemic ’80s synth-pop ever laid to hard disc....If that sounds like an unappealing clarion call from a dark musical period that you’re still trying to forget, this isn’t the album for you. But for those of us who weren’t beaten up by Harold Faltermeyer in a dream, Head First is a wondrous piece of creative anachronism.
  9. For a band that has proven itself to be fearless, the idea of becoming hopelessly devoted to adult contemporary-friendly dance music is either the bravest--or craziest--move of its decade-long career.
  10. Let's be clear about this: Head First is by no means a bad record, with its lush pop gloss and flickers of melodic loveliness. But it is a bad Goldfrapp record, their flimsiest and least adventurous yet.
  11. There are a couple of occasions when Goldfrapp's new relaxed attitude shades into lazy songwriting: Dreaming and Hunt are bland. But overall Head First is skilful pop designed for adults.
  12. There's plenty of highly stylized fun to be had here. Just don't expect to remember many of the details when it's all over.
  13. Lovely moments abound, but the overall effect is less intoxicating.
  14. As both a concept and an insular set of songs, it works. But for an act that’s always found its footing in the future, it’s puzzling that the duo find their present rooted so firmly in the past.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 45
  2. Negative: 2 out of 45
  1. Nov 3, 2010
    An amazing album, I love and have played some of the songs in this album way too much. I usually don't like pop sounding albums but GoldfrappAn amazing album, I love and have played some of the songs in this album way too much. I usually don't like pop sounding albums but Goldfrapp manages to make their sounds so original and well crafted I just can't help but to love them. Full Review »
  2. Tris
    Mar 23, 2010
    This is the first Goldfrapp album I haven't enjoyed at all. Making a tribute to corny 80's pop music results only in more corny This is the first Goldfrapp album I haven't enjoyed at all. Making a tribute to corny 80's pop music results only in more corny 80's music. Full Review »
  3. Dec 18, 2016
    Goldfrapp didn't make a synthpop album because everybody else was doing so, they did it to show them how it's done.
    It may lack the power of
    Goldfrapp didn't make a synthpop album because everybody else was doing so, they did it to show them how it's done.
    It may lack the power of 'Supernature' and the beauty of 'Seventh Tree', but it doesn't lack in fun. It's a slickly produced retro-feeling record. It'll impress the older generation for it's nostalgia, and captivate the younger.
    A fine effort indeed.
    Full Review »